Heartless Training
"In order for you to become useful in this world now, you need to give me 110, you worthless souls. The only way for you to get up the ranks and not stay as a pointless worthless shadow. You got that?"
"Sir yes sir"
"I can't hear you...."
Entry 1: The second we entered the training was the only calm moment we had. They gave us names based on our heart's rank. They called me 2B17 and they called the boy 1C23. We were in different squadrons but we would always stay together during lunch and talk about how the day went.
Entry 25: Training consists of many things:
Shadow: We would have to take control of a regular heartless shadow and learn how to do basic attacks and use our surroundings to crawl against objects in a two dimension form.
Ground-emblem: We would learn how to use the objects around us to take into a different form and do more advanced attacks.
Aero-emblem: Not only did we take form of surrounding objects, we would also have to learn to fly and do more advanced attack strategies.
Darkball: We would take form of a Darkball heartless and learn how to appear and reappear with the will-o-wisp technique.
Invisible: One of the hardest normal heartless to be. In order to master this type of heartless, we had to learn to use advanced sword techniques, learn how to emit energy from our sword, and learn how to vanish and curse those around us.
Entry 52: So far since training has started it has lasted a long time because I couldn't really tell time in the Realm of Darkness, no one could. Their was nothing to show what time it was except from how many times entry we put. All we knew was that it was always dark, the only light came from the fact that the floors were white and that some heartless can illuminate light around us.
Entry 63: So far me and 1C23 have been spending alot of time together and we have become really good friends. We talk about training and actually have pretty good laughs on the funny things that happen. One time, there was one person in my squardron that instead of turning in to a wyvern from the picture he turnes into the picture itself. One time, in his squardon, one person became a Darkball and tried to become a wisp but couldn't so he started doing these rapid movements everywhere and knocked everyone else down. The commander said that its a pretty good strategy so we started practicing that instead. It was nice actually having a friend, if only I knew who he was before our hearts were taken.
Entry 68: Today was normal except for the fact there was a fight today. According to others, 1C23 got in a fight with someone in his squadron because the other guy called him weak. Supposedly, they were doing runs in the obstacle course and the one guy pushed him and said "Come on man I thought you were faster than that" then 1C23 said, "Don't worry, I'll catch up"
"Are you sure you got the heart for it?"
I guess that really ticked him off because the next second they started fighting. They were doing Aero-emblem training as Wyverns so none of the ground-emblem commanders can stop them. Then, one of the huge Darkside guards seperated them and where sent away. They recieved the mushroom penalty which is to remain a ground-emblem mushroom until further notice.
I heard he was going to be sent to my squadron so I was excited. Even if he is a mushroom, we can still find a way to have fun. Ugh... I wonder why he has so much anger within him, it doesn't make sense. Well since he is now in my squadron, I think I can try to fix him.
Entry 78: Well since my last entry, I have been getting the hang of training. Before I could only dream of doing 10 fireballs as ground-emblem Defender and now I can do 20 without breaking a sweat. My commander said that soon I will be graduating training and go out and do real missions.
It was time for lunch and 1C23 was sitting alone. He used to sit with me all the time, why is he over there today? Maybe he just wants some alone time and I gave it to him.
When it was time for us to go to our dorms, I saw 1C23 sitting alone outside. I told myself "What type of friend would I be if I left him there alone?" I went with him. I sat next to him and told him "So how you been? We haven't talked much lately"
"Mitsuko, or 2B17, why are we doing this? Is this the only option we have?
"Well I don't know I think this is the only option we have right now. We are about to graduate, why don't we wait out a bit longer then do what we want?"
"Ok I guess but what then? When we graduate, what do missions mean?"
"I dont know but it's the only thing we have to go back to the outside world. We can, then, do what we want and more importantly find out who we actually are or were."
"Yeah I guess"
"So have you found out what you can do with that mushroom form?"
"Well I can teleport"
"Why dont you show me?"
"Well I haven't really worked it good though. I teleport to a location nearby but only that location. So if I teleport now, I would teleport inside boys dorm lobby for some reason."
"That is kinda weird but now you don't have to walk to your dorm." I smiled
"Haha yeah thats true" he smiled back. "I can also do these funky dance moves."
"Haha show me and Ill guess what your trying to do"
"Ok ill do a dance and say what I need"
He was right the mushroom did have these funky dance moves and for some reason this game was harder than I thought. One dance move was him shivering so I said, "Umm your shivering... so you are cold... so you need warmth... FIRE, you want fire?"
"Ya thats right, how about this?" He then started to lay down.
"Umm you're laying down, you're sleeping... no you are... playing dead... you want life... so you need... a cure... CURE?"
"Haha ya that one was hard too."
"Ya it was"
I forgot for how long we played but it seemed like forever but I didnt want it to end. I can tell we were both having fun. I havent seen 1C23 smile since the before the training. That time, we forgot about all our troubles and just decided to have fun. I knew that from that moment on, I was going to charish this moment for as long as I remember.
Entry 105 aka Graduation Day : "Even though this is my first year as a commander, I'd like to say that this group of souls will probably be the best group I will have for a long time. I know that there were some things that happened but we got through and I think the souls will come out all right and be amazing heartless in the real world."
Commander Neo wasn't the best for making a graduation speech but his words really got me pumped up to be a certified heartless. After his speech, he called out the names and we went up. When I got up, I felt like I accomplished something and for some reason I have never felt thaat feeling according to me. But when I got back down I felt like nothing happenend. I forgot how the feeling felt. I guess that's how not having a heart is, you can't maintain or remember a feeling. When I saw 1C23 go up, the feeling came back but it felt again like it was the first time. This made me want to vomit because I felt confused. Being heartless is weird.
After they called us up, they then gave specialty awards to those that performed the best with certain forms. I achieved the Wight Knight Specialty award while 1C23 got the Wyvern specialty award. According to someone people, the hardest one to get is the Shadow award because so many people can get it and the shadow is the easiest to master but not to specialize in. On the other hand, the easiest one to get is the Fat Bandit award because of how easy it was to master.
After the ceremony, we had to report to the H.A.C (Heartless Assignment Center) to recieve our squardron name, our equipment, and some paperwork.
My first assignment was a Shadow mission and it is to take over the heart of a world called Destiny Islands.
Thats part 2, stick around for more and if you haven't already check my orginal story called "The SoulReaper's Awakening", i got some inspiration from KH, plus it is a good read. Ok Catch ya later!
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