ShadowLykos Contest Entry: What. Just. Happened?!
I grinned to myself as I laid back in my chair. After hours of hard work, I had finally managed to update my latest story: Stars in the Sky, which was a big hit among all my Wattpad fans and friends. It took only a few seconds to finish publishing, and the instant I did I went to my own profile, typing in a new status: I updated SitS! Sorry it took so long, hopefully it's worth it ^^
I went back to my new chapter and quickly skimmed over it; it seemed fine, no grammar or spelling mistakes, the plot actually flowing smoothly for once. I smiled as I re-read a conversation I had written that Ty and Adam had had; the thing was, I could actually imagine them having that conversation in an actual video. I shook my head; I should probably be put in a nuthouse for my crazy ideas. Shrugging it off, I went beck to my profile, only to see that one of my good Wattpad friends, TimeIsTicking, had messaged me:
*sees status* OMGZZ FINALLY! :D I rolled my eyes and replied to her comment: I'm glad that u like it so much.
"SHADOW!!! ARE YOU ON WATTPAD AGAIN?!" Somebody shouted at me from downstairs. I sighed, although inside I was laughing; Ally was a hilarious person.
"No, I'm on Mars," I called back, just as she flung open my bedroom door.
"I knew it!" she announced triumphantly. "The famous ShadowLykos, on Wattpad YET AGAIN because she has no life!"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not famous," I told her. "I only have, like, five hundred followers. SkyDoesMinecraft has roughly ten thousand times more subscribers than I do followers."
Ally raised her eyebrows. "Right, because I'm SURE everybody who writes Minecraft fanfictions has at least three thousand followers." I laughed; she was right, after all.
"So, are we going or not?" she asked, sounding bored.
I shook my head. "Pushy, pushy," I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me. "Yeah, we're going." I logged out of Wattpad and turned my computer off. We had decided to ding-dong ditch somebody who had just moved in on our street the previous week. You know, be friendly and welcome them to the club. In our town, things like that were done often and nobody really got offended by it. Besides, even though we hadn't gotten a good look at the guys who had moved in, we knew that they were just the right age to take a joke; somewhere in between fifteen and thirty-five.
Ally hopped on her bike as I wheeled my own out of the garage. "You coming?" she asked. She tapped her hand impatiently on the bike handle. Ally was the kind of person who couldn't wait to get things done; I myself didn't really mind waiting. I always found something to do in my free time.
"No, I'm obviously just going to sit here and read Twilight all day," I told her. She laughed.
"You'd better not," she warned. "Not when we have somebody to prank."
I pedaled up to her at the end of the driveway. "Have I ever let you down?"
Ally tipped her head to one side, thinking. "Hmm... yes," she decided. I punched her on the shoulder. "Ow," she whined before pedaling onto the road.
"You got your phone?" I asked as we rode down the street. We always filmed it when we pranked somebody; one of us would hide out of sight while the other actually did the pranking. Then we would show the victim the film and see how they reacted. It was hilarious every time.
Ally nodded. "But I get to ring the doorbell this time," she said. "You did it last." I sighed; she was right, of course, but I still liked it more when I was the pranker rather than the filmer.
We parked our bikes a ways down the road before walking to the house; the curtains were all shut, which only made it easier for us to pull the prank off. Grinning, I crouched in a spot we had selected beforehand; a right behind a small lump in the ground where it was nearly impossible for them to see me but I could film just fine. Ally glanced at me and I gave her the thumbs-up as I pressed the 'record' button on her phone. She shot the camera a grin before walking silently up to the door. Without hesitating, she jabbed the doorbell with her finger before running across the street at light speed and ducking behind a tree.
I kept the camera focused on the door as the bell's ring echoed around the yard. It took awhile before anybody answered. I almost felt like just turning the camera off and telling Ally that this had been a fail when I heard laughter coming from the house. I narrowed my eyes. The voices sounded... familiar, for some reason. I heard somebody say, "...probably just want an autograph or something," before the door opened.
I almost dropped Ally's phone.
I recognized that face. I had seen it countless times in videos. I also knew why the voices had sounded so familiar.
The person who had just opened the door was none other than SkyDoesMinecraft himself.
I stared blankly, not really processing what was going on, as Adam looked around for whoever had rung the doorbell. "Hello?" he asked, using a completely different tone of voice than he did for his videos. With one last glance, he shrugged and turned around to go back inside. He pulled on the door handle, but it wouldn't budge. "Ty!" he shouted.
I heard a laugh that was unmistakably Deadlox's and then Ty himself opened the door, a grin plastered on his face. "You should've seen the look on your face," he told him. Adam punched him before stepping inside. I heard somebody, who I was sure was Jerome, say something. I felt like my feet were glued to the ground. Was I dreaming? Team Crafted, living on my street...
The door slammed shut and I heard their voices fade away as they went farther into the house, but I stayed still. I didn't even end the recording on Ally's phone. What was going on?! I mean, sure, they had said something in a video about moving into a house together, but what were the odds that it would be in my hometown?
"Shadow, get up!" Ally said, running over to me. "C'mon, that was great! We HAVE to show them the video," she said, pulling me to my feet and dragging me along the sidewalk. She noticed that her phone was still recording and yanked it out of my hands, ending it. I let her pull me along, still freaking out on the inside.
"What is wrong with you, anyways?" Ally asked. "Why did you just freeze up like that? We've done things like this a million times before."
"Sky... Minecraft... Ty..." was all I managed to get out. Ally wasn't that into Minecraft, so of course she had no clue what I was talking about. She rolled her eyes.
"Let's show that guy the recording," she said, her eyes sparkling. "I bet he'll laugh his head off."
Yeah, that was pretty much what Sky was famous for.
Ally rang the doorbell, grinning and holding her phone right by her side. I could barely breathe when the door opened and out stepped Adam once again, this time holding the door open with his hand. He looked down at her; how had I never realized how tall he was before? "Yeah, what?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
Ally flashed him an even wider grin. "First off, welcome to our town, and secondly, you just got ding-dong ditched," she announced. She held up her phone. "See for yourself," she said, pressing play. My eyes were locked on Sky's face as he watched the video. I felt like I was going to pass out. What were we doing? What the heck was going on?! There was no expression on my face, which was probably a good thing. If there had been, I would have been smiling stupidly or screaming like a crazy person.
At the end of the video, Sky clapepd his hands together and laughed. He laughed?! At something my friend and I had done to prank him?! "Wow," he said, shaking his head. "I really suck at life, don't I?"
"Yes you do!" Ty shouted from inside the house.
"I wasn't talking to you!" he called back. Sky turned back to us. I felt my heart pound in my chest. I suddenly wished that I hadn't written Stars in the Sky. What if he had read it? What if he hated it? What if it had just been some random fourteen-year-old typing away at a fanfiction that the person it was made for didn't even know existed? "Anyways, congrats on making me look like an idiot," he told us. "Although it's not normally that hard."
Ally shrugged, putting her phone in her pocket. "It's what we do every day," she said nonchalantly. "We're professional idiot-maker-lookerers."
Sky shook his head. "Well, you're very good at your job," he said. Then he seemed to remember something. "Hey, do you guys play Minecraft?"
"Nah, not really," Ally said, shrugging.
"Oh. What about you?" Adam asked, looking me right in the eyes.
What did I say?! Of course I played Minecraft! "Yes," I said. It sounded like a mouse talking. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "I mean, yeah, totally." It sounded lame. So lame. So extraordinarily lame.
Adam smiled, as if just realizing that we had something to talk about. "So... are you a Recruit?" He asked, lowering his voice just a little.
"Don't listen to him, he just wants more subscribers," Ty joked, coming to the door. "Oh, in case you couldn't tell, I'm Deadlox and he's SkyDoesMinecraft."
"I noticed," I managed to say.
Ally turned to me. "Wait, is this THE SkyDoesMinecraft? The one you won't shut up about and are writing a fanfiction for on Wattpad?" I felt my face go red. There went my only chance at getting to know Sky and Deadlox.
"Wait, you have a Wattpad account?" Ty said, sounding a little astounded.
"What's your username?" Sky asked.
"Sha... ShadowLykos," I said, cringing. What was I doing?!
"Author of Stars in the Sky?" Sky himself asked, suddenly a lot more interested. I nodded, feeling my life slip away from me. I wouldn't be surprised if when I went back home the first thing I did was delete my Wattpad account, this was so embarrassing.
"Oh my gosh I love that book!" he said, beaming. I stared. What? Had I heard him correctly? "You're an amazing author," Sky said.
"The book was only amazing because I was in it!" Ty reminded him. I felt a little calmer; this was like joking around with Ally. I could do this.
"Directioner," Sky whispered to him, causing Ty to go beet red. "The thing is," he told me, "He actually does sing their songs once in a while. We've just never managed to get it when we're recording."
I laughed, feeling a heck of a lot more at ease. "So, Ty," I asked slyly, "Who is cuter, Harry or Niall?" His face contorted into something so hilarious that I wished I still had hold of Ally's phone to take a picture. Luckily for me, Sky had it covered and whipped an iPhone out of his pocket, snapping a picture.
"Since I have no clue what you guys are talking about, can I leave now?" Ally asked, edging away. "Seriously, I don't even play Minecraft."
"Yeah, you can go right ahead," I told her, waving my arm. "The world will be better off without you." Ally stuck her tongue out at me before dashing down the sidewalk and jumping onto her bike. Sky laughed. I turned and grinned, forcing myself to believe that I was just meeting a friend on Wattpad in real life.
"So, you're going to write a fanfic about me next, right?" Ty asked, seemingly recovered from 'One Direction Infection'.
"Nah," I said. "I figured maybe I'd start with the bacca, then work my way down."
"Ooh, I like this," Jerome said, randomly popping is head in the doorway. "What are we talking about?"
"Hashtag Merome," Sky told him.
"Oh baby gurl!" Bajan shouted from somewhere inside. I started freaking out all over again. This was crazy!!!! I felt like screaming my head off, but I forced myself to remain cool.
"Who's this little person?" Jerome asked, looking down at me.
"This little person is fourteen years old and is a heck of a lot more amazing than you," I told him.
"They're ShadowLykos, the author of Stars in the Sky!" Sky said, sounding excited. I was enough to make Sky fanboy? Just the thought made me either want to barf or start laughing like an idiot. Of course, it wasn't actually 'fanboying', just liking somebody's work, but you get the idea.
"Oh, the one book where you switch bodies with some random kid?" Jerome asked. "That was a good one, I have to admit."
"Just one question, though," Adam said, lowering both his head and his voice. "You're not a prophet, are you? Because there's a comet coming up... and a while ago, at PAX, I met somebody named Darren..."
I laughed. "As far as I know, I have no magical predicting-the-future powers," I said. "But as long as you refrain from wishing you have less subscribers, all should be well."
"Thanks," he said seriously, straightening up.
"No problem," I told him.
"Adam, you promised to record a round of Cops n Robbers with me!" SSundee shouted.
Sky rolled his eyes. "Geez, Ian, let somebody finish a conversation!"
"Wait, you're doing Cops n Robbers?" Ty asked. When Sky nodded, he shouted, "I CALL FIRST WARDEN!" before disappearing into the house.
"Well, I'd better leave..." I said, shifting uncomfortably. This was getting more awkward by the minute. "Sounds like you have some recording to do."
"You have a Minecraft account, don't you?" Sky asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, why?"
Sky grinned. "What's your skype?'
I felt my jaw drop. What the heck was happening?! "Are you serious?!" I asked incredolously.
He shrugged. "Playing with the Wattpad-famous ShadowLykos is something nobody would ever turn down."
I felt giddy inside. I was getting the option to record with Team Crafted?! Without hesitating, I told him my Skype. After agreeing on one in the afternoon, I practically flew back to my bike and into my driveway, almost literally walking on air as I raced up to my bedroom. I turned the computer on and waited impatiently for it to load. Why did technology have to be so slow?!
The instant I could get on Wattpad, a grin spread across my face. I hit the new status button and typed in:
I know most of your probably won't believe this, but... Team Crafted just moved in on my street and I get to record with them this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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