Chapter Ten-Power for Power
"I should assure you that Cassian didn't cause the mark on my face," I tell him as I sit down on a boulder with my wings up properly for once. It's getting easier to remember even with my muscles close to falling out of my body. My body is exhausted, but that strange something is still straining against my chest wanting release. He nods as he walks a little closer to me so we're a little more than a foot apart.
"I looked for Mor this morning." He says quietly and I swallow when his hazel eyes steady on mine. "I came to the house to wait for her and found her slinking down the stairs smelling like you." It's not a question and it's clear he'd let me avoid answering if I wanted to, but...
"She stayed with me because she got drunk and didn't want to go back to her place. I may have hit her across the head in the process." The kiss is our business. No need to make something out of nothing. Besides, Mor has known them all far longer than I have and the choice of whether to tell them should be hers. Azriel lets loose a low, quiet breath that has me wondering whether he was worried about something happening because of Mor or because of me. "Thank you, by the way. For the blankets." He nods and something about him softens.
"You can always come to me for anything. Ask for anything." He swears and moves slightly closer. Only a foot between us now.
"So...if I asked for a pile of chocolates and thick socks, you could make that happen?" A smile that has his eyes lighting up slides across his face and I give him one in return.
"A female of simple tastes."
"And you? Don't you want anything?" I ask and find I'm extremely curious as to what his answer will be. Those beautifully golden hazel eyes surf over me before steadying on my eyes once again.
"A few." He responds and my eyes roll.
"Tell me one, then." I push and that lovely light in his eyes brightens. A soft breeze ruffles his dark hair and his shadows seem to keen at the cool wave.
"There's a piano in the House of Wind." He starts and sidles a bit closer. "If you ever decide to play it, then I'd like to hear you." The smile on my face fades as I think of those shining keys that I could barely bring myself to touch.
"That may be a very long time from now," I murmur and take a breath when he's by my side. His face is smooth and impartial as he reaches up and claims a curl, tugging it lightly before letting it bounce back as if to make sure it's a curl, not a shadow.
"I can wait." He murmurs and the words take a moment to sink into my skin. It's a promise and a hope that I didn't think to have. Never looked for.
"Then it's a bargain." I agree and furrow my brows at the ink that suddenly entwines around my fingers. Not just ink, but swirls of music notes that dance across my every finger. My eyes look to the male in front of me as he nods.
"Agreements are sealed with tattoos in the Night Court. Seems the city has accepted you as one of our own." He seems pleased with the conclusion, but I'm still unsure. The tattoo, however, is beautiful. Another question comes to mind as I feel that thing between this male and I.
"What is this...connection between us?" I ask across the bond and Azriel takes a breath at the question.
"It's...a bond. A pairing made by nature, or something else, for an indeterminable reason." He shares aloud and there's something in his voice, something that he's holding back, that has me reaching for his hand. Scars that are becoming familiar slide under my hands as I hold his in one of mine.
"But you don't have this with anyone else."
"No." He answers instantly and his fingers carefully curl around mine while sunlight flashes over the blue stones that cover him. "We will never have this with anyone else."
"Does it mean anything?" I continue as our shadows twist over our connected hands and send a shiver shooting down my spine. Azriel's fingers tighten on mine.
"It means that you will always have me." Another promise. "For protection, care, warmth, everything that I have is yours." My head shakes even as I cling tighter to his hand.
"Why? I...I don't have anything to offer you. I'm nothing right now. Empty." I tell him and his lips press together while his wings flutter slightly.
"I don't want to take anything from you. What you give me when I see you smile, when I hear your laugh—" He shakes his head. "You give me more than happiness. More than joy. And while you may feel empty now, I will do anything to see you full. Give anything." I blink away my tears as my heart swells with not only his words, but the gentleness in his voice. The lack of expectancy in his eyes. The willingness to accept me as I am without a promise of anything more.
"Thank you. I...thank you." I tell him softly and we stay there for a while with our hands dancing over each other's before my stomach growls. He hums softly before taking a step back.
"Wait here." He bids and vanishes. Still restless despite the pain shrouding my entire body, I stand with a groan and work on my take off. I've barely managed to get into the air from the ground by the time Azriel reappears and guides me in a landing that has me earning soft praise that's so rare from the male to others, but seems to come often for me. He'd winnowed back to the house and reappeared with a basket overflowing with food that he set on the rock I'd been sitting on. We settle down across from one another and I work on stretching my wings, then pulling them back in, as well as shifting my other muscles. Azriel watches me expressionlessly, but with a slight glimmer in his eyes.
"We're not working you hard enough if you still have energy like this." He says softly and I huff.
"My wings are close to snapping off thanks to you and Cassian, but I can't seem to tire something inside me." He nods and I'm glad to see that I'm not just going insane.
"It's the Illyrian instinct. You'd look just like one if you didn't have the ears of High Fae." His finger coasts over the round edge of his ear while mine ducks under my curls to feel my pointed one. "You—you look more like Rhys." He smirks as if aware of what irritation the male would wreak if he heard such a thing.
"Would you tell me more about the Illyrians? Mor mentioned them, but I hardly know what they are." I request and that twinkling in his eyes fades at the question. Still, he grants my wish and goes further still when I ask more questions about the war after I eat my fill, then get back on my feet to keep practicing. I'm certain I'm nearly caught up on everything by the time the sun is cresting and can no longer move a single muscle from training. One thing, out of quite a few, sticks out at me.
"This Blood Rite for the Illyrians, are females allowed to participate?" I ask and wariness takes over his body.
"None have ever been trained well enough to be able to compete in the Blood Rite. Why?" He asks hesitantly, but I just shrug.
"Curiosity," I respond and his eyes narrow, but he says nothing. From what he's described, the Illyrian camp is enough to kill someone weak, especially with how they treat females. Still, part of that keening inside me has quieted since hearing about the Blood Rite.
"You'd be lucky to never go to the camps." He tells me as we stop beside each other near the lapping water of the lake. I hum.
"I've barely wandered out of the house. I doubt I'll be going anywhere else anytime soon." Not that I minded. Azriel's eyes glance over at me before that soft shining is back.
"You'll be able to soon. Things...come easily to you. As if you were meant for this. You're a natural flier. Almost better than Rhys at camp." He gifts me more compliments that have me blushing and looking up at the painted sky. I feel the calling to the clouds and wonder if all Illyrians feel this way. The shadows said I was freed and Azriel said I'm meant for this, perhaps they're right.
"I'll be sure to tell him you said so at dinner." I bid and glance over to see his slight grimace before I smile, then he straightens. We both turn and I nearly sigh as Rhys appears with the signature smirk on his face.
"Ears burning?" Az comments and I hum a soft laugh that has his shadows dancing.
"I came to see if my little sister is keen to try training with the best of the Illyrian males." I snort while Azriel's smirk widens.
"I already trained with Azriel." I return and the male presses his lips together slightly to keep in a wider smile. Rhys's eyes twinkle as he looks between us.
"That hurts, Kaira. I may have also left Cassian in a bar with no supervision." Azriel shakes his head, then inclines it towards me before vanishing to make sure his brother doesn't get into too much trouble. The two of us face each other fully even as my muscles groan. Rhys's eyes rove over me before his head cocks with furrowed brows. "We can train sitting down." He offers, but my head shakes. That writhing inside me is getting unbearable and I need to stand, to move. "Remember not to push yourself too hard. You are new to this."
"Are you here just to talk?" I counter. He takes a breath, then waves a hand towards me.
"Show me."
My eyes look over the land for something to use and land on the lake. Rhys moves to my side as I face it and I feel his shield slide into place just in case, then I release myself. Shadows cover the expanse of water in an instant and hold over the surface. Not a glimmer of light finds its way in. All the sunlight that was shimmering over the water a moment ago is gone, swallowed by my shadows. Then they descend into the water, writhing, dancing, flickering, so much so that the water looks like it's boiling. The surface is a mixture of black, blue, and white as my shadows splash around before I pull them back in. The edge has just been taken off that well inside me, but I barely notice. My eyes are on the lake.
"By the Mother." Rhys breathes as the water calms only for fish to float to the surface. Hundreds of fish, maybe even a thousand, float belly up with their scales shining in the sunlight. Dead. Every single one of them.
"Rhys...I'm...I'm so sorry." I can barely get the words out as we stare at the massacre. "I didn't mean to. I didn't know." Rhys blinks and I feel him turn to me.
"It's alright. The lake can be restocked. Everyone in Velaris will be more than happy to get a fish dinner tonight." He teases lightly, but my head shakes.
"How can you joke about this," I ask, shock still coursing through my body.
"Things happen. Kaira," He moves in front of me so I'm forced to meet his blue eyes tinted purple. "I did far worse when I was getting a handle on my power. If I had known what reserves you had, then I would have made training you more of a priority. You're powerful." My shadows flare at the compliment, but I'm still frozen. "It goes deeper than I thought but after I think this through, figure a few things out, I'll train you regularly."
"You can train this?" I wave my hand to the lake while staring at his face for any hint of deceit. He hesitates a moment, then something happens. He flicks a switch and uninterrupted power seems to leak from his very pores. Darkness pours out of him with winking starlight in his eyes and my shoulders lax at the sight. I let go of my shadows and they drape over me like a fine cloak, pooling on the ground a few feet around me while dancing like dark fire. Rhysand's eyes widen slightly at the sight, then a smile splits his face.
"Yes, I can train you in this. You're already better than you think, little sister." I ignore his little sister comment as I feel the well in me filling up already.
"The power, will it lessen?" I ask and his smile dims. That's answer enough.
"No. But I'll teach you how to control it. How to take the edge off to keep it at bay. As I was once taught. Trust me." He tells me and his eyes are earnest. He means it.
* * *
When it's nearly sunset, I winnow to the townhouse for dinner. Rhys and I hadn't done any more training, but I'd watched him sort out the fish situation. He'd winnowed in and out of the area to apparently keep his word to give everyone in Velaris a fish dinner. My head shakes at the thought as I limp tiredly into the dining room. Azriel is the only one who beat me here and he hums his amusement as I collapse instantly into a chair at the dinner table. He settles in the space next to me and his presence keeps my wings up even if they droop a bit more than they should.
"Here." He offers me a small vial which I weakly take. "It's a tonic. I should have given you some before." I accept it and down the entire thing as he blinks. "A few drops would have done it."
"Then hopefully the whole bottle will numb my every limb." I huff and hear his soft rumbling as I lean my head back to shut my eyes.
"Did you kill her?" Feyre's voice drifts over and my eyes slice open to see the lovely woman dressed in dark, flowing clothes.
"Not just yet. We'll see how I feel in the morning." I return and she smiles while settling across the table from me. She smells like fresh soap and her hair is still damp from an earlier bath. Perhaps the relaxation is why she's moving a bit more easily than I am.
"Dead, if the two of you were practicing all that time." Her blue-grey eyes dance between us before my eyes shut again. She doesn't get an answer before I hear Mor's distinctively quick steps as she dances into the room, then settles beside Azriel. Keeping my eyes shut seems like the best option available to me.
"Is Rhys going to be late? I'm starved." She says lightly and my eyes only open when I hear a soft tsking.
"A few minutes hardly counts as late." The High Lord says and shoots me a wink before he slides into place to the left of Feyre with Cassian beside him. Cassian looks me over, then raises his brows.
"You look like trampled shit." He comments and Azriel nearly coughs up his swig of wine while Mor's jaw drops.
"A little rude, even for an Illyrian brute." The woman with shimmering grey eyes says as she sashays into the room and settles to my left at the head of the table. Her comment still doesn't deter Cassian.
"If I'd known Azriel was going to ride you so hard, then maybe I would have been a little easier on you." I swallow at the sight of his rugged grin while Amren sighs.
"Cassian," Az warns him slightly, but I wave a hand to call him off.
"If anything, I was riding Az hard." I return and Cassian blinks. Feyre's hand flashes in my periphery to land on Rhys' knee while he covers his grin with a hand. "I pushed to keep training even after Feyre left."
"If you wanted extra work then you could've asked me to push a bit harder, little sister." Cassian teases while Rhys snaps food onto the table with eyes switching between the two of us. No Nesta or Elain here tonight then. I think for a moment before responding to him evenly.
"Azriel saw to my needs just fine." Feyre lets loose a soft squeak, then Rhys breaks into deep laughter that everyone joins in on. Including myself, albeit quietly. Az sends quiet delight over the bond as we all quiet and begin serving ourselves. My eyes stall on the fish laid on the center of the table, steaming, and I glare at Rhys who beams and winks.
"If Kaira is going to start telling jokes, then she needs more wine," Mor says and practically leans over Azriel to pour me a glass then shoot me a wink. At least there's no awkwardness on that front. We'll see how things go when we're alone. She settles back into her seat after filling my glass and I stare at the dark purple liquid. I hadn't touched a drink since coming here because I always want to remain in control of myself, but for the first time I take a sip.
It's one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted.
"I've heard you're becoming quite the flier with all your training." Rhys comments and I shoot an accusatory glance to Azriel, but he only sips his wine. My eyes look back to those violet ones as I nod.
"I'm trying to be." I hedge, thinking about all that Azriel told me today about the upcoming war, especially the pile of letters from the other High Lords still in the other room. Tonight isn't the right night to ask if I can come with them. I'd wait and push myself harder, learn all I can from them, before asking. I will never be useless, defenseless, or helpless ever again.
"Maybe I should come to see how things are progressing."
"Mother hen." Cassian coughs and Feyre presses her lips together to keep in a wide smile. Rhys shakes his head slightly but keeps his eyes on me.
"Did you not see enough today?"
"Maybe that's why I'm asking."
"Questioning my methods?" Azriel counters as the two males meet each other's eyes.
"No, but I may be slightly worried about my darling sister coming back in one piece if she continues like this," Rhys says smoothly and Az shakes his head, but stays quiet.
"I know my own limits and Azriel would never push me past them," I tell Rhys firmly while Cassian huffs. "No offense," I add with a soft grimace directed at him.
"Mm, none taken. Everyone always thinks Az is the sensitive one." He says and Mor snorts while Amren scoffs.
"You don't have a sensitive bone in your body."
"I'm ticklish. Does that count?"
Mor, Amren, and Feyre share a glance before saying in perfect unison, "Males." Then they each share a small grin while the aforementioned group sighs.
"If I want anyone to go easier on me, then I will ask them to," I say finally, levelly, but his eyes on me are concerned.
"Will you? Or will you run yourself into the ground first?" The room is quiet as Rhys and I stare off. Glasses shiver slightly as I try to contain the power still thrumming through my veins.
"I need the work." I try to answer him coolly as my hands grip tightly to my silverware and that writhing in my gut seems to beat more violently. We stare at one another, but his head turns slightly towards Feyre as she pokes at her food.
"I want to make sure-"
"Oh, leave her be." Amren hushes Rhysand even as Feyre gives the woman a warning glance. "The girl needs to get out and building a little muscle in the process can only help." She swirls the dark red liquid inside her glass with eyes looking me over before I nod towards her in thanks. Rhys sighs and holds up his hands in surrender. Lighthearted conversation returns to the table after that, but Rhysand's eyes are on me more often than not. When I feel sharp talons glide through the smoke in my mind, I allow him in a little pocket.
"Nice work on your shields today. And on keeping your wings up." He says first and I purse my lips to keep away a smile. The tonic Azriel gave me has sunk in and that's the only reason why my wings aren't on the floor, but I'm not about to tell him that. When I'm silent, he sighs in my mind before continuing. "Would you mind if I came to see how you're progressing in your training?" He asks and I shoot him a look over the table which he smirks at.
"You couldn't have led with that?" I suggest and that little smirk grows along with the one now on Feyre's face. "You can see the last few minutes of Cassian's and the first few minutes of Azriel's if they also agree. After those few minutes, you have to leave."
"How kind of you. They've already agreed." He responds and I sigh, wishing I had the energy to kick him under the table. I shoot him the thought instead and he chuckles, then pulls away from me as I close off my mind again.
Tomorrow promises to be interesting then.
A little glimpse into Kaira's power. Any theories? Guesses for what will happen in the future? What do we think about her relationships with everyone so far? Tell me. :)
Keep reading, lovelies!
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