Chapter four
Dean Winchester POV:
Watching her cry over her friends body just reminded me of all the people I️ have lost myself. As we drive I️ think we are just going to be silent until she finally asks a question, "So, what exactly is after me?"
"Well, this may be hard to believe but demons are trying to kill you," Sam says from behind me and from his voice I️ could tell he was hesitant to tell her exactly what was happening.
"Demons," I️ hear her whisper as if trying to comprehend exactly what that meant. "But why, what exactly do I️ have that they want to kill me for?"
"We're not entire sure why they want you dead but there is something about you that you won't believe," I️ say keeping my eyes on the road not really wanting to tell her but it's not like I️ can actually keep it from her. She has a right to know what she is and where she came from.
"Try me," She says with sass evident in her voice, honestly thinking she could handle it but I️ know she isn't going to believe it. I️ look in the rear view mirror at Sam to see what he thinks
"You're an angel from heaven," I️ state bluntly to which she freezes for a second absorbing what I️ said before she burst out laughing. I️ knew she wouldn't believe it.
"Very funny," She said as she laughed then she calmed down and turned to me expecting me to be joking. "Your serious?" I️ just nod my head not knowing what else to say. "That's not possible, I️ was born to my family on earth. And aren't angels supposed to be perfect and I️ am definitely not perfect."
"Oh I️ can assure you angels are not perfect," I️ say dryly and chuckling softly as I️ think of all the angels I've met. "But you fell from heaven."
"Why?" She asked confused. "Why would I️ fall from heaven? Did I️ do something wrong?"
"We're not sure but we think we know someone who does," Sam says grabbing her attention as it seemed to drift as she thought of all the possibility that may have caused her to fall.
"Who?" She asks confused.
"You know how something has saved you every time something was about to hurt you," Sam says and she nods her head. "Well, an angel has been watching over you your entire life making sure you were okay."
"That actually makes sense," She nods her head and I️ guess that was easier to understand then being one yourself. A few minutes later we pull into the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse because that was where we are setting up the stuff we need to summon the angel protecting her.
"A friend of ours is inside getting everything ready because we are going to summon this angel that has been watching you. His name is Castiel but we call him Cas," I️ say as we stop and get out of Baby to head inside. I️ look back to see both Sam and Gwyn following close behind.
Once we enter inside I️ see Cas finishing the symbols on the walls and when he does he smiles slightly then walks over to stand in front of me. I️ smile at him then he turns to look at Gwyn, and as they meet eyes she appears to become dizzy and passes out. "Huh?" Cas said confused as he watches Sam catch her and carry her to the side of the warehouse to lean against the wall.
"I'm not sure she's probably just over whelmed with everything that has happened today," I️ respond to which he just nods and we turn preparing everything. Sam reads from the book and then we wait. It takes five minutes before the outside of the warehouse begins to shake. It reminds me so much of when we summoned Cas after he raised me from hell.
When the bulbs burst they seemed brighter than when Cas had come as if this angel was more powerful. Then before us stood a man with pitch black hair and tanned skin with dark brown eyes that flared at us.
"Who are you?" Cas demanded from the angel standing before us but the man never answered. Before we could ask him anymore questions Gwynn's voice sounded out from behind us.
"Daniel," She said seriously as she walked forward passing us as she met him halfway. "You were told not to intervene."
His serious face dropped almost instantly at her words and he looked almost desperate. "I️ hadn't for centuries but when the demons finally found out about you I️ couldn't just let you die especially when this is when you were meant to deliver the message."
She smiles softly and places her hand on his cheek and pecks his lips softly before turning back to us. "So you remember everything?" Sam asked to see if she may not know but she nods her head as Daniel wraps his arms around her waist. "Can you tell us about yourself."
"When I️ came into existence I was given the name Ester by god himself," When she said this I️ saw shock cross Cas's features. "I️ have lived hundreds of life times for centuries leading up to the moment where I️ would meet Castiel along with the Winchester boys. God has known about you since the beginning of this world. This here is my mate we have been bonded for centuries and though he was warned by both god and myself to not interfere he still does."
"Why exactly have you been looking for us?" I️ say as I️ step closer to Cas placing my hand on his arm as he just stared at her. "And why were you told to fall? Couldn't you have jumped forward in time or just waited?"
"Well, yes I️ could have but god wanted me to understand humans more because most angels either despise humans or just choose to ignore them," She said as she pulled away from her mate and walked in circles around Cas and Dean as they stood close together. "And god knew that Cas would fall in love with humanity which he wished all his angels would. So, I️ fell and joined the humans on earth, but instead of losing my grace like all angels tend to do when they fall god gave me control over mine. So, that when I️ remembered who I️ was I️ could decided when I️ was to be human and when I️ was to become an angel."
"And what is god's message?" Cas asked quietly once she returned to her mate's side. I️ could feel Cas shaking I'm not sure why but I️ knew something was wrong then I️ felt his arm reach behind me and grip my jacket tightly.
"He sent me to help you with both your personal life," She said winking at him making a blush appear on his face before she continued. "and work because something is coming. God wanted you to know he hasn't abandoned you but in fact he's gone into hiding. Because what is happening has been happening for centuries and he himself at the time that I️ fell didn't know what it was but I'm sure he does by now. Though I'm not sure were he is other than on earth, and I️ am here to help you."
I️ processed her words still confused by most of it but I️ really wanted to know about this bond she spoke of because that is how Cas describes our connection. "Okay, I️ think I've pretty much understood most of what you said but can you explained this bond you spoke of before?" I️ ask to which she smirks and looks at Cas whose hand tightened on my jacket.
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