The autumn leaves crunched under Camille's feet as she hurried across campus, her arms laden with books. The past few months had been a whirlwind of emotions - Billy's gradual recovery, the slow rebuilding of their relationship, and the looming specter of Steve's legal troubles.
As Camille pushed open the heavy wooden doors of the library, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. This had always been her sanctuary, a place where the outside world faded away and she could lose herself in the worlds contained within the pages of countless books.
She made her way to her favorite study nook, a secluded corner tucked away in the stacks. Billy was supposed to meet her here in an hour - they had fallen into the habit of studying together, a routine that felt both familiar and excitingly new as Billy continued to recover fragments of his memory.
Camille had just settled into her chair when a shadow fell across her table. She looked up, expecting to see Billy arriving early. Instead, her blood ran cold at the sight of Steve Carlson standing before her.
"Hello, Camille," he said, his voice low and unnervingly calm. "It's been a while."
Camille's heart raced as she scrambled to her feet, knocking her chair over in the process. "Steve," she managed to choke out. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be anywhere near me."
Steve's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Oh, come now, Camille. Did you really think a restraining order could keep us apart? We're destined to be together, you and I. I thought you'd have realized that by now."
As Steve took a step closer, Camille backed away, her eyes darting around for an escape route. But Steve had chosen his location well - they were boxed in by towering bookshelves, with only one way out.
"You don't have to be afraid," Steve said, his tone mockingly soothing. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk. To make you understand."
"There's nothing to understand," Camille said, struggling to keep her voice steady. "What you did was wrong, Steve. It was obsessive and dangerous. Please, just leave me alone."
But Steve's eyes had taken on a manic gleam. "Wrong? No, Camille. What's wrong is the way you've tried to deny our connection. The way you've hidden behind that boy, pretending he could ever understand you the way I do."
As Steve advanced, Camille felt her back hit the bookshelf. She was trapped.
"Steve, please," she pleaded. "Think about what you're doing. You're on parole. If you violate the restraining order-"
"I don't care!" Steve shouted, slamming his hand against the bookshelf beside Camille's head. She flinched, closing her eyes as fear overwhelmed her.
But then, like an answer to a prayer, she heard a familiar voice. "Get away from her!"
Camille's eyes flew open to see Billy standing at the entrance to the study nook, his face a mask of fury.
Steve whirled around, his expression twisting with hatred. "Well, well," he sneered. "If it isn't the brave little boyfriend, come to save the day. Tell me, boy, do you even remember why you're here? Or did you have to write it down so you wouldn't forget?"
Billy's jaw clenched, but he didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he took a step forward, his eyes locked on Camille. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.
Camille nodded, relief flooding through her at Billy's presence.
Steve's laugh was cold and bitter. "How touching. But you're too late, Billy. Camille and I were just discussing our future together."
"The only future you have," Billy growled, "is behind bars. Get out of here, Steve. Now."
For a moment, it seemed like Steve might back down. But then, with a roar of rage, he lunged at Billy.
The two men collided, grappling fiercely. Camille screamed for help, but the library was nearly deserted this late in the evening. She watched in horror as Billy and Steve traded blows, knocking into bookshelves and sending volumes crashing to the floor.
Despite his recent recovery, Billy was holding his own. But Steve fought with the desperate strength of a man with nothing left to lose. He managed to get Billy in a chokehold, slamming him against one of the tall library cabinets that lined the walls.
"Stop it!" Camille cried, rushing forward to try and pull Steve off Billy. But Steve shoved her away, sending her stumbling backwards.
That moment of distraction was all Billy needed. With a surge of strength, he broke free of Steve's grip and delivered a powerful shove to the older man's chest.
Steve staggered backwards, his arms windmilling as he tried to regain his balance. But his heel caught on a fallen book, and he went down hard, crashing into the heavy library cabinet behind him.
For a split second, time seemed to stand still. Then, with a groan of protesting wood and metal, the cabinet began to tip.
"Steve!" Camille screamed in warning, but it was too late.
The cabinet came crashing down, pinning Steve beneath its considerable weight. A sickening crack echoed through the library, followed by an eerie silence.
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