"I'm so glad we decided to take this break!" Dante says in relief, taking in a spoonful of mint Oreo milkshake. The group of 3 walk down a sidewalk, soaking in the sun and enjoying their sweet treats.
"Mmm," Katelyn hums, swallowing her drink, "don't get used to it."
Travis smiles and scratches the back of his head. "This was really kind for you to do Katelyn."
Katelyn furrows her eyes in surprise, but smiles.
"What can I say? You guys are my team!"
"Oh!" Travis exclaims, pulling out his phone quickly, nearly spilling his shake, and rapidly tapping buttons on the screen.
"We need costumes guys!" Travis comments, showing his phone screen to the others. There's an email saying they should start preparing costumes for their competition.
"Shit! Already?" Katelyn asks, nearly spitting out the shake.
Travis nods. Dante's eyes just widen and they all stop walking.
"W..What? Did I do something wrong?" Travis asks.
"Travis! You just reminded of us something we almost completely forgot!"
Katelyn immediately gets on her phone and looks up a company that makes dance outfits. Dante and Travis study her as she determinedly scrolls through her phone. She smiles and sends them the website address through text.
"A costume company? Where'd you find this?" Travis asks, scrolling through the website on his phone.
"I don't want to get costumes other people have had before, so I ask a lady to make them! Her name is Cadenza!" Katelyn explains.
The two boys nod and put there phones away and Dante looks at Travis with a smirk. He punches his shoulder and clears his throat,
"Man, I really have to pee right now! You two stay here and I'll uh you know, do my business!"
Dante winks before booking it to a different area. He finds a spot where he's hidden, but also where he can hit on some girls because... that's Dante. He's weird. Katelyn snorts after witnessing Dante run off.
"Poor guy must've really had to go, huh?" Katelyn comments, sharing a small moment of laughter with Travis. Travis blushes at her laughter, so goofy yet so adorable. He can't imagine her with a different laugh, the laugh she had was just perfect to him. The two continue walking and Travis speaks up.
"So um, you excited for the competition?"
Katelyn nods.
"Yeah definitely it's just.. it's stressful trying to help students taking theater and work on dancing for a competition."
"Oh! Yeah! What show are you working on?"
Katelyn looks to Travis, surprised that he actually seems to care.
"The Wizard Of Oz! I'm very excited!"
"Ooh! Sounds exciting! The students must be really lucky to have you as a teacher!"
Katelyn blushes and rubs her arm. Travis notices what he said and a blush also grows on his cheeks.
"Thank you, Travis. That's really kind.."
"Well it's true!"
"Alrighty you two!" Dante pops out of nowhere, clasping his hands together and putting his arms around them.
Katelyn smiles softly at Travis and the three continue walking.
"Alrighty guys! Sorry I had Katelyn fill in for me for a few days! I've been really busy with family meeting stuff!" Melissa apologizes, entering Zane and Kawaii Chan's dance room. She sets down her dance stuff and sets her hands on her hips.
"What'd Katelyn tell you and have you guys work on?"
"An escape room!" Kawaii Chan exclaims, her ears perking up and her smiling.
"Hmm.. interesting.. Oh! I get it! It's like a partner exercise!"
Kawaii Chan nods and Zane just shrugs. Melissa lets them finish their stretching and plugs in her phone for music. She plays the song they had picked and has the two stand up.
"Okay.. so.. we need you, Zane, to act pained in the beginning and Kawaii Chan, you need to act as if you keep reaching out to him! You've been over some of the choreography with Katelyn, but we need you two to really seem connected! Okay?"
"It's difficult though," Zane comments.
"That's okay, it'll be difficult, but you'll get it! Just go through the dance and it'll get better as we practice more and more."
Truth is, the dance didn't get any better as it went on. Kawaii Chan is supposed to wrap her arms around Zane like she's draping over him and Zane is supposed to be less tense. Zane always tenses up more and Kawaii Chan just feels awkward. Melissa didn't want to give up on them yet, but.. what was she supposed to do?
"So, Garroth, how's Laurance? Still playing soccer?" Garte asks, picking up a piece of macaroni and eating it.
Garroth clears his throat and nods,
"Uh Yeah! Yeah."
Zane looks up from his plate to look at Garroth who is now focusing on the ground. Garte hums in response and nods.
"So GarGar! You have a girlfriend yet?" Zianna asks sweetly.
Garroth nearly chokes on his food before chugging down on some water and he shakes his head. Zane's eyes lower in response to his older brother's reaction. 'Is he okay?' Zane wonders. Garroth grabs a napkin and covers his mouth.
"That's alright sweetheart! I understand if work and dance are your main focus!" Zianna pats his shoulder. They all continue to eat in silence until,
"What about you Zuzu?"
Zane also nearly chokes on his food and Garroth snorts. Vylad covers his smile with his hand and Zane scratches his head and clears his throat.
"Nope.. No I don't," Now it's Zane's turn to look down as he drinks a glass of water.
"Oooo, but he sure is getting close to a Meifwa, Kawaii Chan~"
Zane chokes again, but this time nearly spits out his water. He punches Garroth's arm before speaking up,
"We are dance partners! That's all!"
"Mhmmm, but nobody knows what happens behind those closed doo-"
Suddenly Zane slams his foot on top of Garroth's causing Garroth's knee to hit the table. The food on the table bounces up a little and the table shakes.
Zane snorts at Garroth and Zianna shakes her head.
"You boys stop arguing and eat your food," Zianna demands, but giggles shortly after.
Sorry this chapter was short. There might be a small break on this story because I'm on vacation until Sunday! I also need to think more on this story to get more inspiration and ideas! Thanks for reading, I'll be back soon!
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