3|PDA, please
*Izzy added Fashionking, JC, Parabatai, and Boyfriend to the group chat*
Clavies, Hot magic men and bloody vampires
Fashionking: Why is Alexander not in here?
Izzy: Because I want to talk to you about something concerning Alec. Please, Magnus, don't let him look at it. It will be a surprise.
JC: Like the last time when you made cake and almost burnt down the entire institute?
Parabatai: Hey, don't be mean Jace, Izzy is trying her best :(
Boyfriend: Yes exactly, she does everything with so much passion, it is adorable
Fashionking: #sizzyistheshit
Izzy: Thank you guys, I love you except Jace. Anyways, about Alec. Since it is his birthday tomorrow, I have a really nice idea. As we all know, he hates parties. So, if it's okay with Magnus, he will stay with him for the night, so they can have an adorable morning tomorrow, and then around 11, I have dug up some demons that he can fight with us together but the fun thing will be, we are only allowed to use the bow and arrows. So after that, we are going to get lunch at Hunter's Moon, just before using a Portal for Malec to visit Paris where Lorenzo, Madzie and Catarina will be waiting to light some fireworks. And then they can spend time there until 9 pm. Then we expect you back in the Hunter's Moon where our families will be there and also Madzie because we have a little surprise planned with her that I won't tell you about. Everyone onboard?
Parabatai: OMG Izzy, that is the best birthday surprise ever. Jace, why didn't you think of that? wait, don't answer. You didn't even think of getting me anything on Valentine's Day because you thought that day has something to do with the Uprising
Fashionking: This is a wonderful idea, Isabelle. I would love to participate plus it will give me the opportunity to give him his presents one by one on different occasions. I am sure Alexander will be very happy to see you planning it according to his favorite things.
Boyfriend: I even helped her plan some of it plus we get our own little segment of space at the Hunter's Moon because I talked to Maia. Even tho we need to make lunch at Taki's because there is a special menu waiting for Mr. Lightwood
JC: It's just a birthday. No need to go all out, it's not like it's his wedding
Izzy: Why do you have to be so grumpy? It doesn't suit you
Fashionking: That is usually Alexander's thing to be grumpy
Parabatai: Only when he is not around Magnus
Izzy: Great, I will add Alec back now
*Izzy adds BigBro to the group chat*
BigBro: Magnus
Fashionking: Yes, Alexander?
BigBro: I love and miss you. Working sucks when you are not here
Boyfriend: #malecisbetterthanclace
Izzy: #malecandsizzyareequal
BigBro: I agree with Izzy and Simon
Fashionking: Alexander, I love and miss you too. I promise I will come back as soon as the Warlock meeting is over. Lorenzo is being gay again and usually, I don't mind but he keeps mentioning his undying love for his husband and I don't like the fact they got married in the Silent City. Like who does that? Also, I don't mention Alexander every two seconds, even tho he never leaves my mind. Well, maybe I do but Alexander is cute, adorable, and hot unlike Underhill
Parabatai: Awww, Magnus, Alec, your love cannot be compared to anything. It is just so beautiful
BigBro: Thank you, Carrot. Magnus, just tell Lorenzo that the Head of the Institute and also Clave member, sadly, is waiting for his fiance.
JC: Eww, too much gay shit for me. I am out of here. See ya tomorrow
*JC leaves the chat*
Parabatai: Guess I have to cheer someone up
*Parabatai leaves the chat*
Boyfriend: Guys, on behalf of Jace Wayland Morgenstern Herondale, I am sorry for the way he misused the word gay. That was so not okay and that was a low blow.
BigBro: It's okay, Simon. We are used to all the crap, I just didn't expect it from Jace, my own parabatai. But I guess family really betrays you the most.
Izzy: Alec, you know Jace doesn't actually mean it that way, right? He is just not used to the fact that his best friend is in love while he struggles to show his love for Clary. I will talk to him if you want.
Fashionking: Isabelle, I would like to talk to Jace myself preferable today but Alexander will be okay. This just made him incredibly vulnerable and he needs time to calm down. Could you and Jace come to my apartment? I would like to confront him and I need someone to comfort my dear Alexander if he is not exhaustingly sleeping already.
Boyfriend: Can I come too? I might have a nice idea to cheer him up.
Fashionking: As long as Alexander feels comfortable, do what you want :)
Izzy: See you soon
Heyyyy, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, give some thoughts and a like if you enjoyed this :) <3
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