Her Decision
This book is meant for mature readers only-Possible trigger warning
Hi, my name is Lily, and this is the story of how I became an addict. I think the best place to start, is what led to my disappearance. What in my opinion, caused everything…
I hopped down the bus steps and slowly started down the dirt driveway heading home, dragging my feet as I went. I was in absolutely no hurry, because I was pretty sure my mom was at work. Which meant I now had to deal with my step dad, alone.
When my mom was around he acted fine, civil even, but when she wasn't, he was a real pain. He constantly berated me, telling me how much of a fuck up I was, calling me a whore, and explaining how I had completely ruined my mother's life. As much as I hated hearing all of it, it was bearable. But then something changed, he started watching me all the time. It seemed like he watched my every move.
I wasn't entirely sure why he was watching me, but it was creepy, and I didn't like it. The way his eyes looked at me made me feel dirty, it would instantly make me crave a shower.
Most days I only had to deal with him for a couple hours. Just until my mom got home, since he went to work shortly after. But today was Friday, and he got weekends off. My mom didn't. Usually I made sure to be at a friends house through the weekend, but this time, I was grounded. My stepdad had made sure of it. He'd told my mom he caught me trying to sneak out when he came home from work. It was a total lie but who did my mom believe? Him, of course, because she always did.
I walked into the house, the screen door slamming shut behind me. I wasted no time going straight to my room. I threw my book bag down and fell onto my bed.
"Look, there's my precious little girl," my stepdad said from the doorway with a sneer, startling me to my feet. I looked at him quizzically, what the hell was his deal?
"Dinner will be done shortly and then I think we should sit down and watch a movie together. Your mom thinks we should spend the weekend bonding so maybe we'll get along better. So I've planned an amazing weekend for us!" he said with a big grin. Maybe he meant for it to be charming, but to me, it just appeared evil.
"That sounds like loads of fun and all, but I have lots of homework," I stated, quickly grabbing my book bag from the floor.
"You can work on it until supper, then we're watching the movie. It may take us all night to watch it, so I'd rush the homework," he said before walking off.
I didn't know what was going on, but there was something about the way he said all night, that gave me the chills. I put my phone on the charger to make sure it wouldn't be dead if I needed it, not realizing it wasn't plugged into the wall, then sat down on my bed and started my homework.
An hour or two later I heard him yell through the house, telling me the food was done, "Yeah, I'm coming," I yelled back before closing my science book and heading towards the kitchen.
We ate in silence, I tried my best to keep my eyes on my plate because every time I glanced up, he was staring at me. His eyes roamed over my body, and he made no attempts at hiding it today. It was like he no longer cared if I knew what he was doing.
I was completely terrified, a shiver shot down my body leaving little bumps in its wake. I accidentally glanced up and his eyes met mine, evil brewed there as if his eyes were a mirror reflecting his thoughts. In that moment I knew what he was planning. I also knew there was no way in hell I was going to let it happen.
I shot up from the table. My chair rattled against the floor where it had fallen, but I paid it no mind as I ran for the front door. I pushed it open but something grabbed hold of me and viciously yanked me back, the screen door slammed back into place with a loud smack.
My back hit the floor first, then my head bounced off it causing me to see spots. Before I could make an attempt at getting up he was on top of me pulling at my clothing and trying to force his mouth upon mine. I turned my face to the side in disgust and sank my teeth deep into his shoulder, he pulled back slightly and cried out.
I took his moment of shock and used it to my advantage. I placed a hand on either side of his face and slammed my head forward into his. Apparently my mom had never told him I'd taken Tae Kwon Do when I was younger. He went limp with his heavy body laying on top of me. My head swam with dizziness but I was determined to get away from him. I tried to shove him off but he was to heavy, so I had to slowly squirmed my way out from under him terrified he'd wake up.
Once I was free I pulled myself to my feet, stumbled against the wall, and almost passed out. I forced my eyes to open and gritted my teeth. "Shake it off," I said, and headed towards my room. I shoved the door open and grabbed my book bag. I upended the bag on my bed then shoved some clothes and my phone charger inside. I stopped at my dresser on the way out and grabbed a sock from the top door that had a little bit of cash stuffed inside.
He was still asleep on the floor in the kitchen. I hurriedly grabbed some non perishable food, a fork, and a couple bottles of water, before rushing out the front door. I started down the driveway then stopped as a thought fluttered across my brain. I smiled and turned back around heading across my front yard. I grabbed the door handle on the driver's side of his little red truck and slung it open before climbing inside.
The keys were in the ignition, that's where he always left them. No one would steal his truck way out here he always said. Obviously, he was wrong, as always. I turned the key and gave a final glance at the old rickety house. I gritted my teeth in determination, shoved the truck into gear, and backed out. I shifted into drive and put my foot on the gas, I saw him in the rearview come barging out of the house and down the front steps.
I decided I was completely certain this was the right decision and pushed the pedal all the way to the floor. I left him in cloud of dust.
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