24.0 Very Cute And Very Obvious
"Okay everybody! Drumroll, please!" The students sitting in the bleachers of the Liberty High School gym smacked their laps as they listened to Courtney Crimson. "Tight race, you guys, but I think we've narrowed down our finalists. We're going to choose the winner by applause. The costume with the most applause takes home 200 smackers, so..." She walked up to Bryce Walker, Zach Dempsey, and Alex Standall. "Mud divers!" The audience cheered as Bryce jumped onto Zach's back. "Ketchup and Mustard!" The audience cheered even more for Josie Saltzman and Justin Foley, with many students laughing as well. She went down the rest of the line. "Ladies and gents, I think we have a winner! Josie and Justin as Ketchup and Mustard!"
"Hell yeah!" Justin smiled as he picked up Josie, swinging her around.
Josie giggled as Justin set her back down on the ground. "Are you happy we dressed up now?" Justin nodded, looking around as they were swarmed by students congratulating them.
Private Message Between Bryce🤬 and Josie🤤
You coming to the party tonight?
I wasn't planning on it
Justin's gonna be there
Wait a minute
I thought you two were like together
I mean you did a couples costume today
Nah we're just friends
I think you should tell him that
But seriously come tonight
It's going to be funnnnn
Josie made her way into Bryce's backyard, and saw sweaty high school kids in weird costumes grinding on each other. "Why did I come?" She frowned, rolling her eyes.
"Josie!" She heard a familiar voice yell her name. She was soon engulfed in a huge and turned to see Jessica Davis in a devil costume standing behind her. "Bryce said you weren't coming."
"I changed my mind." Josie shrugged.
Jessica frowned, looking at Josie's plain clothes. "You took off your mustard bottle!" The girl whined, playing with Josie's hair. She was definitely drunk.
"Yeah," Josie crinkled her nose as Jessica pulled at a piece of her hair, "I thought it wasn't a very good party outfit."
A smirk appeared on Jessica's face. "You want to have sex just like at the last party!" She squealed, looking around. "I think Justin's around here somewhere."
"No." Josie chuckled. "I don't want to have sex tonight."
"Whatever." Jessica rolled her eyes, grabbing a bottle of vodka from a table. She filled up two shots and handed one to Josie. "Come on. Do a shot with me." Josie let out a sigh before nodding. The two drowned their shots, and Josie let out a quiet cough. "Another one?" Jessica laughed, already beginning to pour the shots. Josie took the shot, knowing she would regret it later.
Josie stumbled through Bryce's house and came across Justin smoking with Alex. "Jo, hey!" Justin smiled as he saw Josie. He stood up and walked over to her. "I'm glad you came." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her. The boy felt her fall slightly against him and he furrowed his eyebrows. "How drunk are you?"
"Uh..." Josie bit her lip as she let out a giggle, shaking her head. "Five... six.... maybe seven?"
"Shots?" Justin frowned, glancing back at Alex. "Dude, I'm going to take her home, alright?" Alex nodded in response before taking another hit.
The girl pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't want to leave though."
Justin let out a chuckle, shaking his head. "Well, we can watch a movie." He took her hand as he lead the girl to the door.
"And cuddle?" Josie glanced up at him, and Justin smiled.
He loved this girl.
Justin loved Josie with his whole heart, and he fucked it up.
He always fucks everything up.
The boy shrugged, opening the door for Josie. "If you want, Princess."
"I'm a Princess?"
"You're my Princess."
josaltzman : hi I thonk i lave him
tagged : itsfoley
358 likes 96 comments
hopeforhope : what
hopeforhope : what is this
hopeforhope : you thonk you lave him ?
josaltzman : YWS I THONK I LAVE HOM hopeforhope
cheerstojess : HUH
cheerstojess : y'all left the party?
cheerstojess : also jo we all know you love him
cheerstojess : and he loves you
cheerstojess : very cute but very obvious
josaltzman : nah cheerstojess
cheerstojess : what is happening rn
josaltzman : not much just watching a movie wbu cheerstojess
brycemoney23 : Wow crusty justy's getting some
dempzee : what is this post
josaltzman : nah brycemoney23
dempzee : you good jo?
josaltzman : yuppie 🤠 dempzee
itsfoley : sorry y'all she said she was just on tiktok....
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