"I can't believe we're doing this," Zane comments, stepping out of Katelyn's car, Kawaii Chan following from behind. Katelyn rolls her eyes and sets her keys in her pocket; she leads her two friends into the building. They meet a friendly looking lady and the counter who smiles brightly.
"Hello, I'm Anna!" She greets, pointing to her name tag on the left side of her chest. "How can I help you this lovely evening!"
Katelyn smiles at the blonde haired lady and replies,
"Well my friends here are booked for the escape room!"
The lady nods and walks around the counter, leading them to a door that has in bright letters,
Escape Room!
"Now here's the rules: No bags, phones, cameras, pens, or papers can be brought with you; do not vandalize the rooms, if clues are found, please set them on a desk; if you break rules, we will stop the game! Please sign this waiver!" The lady hands Zane and Kawaii Chan a waiver and they both sign it. They turn in their items to her and turn to Katelyn.
"Alrighty! Have fun!" Katelyn says, walking away.
Anna opens the first door and sends Zane and Kawaii Chan inside before letting herself out and locking the door behind her.
"So...," Zane starts, looking around, "where do we begin?"
" Kawaii Chan doesn't know."
Zane shrugs and starts looking around the room. It looks like a bedroom setting. There is a bed in the corner of the room with a white mattress, there's a bookshelf in one corner, a table in the middle, a lamp, a desk, and of course the door leading to the other room.
Kawaii Chan notices a shoe at the corner of the room containing a slip of paper buried under the shoe laces. She grins and picks up the shoe.
"Zane Kun! Kawaii Chan found one!"
Zane turns to look over at Kawaii Chan and makes his way over to her.
"It says...,"
" Once was useful, once was fun, entertained the bored souls. Now usually found lost in the dust."
"This doesn't make any sense to Kawaii Chan." Kawaii Chan shakes her head and scratches her ear before taking a seat on the bed. Zane takes the note and hums to himself, thinking what the note could possibly mean. His face scrunches up slightly and he stares around the room.
"Lost.. in the dust.."
"Zane Kun, what is something that used to be both useful and entertaining, but is now found in dust?" Kawaii Chan questions, looking up to Zane. Suddenly she watches his face change to one of realization. His face turns quickly, his bangs quickly flying up, nearly revealing his hidden eye. He's now facing the bookshelf and walking towards it.
"Whoever wrote this sucks at clues," Zane comments, tracing the books with his fingers until something suspicious catches his eyes. He just collects more and more dust on his finger.
"Zane Kun! Wait!" Kawaii Chan stands up and leans down to the lower part of the bookshelf, picking up a bright colored book found in the lower corner.
"Lost in dust huh?"
"Must've been a deceiving clue! Trying to trick us!" Kawaii Chan states, giggling a little. Zane hums in consideration and leans down to where Kawaii Chan is leaning. She opens the book and finds a key.
"Yes!" Kawaii Chan cheers. She stands up quickly and unlocks the door, smiling brightly as it works and they enter the next room.
They both walk in and take a look at this room. The room seems to have a nice supply of important items and a button in the middle of the room with a note. This note reads,
Click this button and the day will become night. Don't forget a flashlight. It's up at a high height. You're going to want to use your sight. You can not escape unless you press this button.
"Kawaii Chan, no!"
It was too late, she hit the button and the room went pitch black. Suddenly a loud shriek was heard and Zane sighed. Kawaii Chan looks around panicked, and looks around.
"Zane Kun! Where are you?" Kawaii Chan asks, panicked.
"I'm right here. Calm down. We need to find the flashlight."
Zane walks around, reaching around to search is surroundings. Kawaii Chan does the same and looks up when she thinks she reached a shelf. She stands on her toes and reaches upward, feeling around for anything, but she's just not tall enough. She dares to take a step on the bookshelf and hoists the rest of her body upwards. Zane follows the sound of Kawaii Chan.
"What are you doing?"
"One second Zane Kun! Kawaii Chan thinks she found something!"
Zane walks until he thinks he senses her presence. Kawaii Chan feels her finger brush something and she moves up one more step.
"Getting closer.."
As she takes her step, her tail gets in the way. She squeals as her hand slams a button and she falls. The lights turn on right in time for Zane to catch her and Kawaii Chan is extremely grateful for this. The two of them look over to notice an open door in the room and Zane puts Kawaii Chan down.
"I didn't here this door open," Zane comments. He looks over to Kawaii Chan and her eyebrows furrow. The two of them walk towards the door and Kawaii Chan picks up a note.
Little did you know, the door had opened the moment the light switched off.
"Hey!" Kawaii Chan exclaims feeling annoyed.
"Huh, that was actually a pretty good trick," Zane replies, though he looks unimpressed.
The two make it into a different, bigger room. It looks like a whole museum was fit into this room. It was decorated in paintings and sculptures, a giant red carpet with a white rose in the middle of it, and mirrors. Kawaii Chan immediately began to search the area and she smiled at the pretty pictures of women in gardens or with their families. There were a lot of garden themed pictures here.
Zane strolls over to Kawaii Chan's side and looks at a picture that's caught her eye.
"Um what are you looking at?"
Kawaii Chan giggles and doesn't move her eyes.
"This photo has a patch of Kawaii Chan's favorite flowers.. Kawaii Chan thought these were beautiful..." Kawaii Chan answers.
Zane looks at the painting again and he will admit. The flowers are beautiful. They have a beautiful mixture of blues, violets, lilacs, and pinks. In the middle of the picture is a young girl with a bright white dress and long blonde hair, but it's just the back of her.
"What kind of flowers are they?"
"Dahlias. Kawaii Chan's grandma used to have them around her house. She passed away when Kawaii Chan was young, but they remind Kawaii Chan of her grandma!"
Zane smiles warmly, though his mask covers his mouth. Suddenly he gets an idea.
"The flowers! They are everywhere! That's a hint!"
Kawaii Chan snaps out of her thoughts and smiles brightly, nodding. She almost forgot the point of being there already. She follows Zane as he heads towards a flower pot of fake roses and sees a small note with a key.
Move along.
"That was.. easy?" Zane questions, taking the key and going towards a door which looks like an exit. Kawaii Chan follows, but notices a small door and lifts an eyebrow.
"Hey Zane Kun...? Maybe the key goes to this.." Kawaii Chan mentions. Zane hums as a questioning response and turns around to walk towards the smaller door. He leans down on one knee and inserts the key to the door, turning it and watching it open. There's a small lit up tunnel and the two eye each other before returning their gazes to the tunnel.
"Kawaii Chan will go down there!" Kawaii Chan decides, leaning down and making her way through the small tunnel. She enters another room (much smaller than previously) and realizes there isn't a door in this one.
"Zane Kun, there's another room over here!" Kawaii Chan says.
"Oh, I guess I'll go over there."
"There's no door here. Kawaii Chan thinks she can figure this out. There's a puzzle."
"I'm still going."
Zane enters the small room and notices a giant mixed up puzzle on the wall.
"Hmmm," Kawaii Chan hums, putting her hand on a piece of the puzzle and moving it over to fit with another piece.
"Doesn't look too hard," Zane says, shrugging.
"Yeah!" Kawaii Chan agrees.
Ten minutes pass and they finally have the puzzle solved. It told them where the key was and apparently it was in a vase. Zane picks up a vase with a flower designed on it and picks out a key. Kawaii Chan smiles and giggles.
"We did a great job!" Kawaii Chan cheers.
"Yeah... yeah we did!" Zane responds.
The two exit the small room and enter the next room. The two of them go through two more rooms, working together, getting somewhat frustrated with each other, or just making small talk. They finally get out and Anne is outside the door, smiling.
"Thanks for playing in the escape room!" Anne says.
"Room? Ma'am, there were more rooms than just one," Zane comments.
"Hmm.. I guess you're right!"
They return the keys to Anne and they exit the building. Zane messages Katelyn and Katelyn responds saying she's on her way. In the meantime, both of them take a seat on a bench outside of the building.
"Kawaii Chan actually had fun in there," Kawaii Chan says, looking to the side to smile at Zane.
"Surprisingly.. I did too," Zane replies, laughing softly in both disbelief and amusement.
"Kawaii Chan is sorry she fell on you.. by the way." Kawaii Chan blushes a little and Zane smiles back, though his smile hides beneath the mask.
"Oh no.. it's okay. I'm used to it at this point."
Kawaii Chan giggles and Zane feels a strange fluttering of some kind in his stomach. Zane looks down at his shoes and doesn't notice Kawaii Chan's staring.
"Hey Zane Kun, what's the mask for?" Kawaii Chan asks breaking the short silence.
"W..What?" Zane asks, looking back up to face her.
"O-Oh.. Kawaii Chan wasn't trying to be rude!"
"Oh.. no.. no, I just didn't expect that question. I just.. like the mask.. it covers what I don't want to be seen by others," Zane replies, looking away.
"And What is Zane Kun hiding exactly?" Kawaii Chan asks teasingly, she leans in with a smile and pokes his cheek through his mask.
Zane scoots back.
"Gah! N-Nothing! Get away from me!"
Kawaii Chan giggles again and moves back. She puts her hair up into a short ponytail, getting too warm from the sun shining on her. The two sit in silence for a while longer and suddenly a honk is heard. Katelyn waves at them through the car window and the two hop into the vehicle.
"So... how'd it go?" Katelyn asks, looking st them before driving.
"Oh, wouldn't you like to know.." Zane responds sarcastically.
Kawaii Chan can't help but silently giggle at this answer considering her and Zane had a great time. She looks down to hide her smiling face and Katelyn shakes her head.
"Seriously! I spent so much money for that! You didn't even like it! Do not make me kick you out of this car, I'll do it right now!" Katelyn yells. She yells at Zane throughout the whole car ride only to get sarcastic remarks from him, making her more and more infuriated. Even throughout all of the arguing, Kawaii Chan can't help herself from falling asleep.
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