10.0 Don't Do This On My Post About Feminism
Group message between Hope🌶, Lizzie👑, and Jo🎈
Did you two see that weird ass poem in the school's paper???
I liked it
Of course you liked it
What's that supposed to mean
I thought it was nice
The guys are just overreacting
I think it was beautifully written
Whoever wrote it should be proud of their work
Josie you're so weird
How is that weird
That poem is so weird Josie
How do either of you like it
Stop attacking people just because you have low self esteem, Liz
Shit hope
That was real mean
Oh well
Lizzie can be a bitch
And now she's never going to respond to me ever again
Josie Saltzman stood at her locker, removing the books from her backpack and putting them into the locker. "Did you see what Ryan published in the paper?" The girl turned to see Zach Dempsey next to her, and she just simply nodded. "It wasn't you, right?"
"Some of the guys were saying how it would be funny if you wrote it because you're a virgin."
Josie furrowed her eyebrows, closing her locker. "How do they know that?"
"Everyone kind of knows it. I mean, Jo, you are known as the nice girl." Zach knew he fucked yo when Josie crosses her arms over her chest. "It's okay. I'm a virgin, too."
"How does that make it any better?"
Zach chuckled, nodding. "You're right. Bryce just likes to say shit, and everyone just agrees with him."
"That's absolute bullshit."
"You're right."
Josie noticed Justin Foley across the hall, and she smiled. She hadn't spoken to him since their detention together on Valentine's Day. The boy made eye contact with her, sending her a smirk. Josie subconsciously bit her lip, and Zach noticed she had not been listen to what he had been saying.
"What?" Josie's eyes snapped up to her boyfriend, trying to push Justin out of her mind.
"I was just saying that the other girl the boys were saying it might be was Hannah."
Josie raised an eyebrow, frowning. "Are you kidding me? What did I tell you about laying off of her?"
"I'm sorry." Zach raised his hands on defense. "It's the other boys, not me."
"But you repeat it." Josie rolled her eyes as the bell rang for the beginning of the next class. She pressed a kiss on Zach's cheek. "I'll see you after school?" Zach nodded, watching Josie leave him.
josaltzman : this is a friendly reminder to the asshole boys at liberty to stop hating on the bomb ass ladies
789 Likes 75 Comments
cheerstojess : yo my math buddy is hella cute
cheerstojess : also she's a feminist so we can't help but stan
hopeforhope : I see I've been replaced as the math buddie :(
josaltzman : I stan you hard ;) cheerstojess
josaltzman : you will never be replaced as the love of my life hopeforhope
hopeforhope : ^^^ dempzee don't you ever forget that I come first
dempzee : how could I forget? You remind me literally every five seconds hopeforhope
saltzlizzie : you took a bathroom mirror selfie without me?
hopeforhope : you were being a bitch saltzlizzie
saltzlizzie : you were the bully hopeforhope
hopeforhope : actually you were bullying the beautiful poet who I STAN saltzlizzie
saltzlizzie : stfu about that stupid poem hopeforhope
hopeforhope : you were the one who couldn't shut up about how stupid and weird you thought it was saltzlizzie
josaltzman : pls just talk in person and make up... don't do this on my post about feminism saltzlizzie hopeforhope
itsfoley : that picture absolutely sent me I'm dead
josaltzman : it ain't no joke itsfoley
itsfoley : I just thought it was cute :(
dempzee : stfu itsfoley
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