12.0 I Just Said You Looked Good
Group message between Jess🙈, Jo🙉, and Hope🙊
Yo where the fuck are you guys
It's my party and my best friends aren't even fucking here
Hope got into an argument with Lizzie again
Why do those two hate each other now anyways
Lizzie said some shit about that poem Ryan published but Hope was really into it and Hope got really fucking offended and now she hates her
Did Hope write it?
No I certainly the fuck did not
But I loved it
I fucking loved that poem
It gave me life
And Lizzie just trashed on it
And then I realized she's been trashing on me my entire life and now I'm done with her
Shit okay
I didn't know it was that bad
Are you guys almost here
We're just leaving my house so maybe like ten minutes?
Hurry pls
Btw jo
Justin's here
He asked me if you're coming
Don't hook up with Justin
Lizzie will murder you in your sleep
I'm scared for you
For the last time I'm not into Justin
Wait why would Lizzie murder you
Justin and Lizzie dated and he cheated on her and then they got back together and he cheated on her again and this happened like five times
Josie Saltzman and Hope Mikaelson walked into Jessica Davis's house and we're immediately swarmed by people. "Shit, you ladies are looking nice tonight." Bryce Walker spoke, eyeing the girls up and down.
"Fuck off, Bryce." Hope snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. Josie grabbed onto Hope's arm, dragging her away from the baseball player. Hope's eyes widened when she saw Zach Dempsey standing in the direction they were headed in, talking to Montgomery De La Cruz. "Let's go this way, yeah?"
Hope turned the two of them, and they bumped into the hostess of the party, Jessica Davis. "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up."
"It's not my fault." Josie spoke, raising her hands up in defense.
Jessica shook her head. "Fashionably late doesn't fly when it's your best friend's party."
"I'm sorry that Lizzie's a bitch." Hope simply shrugged after speaking. "It's not my fault either."
A smile appeared on Josie's face. "But, today is special, Jess."
Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. "What? It's Saturday." Josie shook her head. "The day my parents went to D.C. for some Air Force ceremony?" Josie once again shook her head. "The day of the first fucking party of junior year?!" Teenagers around the trio cheered, raising up their cups of alcohol.
"No." Josie chuckled. "It's our three month friend-iversary."
"Josie does this weird thing where she writes down the date that she meets someone she thinks is going to be really important to her, then when they prove her wrong, she crosses out their name." Hope explained, laughing at her best friend.
Josie looked up at Jessica's confused reaction. "The crossing out of the name is pretty therapeutic actually." She shrugged. "And I just think it's nice to remember things like that."
"You're such a nerd." Jessica giggled before hugging Josie. "I love you." She pulled away from the hug, smiling. "You girls need to get something to drink. Bryce picked up a ton of stuff. It's in there." She pointed to her kitchen, and the girls nodded before making their way towards the drinks.
Hope picked up a bottle of vodka, pouring a bit into two cups. "I hate hard liquor." Josie rolled her eyes as Hope passed her the bottle.
"Not tonight." Hope smiled, shaking her head. "I'm getting you drunk."
"Because I feel like it. You never get drunk." Josie shrugged before pouring the shot of vodka into her mouth. She let out a cough as the liquid passed her throat. "There you go." Hope patted the girl on the back before drowning her own shot without even wincing.
"You're a maniac." Josie continued coughing, glaring at her best friend.
Hope sent Josie a wink, pouring another shot for both of them. "You love me for if."
The brunette rolled her eyes, picking up the next shot. She threw her head back, drowning the shot. She once again coughed, still not used to the feeling. "Shit, how'd you get her to actually drink tonight."
The two girls turned around to see Justin Foley standing behind them. "Hi, Justin." Josie spoke, running a hand through her hair.
"You look nice, Jo." Justin smirked, leaning against the kitchen counter.
Hope felt awkward, watching as the two stared at each other for about a minute. She shifted her balance, grabbing onto Josie's hand. "Let's go see Jessica." She rushed the two of them out of the kitchen, trying to avoid Josie making any kind of mistake that would involve Justin Foley.
Josie was five shots in, and she was totally wasted. She had never been this drunk before, but she didn't mind it. The only other time that came close was the dance. She stumbled through the living room before she felt someone grab onto her hand. "We're playing suck and blow!" She heard Jessica scream as she dragged Josie to the couch. She was sat down next to Scott Reed, who was a few people away from receiving the card. Josie noticed Zach sitting across from her in the circle, and she frowned. "Josie, what's wrong?"
"You're grip is really tight."
The girl looked down at her hand. She had not even been aware she was still holding onto Jessica's hand. Josie let go of Jessica's hand and nodded before feeling someone tap on her shoulder. She turned around and felt a card land on her lips. The girl didn't even know how to react, but she tried to suck as hard as she could. She turned around, passing it to Jessica, but it feel in the process. Josie noticed Jessica's lips were centimeters from hers, and the two girls broke into laughter. "You lost." Jessica laughed, wrapping her arms around Josie.
A sudden need to pee came over Josie, and she eyes widened. "Shit. I have to pee." She spoke, standing up, causing the entire circle to break out into laughter.
Josie made her way up the stairs to where she thought was the bathroom, when she heard someone walking behind her. She turned around and saw Zach. "Hey, Jo."
"Zach." Josie frowned.
"You look good."
"You haven't spoken to me all summer, and that's the first thing you say to me?"
Zach's eyes widened, not really understanding why she was upset. "I just said you looked good."
"No. It was the tone." Josie rolled her eyes, stumbling backwards. "You look good." She spoke in a serious tone, trying to imitate Zach's. "That sounds like something you say to someone the first time seeing them after breaking their heart. We haven't gotten there yet."
"I literally just said you look good."
"Well, maybe you should have fucking texted me this summer then." Josie's words slurred as she opened the door to what she thought was a bathroom and walked inside. She closed the door behind her and turned on the light. She realized she was not in the bathroom when she noticed someone sitting on the bed.
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