Once something interests you, you just feel like continuing writing on it. 😄
Moving on...💃💃💃
"Words in double quotes" - Talking.
'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts
Chapter 2 - Seeping Closeness
"And done!" she rubbed the sweat off her forehead. "Maa, I've finished washing the dishes."
"That's great beta. Can you make a cup of tea for Baba? I'm busy washing clothes."
"But Maa, it's almost 5 pm."
Ragini put her hands on her hips and pouted. "Maa, how could you forget!?"
"Eh?" Shramishtha racked her brain to think of the reason. She smacked herself when she recalled the obvious. "Fine fine. You can go on your so called "nature walk"."
"Evening walk, mother. Evening walk." 😑
"Yeah, that's what I meant. But making tea won't take long."
"You don't understand mother. It takes about half an hour to get to the park. And if I'm late, I know for sure that some of those old couples are gonna steal my favorite place!"
"Aw come on. It won't take much time. I'm sure you can help out your elderly mother."
'Elderly? Doesn't she always claim she can still give those young models a run for their money with her so called power of youth?' Ragini's eye twitched in irritation. She grit her teeth, but in the end, sighed in resignation. 'I guess I'll make it. Ugh! But that's the last chore for today.'
#6:30 pm#
"I can't believe she made me late!" Ragini mumbled to herself. "Make tea she says. But then, she tells me to bring back the clothes that were there on the terrace. Then this, and that. Ugh!" Ragini shouted in frustration.
However, she knew only she was to be blamed for her complecance. Wasn't it her fault that she couldn't say a simple 'no'. It wasn't that she hated helping out. It's just that she wanted at least some time for herself. Why couldn't they understand?
Ragini didn't bother hoping that her seat was empty. She knew she was beyond late. However, to her surprise, as she neared the place, she found the bench empty.
The bench was, but it didn't mean there wasn't anyone there.
She noted the silhouette of a person standing near it. A figure she knew was the guy from the previous day.
Thinking it was occupied, she was about to leave when he waved at her.
"Hey! Over here!"
Ragini looked to her left and to her right. She blinked in bewilderment and pointed at herself. "M-me?"
"No the ghost behind you."
"Hahaha...no no. Of course I meant you. Come over! I kept the seat for you."
Ragini flushed in embarrassment. She knew the guy was probably smirking at her. Nevertheless, she walked with slow steps and approached him. "Um...thanks. You shouldn't have done that though. It was too much to ask."
"Nah. It's alright. After all, it seems to be your favorite place."
"Eh? How did you know?"
He shrugged. "You always come and sit in this spot." he replied.
There was silence for a moment.
It took him a minute to realize what he had said. 'Shit!'
"You we're observing me all this time?" Ragini asked in fear and uncertainty. "Why?"
"No, no, no! Don't get me wrong. I'm not stalking you, neither am I any lovesick guy after you. Please trust me." he defended. 'She must think I'm some harasser or rapist. Way to go idiot!'
Ragini never had to fear coming there as the police station was quite near. Hence, thugs and the dark elements of the society avoided the place. However, he was scaring her now.
She backed away from him slowly. "I think...I think I should leave."
"No wait!" as he stepped forward, she moved a step back.
"Don't come near! I've got pepper spray!"
"Wait wait! Just listen to me once. I'm not any evil guy, alright? You just caught my eye that evening."
"Caught your eye?"Ragini shrunk back further in fear.
'Oh man! I'm scaring her! Damn damn damn! Think think!' he raised his hands in surrender. "Look, look! I can explain. Just listen once."
Ragini wanted to run away. Along with his shady actions, she wasn't even sure what he looked like as she only saw him in the dark. 'Not to mention I won't get a clear look ever in this dim lighting. How would I report him if something happens!?' she shook her head and moved back further. "I don't trust you. I haven't even seen your face!"
'That's it!' his eyes widened as an idea occurred to him. "Exactly! I haven't even seen your face clearly till now either. How would I be thinking of someone when I didn't even see how she looks like. You could be an old lady with a youthful voice for all I know!"
"I am not!"
He chuckled. "Alright alright, let me explain. Just this once, okay?"
Ragini knew she was petite. He would easily be able to attack and subdue her. Moreover, she hadn't seen anyone near them at hearing distance right then. She swallowed hard. 'I'll just pretend to hear whatever he has to say and buy time. Once someone is near, I'll shout and leave. Better not make him suspicious. He might kidnap me!'
She nodded towards him. "I'm listening."
"You see, I...I don't go out much aside from work. I work as a clerk. After the day's work, I just like to take a stroll in this park in the evening hours."
"Mister, that isn't a reason to keep an eye on me." she reasoned. 'Someone please come soon.'
"I was getting to that." he patiently explained. "You see, every evening I see different people here. Elderly couples, even if the same ones, they walk around or sit to chat at different places in the park. But you...you are someone who is a constant."
He nodded. "You come around the same time and go sit at the same place. At first, I just thought it was a coincidence. But on the third day when I saw you do the same, it got me wondering. As time passed, you kind of made me curious as to what you do over here. So I would stand over there some days just watching you." he pointed at a nearby tree. "That's when I saw the notebook you keep carrying. I wondered what you draw in the dark. I mean, this part of the park isn't one where you can see anything clearly because of the dim lighting."
"Blue markers under these type of CFLs shine bright. Besides, it isn't much of a bother since I just doodle around or draw stick figures of things mostly." Ragini explained with a blushing face, embarrassed by her choice of art.
"I see. But anyway, it got me curious to know what it is. Yesterday was the day I worked up the courage to finally ask you." he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "I guess curiosity killed the cat, eh?"
Ragini smiled as she understood his reasons. It seemed a logical one after all. However, it didn't mean she trusted him completely. But his nature didn't seem of one who would be a delinquent of the streets.
Besides, now that she observed more clearly, the suit he wore and the watch that was shining in his hand seemed costly. 'He seems to be of a well to do family. He might be telling the truth.'
"You we're late today. So I just thought of keeping the bench reserved so that you can use it when you arrive."
"I see. Thank you."
He nodded and moved away. He went about twenty steps away from her and sat down on the ground.
As she kept looking at him quizzically, he cocked his head to the side, looking at her like it was obvious why. "Didn't you say you didn't like people looking while you sketch? So I'm sitting at a distance."
Ragini's mouth formed an 'o' in realization. Now she was definitely sure he wasn't a wrong person. He seemed a considerate gentleman. "Right!" she smiled to herself, happy to get her seat and sat down.
Some minutes later...
Silence reigned over the place. Only sounds that could be heard was of nature, and Ragini's marker.
The sound of skin hitting skin broke her concentration. She looked at him in confusion. "Something wrong?"
"Nothing. Just these pesky mosquitoes. Sorry for disturbing you."
"It's okay." Ragini closed the notebook. "I was done anyway." she put up her legs on the bench and sat comfortably, looking at the night sky.
"So um...say, mind if I ask you something?" he asked.
"You're never late. Either you don't show up at all, or always show up on time. What happened today?"
"I got caught up in some work."
"You could have kept it for later, no? Or maybe it was really important?"
Ragini looked down. "It's...it's kind of personal."
"Oh. Sorry for asking."
Silence took over the place once more. Ragini was comfortable with it.
However, same could not be said for her company.
From the corner of her eyes, she could see him seek brief glances in her direction. He seemed to want to ask something, but refrained himself. 'Don't Ragu don't. Don't. Don't.' however, she knew she would end up questioning him. "Is there something you want to ask me Mister?" she asked in a meek and polite tone.
He seemed taken back by her question. "I um...Its just that..." he cleared his throat and turned to sit looking in her direction.
Ragini was sure that if they could see each other's faces then, her's would be one of confusion, and his determination.
"How about this. You tell me why you were late, and I'll tell you something about me."
"But I don't want to know about you. I don't even know you."
"Uh...point noted. Haha..." he gave a nervous laugh. "It's just that my curiosity gets better of me at times!"
"I understand."
Although she said she didn't want to know about him, truth was she too was curious about who he was. He went to the extent of saving her seat when he even didn't know her. Not the mention he was an odd guy. He kept the bench for her, and yet sat afar because she said she didn't like interruptions.
She sighed to herself. "Okay Mister. I'll tell you. I guess I'm just a curious as you."
He chuckled. "I guess I can count this as us becoming acquaintances from strangers."
She nodded. "Well you see Mum wanted me to complete some chores and I...I couldn't refuse. I should have just said 'no'. But I...I just couldn't. She might have got upset if I did."
"Eh? I'm sure your mother would have understood you. Doesn't she know about your hobbies?"
"She does. But...but it's just that my family doesn't consider it that necessary." Ragini looked down in sadness. "I know they love me. But I just wish sometimes my family would acknowledge my wishes too. It's like they...they kind of..."
"Take you for granted?" he finished the sentence for her.
"Yes. I'm not saying I want all of their attention. But at least I wish they respected some of my wishes enough to take them seriously."
None of them spoke for a moment. Ragini believed maybe it was her turn to question. However, he voiced his opinion.
"You know, it's your fault as well for accepting the way they treat you." he laid back on the grass and looked at the sky. "You're a people pleaser."
Ragini blinked in disbelief. "Excuse me?"
"Yep. You're a people pleaser."
"Could you be any more rude?" she could feel her tears surfacing. It wasn't just because of his words. But rather because she knew he wasn't wrong. Moreover, she was a sensitive person.
"Look, I don't mean to insult you. It's just that until and unless you stop doing it, you won't be happy. People will keep taking you for granted as they know you would go to any lengths to keep them happy. They become complacent, you know. You won't get any change if you don't prioritize yourself."
"Easier said than done. Don't you think I've tried." she mumbled to herself. But in the silence of the night, he heard her clearly.
"Well, you better change." he sat up, stretching his arms. "If you don't, you may have to pay the price later. Maybe someday when you want something important, they will try to dominate you by any means. Don't let them have such power over you." he advised in a solemn tone.
Ragini looked at him deep in thought. She worked up the courage to ask what was in her mind. "The way you speak...did something like that happen to you?"
He didn't respond.
Just when Ragini thought he wouldn't say anything more, he let out a deep sigh.
"Well, I did promise to tell you something about myself." he replied. "Yes. You could say something like that happened to me."
"What did they take from you?"
"My life."
"My life." he repeated in a grim tone.
"But...but you're alive right now." Ragini reasoned. A cold feeling spread through her body as a thought struck her. "Ar-aren't you?"
"Oh. But how can you be so sure?"
Ragini felt the hairs on her body stand in fright. Her face went pale and she could feel herself shaking. "Wh-wh-what?!"
"Don't you find it odd that I only appear to you in the night, and only in this spot where everything is shady?"
He chuckled, which turned into a laugh, soon turning into a full blown laughter. "Relax. I'm just joking. You're shaking like a leaf."
"Bu-but y-you s-said yo-your l-l-life."
"Yes. But I meant my life...my beloved." he spoke in a soft tone.
Ragini took a deep breath and let out a shuddering sigh. She looked over at him in irritation. "You almost scared me to death! Are you crazy?!"
"Hahaha...you should of heard your voice. T-the...I-I-.... Hahaha... I wish I could see your expressions in the dark somehow."
Ragini pouted, but eventually she could not help but laugh at herself. "I guess it was kinda funny." she chuckled. "Anyway, what happens. If you don't mind me asking that is."
His laughter died down at her words. "Guess I asked for one thing too much. And you would think they would let me marry her after everything I had done for the family." he said in a spiteful tone.
He got up and dusted himself. "This world is selfish. When you sacrifice every want of yours for them, even if you work hard for them...when you ask for one thing...just one thing for yourself, you're seen as selfish! That's why it's better to become a cold hearted egoist, rather than a humble person. You save yourself from a lot of suffering that way."
"You seem to hate your family. Did they wrong you so much?" Ragini asked naively.
He chuckled. "I should be angry at you for asking such a question. It's so heartless."
She got up abruptly. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean o sound like that. It wa-"
"I understand you were just curious. That's why I'm not angry at you." he explained. "As for my family, I won't forgive them."
"But...but don't you miss them?"
"Not as much as I hate them. Good night Miss." waving back at her, he walked away without another word, leaving her with more questions than before.
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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹
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