Spencer suggested we ride across the moor the following morning. Miss Young and I went down to breakfast at the appointed hour. Thankfully, the setup was the same as at home. We helped ourselves from the sideboard and sat at the long dining table. Spencer joined us along with Cordelia. Viola appeared with her mother shortly afterward.
"I would like to familiarize you with the surrounding area," my fiancé stated, sitting beside me with a plate of eggs and bangers. "You should never venture onto the moors alone until you are acquainted with the landmarks. It is easy to wander far afield and get hopelessly lost."
"I agree, Priscilla," Miss Young added promptly. "Your father wouldn't appreciate it if I informed him you got lost on the moors."
"Yes, Miss Young," I replied demurely.
After breakfast, I put on my riding habit and joined Spencer at the stables. He presented me with a mottled gray mare named Lulubell. When she nuzzled my arm, I gave her a sugar cube. As I began to mount, Miss Young appeared also in her habit. She insisted on joining us, and Spencer reluctantly provided her with a horse.
We cantered beneath the portcullis and into the wide open spaces. Slowing, Spencer brought his horse next to mine, leaving Miss Young behind us. He spoke of the wild moor lovingly and desired I share his opinion.
"It's much different from the South," my fiancé declared earnestly. "Not everyone feels the same about it as I do. You might become homesick, I fear."
"I most certainly won't," I declared hotly. I longed to share his life in every aspect. Looking around, I felt the vast open space's freedom and exhilaration swept over me.
"Will your dragon accompany you after the wedding?" Spencer asked, leaning close to me.
"Not if I can help it!" I exclaimed boldly. I intended to send the governess on her way as soon as I married. Miss Young and Mr. Blanchard could go their merry way—and perhaps marry as they intended.
The Viscount grinned widely. Spurring his horse, he began to gallop across the grassland. I followed him quickly, leaving Miss Young behind. Hastily, she caught up with us and sputtered words of chastisement. Spencer shot her a contemptuous look. He began to speak, but the sound of horses' hooves beating a staccato behind us flooded his words. Cordelia and Viola drew up beside us.
"I thought we missed you," Cordelia breathed, adjusting her hat. It had tilted during her mad rush to join us. "Shall we take lunch at the Elk? We're near there now."
"Splendid idea, sis," Spencer conceded immediately. I noticed a secret look pass between brother and sister.
"We'll cut across here, Miss Young," the elder sister stated, positioning her mount beside my governess. Viola nudged in close on the other side.
The trio began galloping, and I started to follow. Hastily, Spencer grabbed my bridle, leading my horse in the opposite direction. I protested vehemently, but when he grinned, I fell silent.
We rode far before Spencer pulled up beside a pond he called a tarn. Extending his hand, he helped me to dismount. I tripped and fell into his arms. He laughed heartily, then pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him, then drew back hastily.
"What about Miss Young?" I asked, considering her ire when she realized our separation.
"Forget about her." Spencer drew me closer. "Cordelia and Viola will take care of the dragon. They will have a lovely meal—probably lamb and roast potatoes—at the Elk. Then they will return her home safe and sound."
"I expect she won't enjoy it," I remarked dully. "At a guess, she is furious!"
"Why are we wasting our time speaking of Miss Young?" Spencer demanded, taking me in his arms again. "We have other things to speak about." He kissed me again and pressed closer urgently.
His kisses grew ardent, and I returned them with the same intent. Gently, Spencer guided me downward until I lay on the ground beneath him. He stroked my hair and cheek, then moved his hand along my body. I squirmed when I felt the pressure of his male form against my thigh.
"Do you love me?" Spence whispered into my ear—his breath a soft caress. Unable to speak, I nodded. His fingers stumbled at the clasps of my riding habit. "Why do women wear complicated clothing?" he complained.
The crisp, cool air enveloped my naked body, causing me to tremble. Beside me, Spencer traced his finger along the side of my breast. When he made love to me, I accepted him into my virginal body. The sensation thrilled me, and I basked joyfully in it afterward.
"I feel like Eve in the Garden of Eden," I murmured, turning toward my lover. He enfolded me in his embrace. "I could stay here forever." I sighed.
"We will create our own Eden," Spence remarked dreamily. "Soon." We relaxed in each other's arms, and then Spencer suddenly became alert. He stood swiftly and reached for my clothing. "Get dressed quickly."
"Priscilla!" Miss Young's voice floated across the moor.
Spencer helped me onto my mare and mounted his stallion. Taking a roundabout approach, we circled the tarn and rode toward my governess quickly.
"What in tarnation happened to you?" Claudia Young demanded, reigning in her horse. Spencer and I drew up in front of her. In the distance, we noticed Cordelia and Viola galloping in our direction.
"We...we got lost," I began lamely. Miss Young hmphed and cast her eyes toward Spence imperiously.
"Priscilla and I wished to spend time alone together," Spencer inserted quickly. Clucking to his horse, he moved away at a fast pace. I spurred my horse and followed him across the moor.
"Have you no shame?" Miss Young demanded. She entered my room unannounced and stood behind me indignantly.
I glanced at my image in the mirror and moved slightly to block out her reflection. Using slow, even strokes, I brushed my long brown hair.
"Spencer and I are engaged, Claudia," I remarked nonchalantly. "We have every right to spend time alone together."
"I cannot tell you what your father will say," the governess continued. Her exasperated tone straightened my spine.
"He won't say anything, Miss Young," I stated sharply, "because you won't carry tales to him."
I rose from my dressing table and swooped from the room. Lifting my polonaise skirt, I rushed down the turret staircase. The sudden exercise brought a flush to my cheeks.
"In a hurry?" Spencer asked when I joined him in the medieval hall.
"Can we walk in the garden?" I suggested taking his arm.
"Without your hat and parasol?"
"Oh, I..." I sputtered disconcertedly.
"Come into the winter parlor," my fiancé offered, leading me into a darkened room. "Tell me what happened?" He assisted me to a settee.
I filled him in quickly concerning Miss Young's annoyance about our morning disappearance.
"She treats me like a child," I concluded, tears clinging to my lashes.
"Let's forget about the dragon for the moment, Priscilla," Spencer stated, leaning closer. "I love your hair. It is silky soft." Tenderly, he ran his fingers along its length.
"But..." I began, but his lips captured mine. Shamelessly, I made love to him again.
An hour later, I returned to my room and styled my hair in a thick, braided bun. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and carrying my parasol, I joined Spencer in the garden. We strolled along the paths arm and arm. In the distance, Miss Young kept a keen eye on us. We ignored her.
"We'll get married in the spring," I stated, nestling close to his side. "When the first daffodils begin to bloom. It will give Mama and me plenty of time to plan and send out invitations. Uncle Everett will perform the ceremony, of course."
"You will ask Cordelia and Viola to participate?" my fiancé inquired.
"Certainly," I answered, then hesitated. "Will Viola accept? She seems...well, rather against me at the moment."
"My younger sister will accept," Spencer assured me. "She is a bit sharp when she first meets new people. She will become your best friend once she gets to know you better."
"I'm glad," I stated, twirling my parasol. "I was concerned because of Lottie. You realize I don't get along well with my new sister-in-law. She's pushy and brash."
"Perhaps she will settle once her baby arrives," Spence comforted, drawing me toward the arbor. We sat, and he took my hand. "You are beautiful." He leaned forward to kiss me.
Miss Young stood before us, clearing her throat. I glanced up without hiding my disdain.
"It's brisk out here, Priscilla," she stated crisply. "You should come inside now before you catch a chill. Come along."
"Really, Miss Young?" I remarked, rising and facing her. "I am no longer a child. I hope you will recognize that. Surely, it would help if you didn't coddle me. After all, I am engaged to Spencer."
"I am still your chaperone." Red patches flamed her cheeks. "You are to obey the societal customs of our times. I am here to ensure you do."
"Don't think you will remain with me once I'm married, Miss Young," I hissed, stepping closer to her. "When I take my vows, I won't require you. You can go your merry way, and Mr. Blanchard will accompany you. Marry him and leave me alone."
Lifting my skirt, I spun and ran along the garden path. When I reached the Venus fountain, I collapsed at the edge and covered my eyes. Hot tears stung my eyes. The crunch of shoes on gravel caused me to look up. I expected Spencer. Instead, Miss Young stood ominously in front of me.
"You were extremely rude to me, Priscilla," the governess stated tersely. "I cannot understand what came over you. If you were a child, I would punish you severely. However, you are not a child, as you clearly stated.
"You are spending far too much unsupervised time with that young man," she continued. "I believe he encourages it. I want you to use extreme caution from now on. Once you are married, you can do as you please. In the meantime, I will set the rules for your conduct."
"You are a humbug, Miss Young," I replied, abruptly pushing past her. "I will have you sent home on the next train. Spencer will see to it."
"Don't express your confidence in that idea," my companion calmly remarked. "Your young man seemed quite shocked by your outburst. You wouldn't want to show your temper before you are married."
I turned to face Miss Young and then ran away from her. However, Spencer greeted me coolly when I went to dinner that evening. After the meal, I swallowed my pride and apologized for my tantrum. He kissed my hand and forgave me.
Following the evening meal, the young people gathered to play parlor games. Viola suggested we start with Marriage. One had to decide if they would marry a historical or fictional character. She began by asking me if I would marry Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. I sat back to ponder the question, and Spencer appraised me with raised eyebrows.
"No," I firmly responded, looking smugly at my fiancé. "He is moody and vengeful. I would not wish to marry him. Now it's my turn."
Sitting back, I closed my eyes in thought. My mind ran over the many novels I read to Mama over the years. When I made up my mind, I focused intently on Spencer. He moved to the edge of his seat expectantly. Then, suddenly, I turned on Viola.
"Captain Ahab?" I asked defiantly.
"UGH!" Spencer's younger sister moaned. "NO!"
The room held its breath, and then we all burst out laughing. Cordelia grabbed her stomach and suddenly rushed from the room. Spencer had previously warned me that his sister experienced 'little accidents' when she laughed too much. We waited for her to return before we continued our game.
"Marie Antoinette?" Viola asked Spencer.
"I like my head exactly where it is," he answered hotly.
We roared again. I suddenly found myself clinging to Viola and giggling until tears trickled from beneath my eyelashes. Cordelia sat across from me with a strained expression. She gasped and ran from the room again.
"We better call it a night," Spencer exclaimed, his face turning purple from laughter. "I doubt Cordelia will return."
"She made wee-wee in her bloomers," Viola blurted, holding her stomach and lolling on the settee.
"I...I..." I sputtered, unable to speak.
Finally, we broke up and went to bed. As I brushed my hair before the mirror, I felt better. From then on, Viola and I became the best of friends.
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