Shady's Ruthless
It was the next day, Shady was currently playing the bass.
Cain: If you had told me you were good at playing the bass I could've given you a bass as a weapon.
Shady: Attacking with music? Nah that would never work.
Music just rolled his eyes.
Frankie: Where did you get that?
Shady didn't answer as he just continued playing a song.
Shady: Load up on guns, bring your friends, it's fun to lose, and to pretend.
Nova: I smell no Teen Spirit.
Shady: Nice joke.
Mimi walked in.
Shady: Where were you?
Mimi: There were some Shadow clan members, I don't need to say more.
Shady: You used your needles?
Mimi: Yep.
Music: How do your needles work?
Mimi: I have special needles, they can't be seen unless I say so, they have a special uncutable or touchable or seeable string, example, take out your hoof.
Music pointed to Mimi.
Mimi: Don't worry, I can control how much they hurt.
Mimi threw a needle into Music's hand.
Music: I felt nothing.
Mimi: Exactly. Now as I said, there's a string you can't see, I currently have this string, and if I move it.
Mimi moved it up and Music's hand went up.
Mimi: It follows, basically like a puppet.
Music: I imagine that would help sneaking into places, and blending in, however I would see it a problem since they would start to wonder why they aren't talking.
Mimi (In Music's voice): That's another ability I have, I can do a perfect impersonation of anything.
Music's eyes widened.
Music: Can I have my hoof back now?
Mimi (Back to normal): Oh, yeah.
Nova: Hey guys, I got something for us.
They all looked at him.
Nova: There are these ponies with large bounties, some wanted dead, others alive.
Shady: I'll kill somepony.
Nova: Cool, here she is.
(Warning: This is going to be dark)
Shady looked at her picture nodded and left. After five minutes he arrived at a building, he poured gasoline all over it before entering. He saw a bunch of foals all around inside. He looked at somepony.
Shady: Hey this is where Candy Apple is?
Worker: Yes, um, are you here to adopt somepony or just talk to her?
Shady: Just talking to her.
He noticed walked up to her.
Shady: Candy Apple?
Candy: Yes?
Shady: You have a bounty on you, wanted dead.
Candy: Um... you wouldn't kill me in front of foals would you?
Shady shot her in the head and took a photo the foals screamed Shady looked at them.
Shady: It's okay, she did bad things, go to your bed while I explain this.
They all ran to their beds, Shady silently killed the workers without them noticing. Shady walked outside, he got a match and threw it at the orphanage, he heard their screams, he smiled as he walked away. He walked back to the house. He had a suitcase full of money.
Nova: Dang I could see the smoke from here, that was a little much, you could've killed her without them noticing.
Shady: What's the point? They would've never gotten adopted anyways, I'm just ending their suffering.
Nova: Well... anyways, I have another bounty.
Cain: I'll go.
Cain walked out the front door, and smiled, he was excited to kill again.
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