Mirikon (deviantART) created this sweet fanart. Thank you again, my friend.
"I have called the six of you here today because it's time for you to learn of your new responsibilities. Despite the third exam being suspended due to the invasion, all of you had shown and proven to those who watched that you were ready for promotion. It was under their wishes for this, and after looking over the reports, I can concur with them. From this day forward you, Aburame Shino, Hyūga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Miwako and Uzumaki Naruto, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Chūnin!"
I was torn between a mixture of pride, affection and absolute joy. I was itching to let out a triumphant shout and dance around, and I could tell Naruto was dying to do the same, but amazingly enough he restrained himself, although he was sniffling a bit. Sasuke was at first glance impassive, but after having knowing him for so long I could see the quiet pride in his eyes and the satisfied twitch of his lips. Neji and Shino seemed impassive, but I couldn't be too sure. Shikamaru was a mixture between satisfaction and annoyance.
"Congratulations, brats!" Anko exclaimed, leering.
"Thank you," we chorused, unintentionally in synch.
"Now take your jackets and beat it," Tsunade ordered.
Naruto snorted at her attitude and I hid a smile. I grabbed the jacket and slipped it on and Naruto did the same for his—though he took off his orange jacket. The six of us walked out of the tower together before pausing.
"So what are we supposed to do now?" Naruto wondered.
"I bet Asuma-sensei would want to hear from me about this. Troublesome, Ino's going to want to go out and celebrate now..." Shikamaru sighed, rubbing his forehead in irritation.
"Gai-sensei will want to know about this as well," Neji stated. "However, I will need to inform the clan first. I will be taking my leave now, then."
"Later Neji!" Naruto exclaimed, waving as the prodigy started to head away—only pausing long enough to nod back.
"The same applies to myself. Why? Because the clan will want to know as soon as possible," Shino said.
After Shino left, Shikamaru turned to us, raising an eyebrow. "So you guys off to tell Kakashi-sensei or what?"
"Nah," Naruto dismissed. "Let's all go out to eat! Come on, just the three of us—it'll be awesome."
Shikamaru frowned, giving us an openly curious look.
"Idiot, we are not eating at the ramen stand," Sasuke groaned.
"Why aren't you going to tell...?"
I shrugged. "He wouldn't really care, I think. At least... not about all of us."
Shikamaru blinked. "What? But...?"
Naruto shrugged. "It's whatever. Come on guys, let's go!"
"Well then why don't you three come eat BBQ with us," Shikamaru offered.
I glanced towards Naruto and Naruto seemed positively thrilled at the idea.
Sasuke sighed, noticing this. "Fine."
Shikamaru nodded. "Come on, I'll show the way."
Night had fallen, the stars were out and the moon was bright. I was sitting on our roof, perfectly content with resting over the skylights of our greenhouse. A gentle wind washed over me and I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.
"Congratulations on your promotion, Miwako-chan."
I opened my eyes, turning my head to find Kitsune in his usual gear.
I smiled shyly. "Thank you, Kitsune-san. It was you who got Jiraiya-sensei for me... thank you for that."
Kitsune cocked his head, moving towards me and bending down to pat my head. I leaned into his touch, finding some semblance of comfort and affection from the gesture as I had before. "I will always be there for you, Miwako-chan."
I smiled brightly. "Thank you, Kitsune-san. Really, for everything."
Kitsune gave a noise of agreement before he flickered away, already out of sight.
I wonder what will happen next?
Who can say. Half of the Sound Four is dead, and the emo-brat never got the mark. If Orochimaru was smart in the slightest, he would wait another three years before attempting to capture the boy.
Mn. Maybe. I don't think he'll try this time anyway. Then again, Kimimaro might... it's impossible to say. It'd be best to just play it safe and keep Sasuke close as much as possible—and never allow him to truly be alone.
Kurama snorted. Whatever.
I giggled internally, soon finding myself standing before his massive cage. Kurama peered at me, his red eyes staring blankly before me.
"You remember... I was telling you about the new seal. The one where I could pull out pictures of our memories and change the environment. It's finished... and I think now would be a good time to show you," I said, already moving towards the main seal. As always when I willed for it, a brush coated with ink appeared.
That was an odd thing in here. I couldn't will just anything; it had to be something both Kurama and I willed for. It took a lot of practice and it felt weird so we avoided doing it as much as possible. I began to write over the seal, adding a few lines and phrases. When I was done, the brush disappeared and I reentered Kurama's cage.
"I'm going to show you my favorite memories," I said. "You were only able to see and hear my memories before... but now you're going to live them."
Kurama eyed me dubiously and I held up my hands in the dragon seal. There was a rush of cold air and...
High. We were high above the ground. There was a whirring sound ringing in our ears and Kurama gave a startled shout. I couldn't see him. I was in the memory again. We saw what I had seen at that time. A sharp, bright picture laid before us. High above the Grand Canyon in Papa's helicopter, we road. The door was open and I could feel Papa's strong arms around me. We weren't in any danger, we just wanted a more clear view of the Canyon that the window couldn't effectively provide. It was what I had wanted at the time and Papa provided.
I could feel the giddiness and happiness bubbling inside me. The feelings that I had felt during that memory echoed through us. The bright orange contrasted beautifully with the clear blue skies, and everything at that moment had seemed so perfect.
It was one of my most treasured memories.
The memory lasted throughout the entire tour of the Canyon, all the way down to the touch down before Kurama and I were pulled out of it and found ourselves facing each back in the cage.
I blinked, the left over emotions still causing my lips to turn up into a smile.
Kurama gave out a slow breath, closing his eyes. "... Not bad, brat."
I smiled shyly, pleased that he didn't dislike it. "It's not perfect, but that was a true immersion. I have a more basic set up..."
I formed the yin seal and suddenly the cage seemed to dissolve. Instead, we were high above the Canyon, clouds rolling around us and the clear blue sky above us. Kurama peered down at the picture-perfect view of the Canyon.
"I see... How do you change the scenery?"
"The Yin seal, I've set it up so anyone could do it. You or Naruto included," I added.
Kurama nodded slowly, and for a brief moment I could have sworn I felt a brush of affection in his gaze when he looked down at the Canyon. His tone was surprisingly soft when he spoke again. "... Acceptable... Miwako."
I opened my mouth in surprise, speechless at his use of my name instead of brat or girl. But I didn't reply because I didn't feel it was really needed and that he was, perhaps, ready to be left alone. I felt a small brush of wind wash over us—part of seal, it was designed to give the scene as realistic of a feel as possible from the memory used. Kurama inhaled the wind, closing his eyes and relaxing his entire body.
He held up his clawed hand-like paws in the yin seal and soon, I found myself standing in an outrageously tall forest. There was a tranquil feel the air, and I could hear birds chirping and water running. The smells were different as well. I couldn't smell anything remotely man-like like I could in all other forests, and the trees looked... enchanting.
I had never seen a forest like it.
Kurama gave a sort of noise, settling himself down on the rather tall—to me—grass, curling up tightly and resting his head. The sun was peeking through a couple of leaves, falling over him and bathing his fur in a bright light. He looked... peaceful.
... This must be one of his more early memories. There aren't any trees in the world tall enough to shelter him like this, I mused quietly. Kurama's ears twitched slightly in response, and at his silence I took that as my cue to leave.
I pulled out of his forest, opening my eyes to reality.
I thought, briefly, of Kurama and found a soft smile tugging at my lips.
I hope that made you happy, dear Kurama.
"We're Chūnin now, we can handle an A-Rank mission on our own," Sasuke said firmly. Naruto nodded empathetically.
We had been Chūnin for little over three days, and during those days I had been able to studiously avoid Kakashi—and apparently as had Naruto and Sasuke—while bonding even more so with the Konoha 12. It had been an enjoyable three days, but now it was time to really put our rank to use.
"I know, but you lack the experience," Shizune said softly while Tsunade remained contemplative.
"We can do this without Kakashi!" Naruto burst out. "You know we can. We won't fail. Please! Please, Obaa-cha?!"
Shizune was prepared to protest even more so when Tsunade held up her hands. "... I will assign this mission to the three of you. However, I have the right to send back up if I feel like it's necessary."
"Deal," I agreed for us.
"Fine. Choose a team leader, the rest of you may be dismissed while the leader takes the briefing."
We all turned to each other and Sasuke frowned. "I was leader last mission, and Naruto before that... Miwako it's your turn."
I frowned disdainfully. Sasuke saw that and frowned. "... Just for the first day then Naruto or I will take over."
I smiled at that and nodded. "Alright, why don't you guys go ahead and wait at the theater? We promised we'd pick up the tickets today anyway, so might as well kill two birds with one stone."
"Alright!" Naruto chirped as he and Sasuke headed out the room.
Tsunade nodded when they left. "It's standard for newly made Chūnin teams to have assigned leaders to give out briefings. This gives them a practice at explaining instructions and directing their team, so it's imperative... Anyway, here's your mission. You three are to guard..."
It took me all of five minutes to find Sasuke tying up... our clients. Ten seconds to break them all free, another thirty seconds to explain the situation to Sasuke—who explained to me how Naruto had chased after the princess and... Well, it was scarily Canon, actually.
After Tsunade explained the mission to me, I instantly recognized it as the first movie from Naruto. I knew the situation rather well and I felt that the three of us could handle it. We were assigned to protect Yukie Fujikaze, a famous actress with a tragic past of being the Land of Snow's true princess. Her family was slaughtered by Doto Kazahana and she was forced to flee where she became dangerously apathetic and distant while bratty and clinging to her own self-preservation. She would be targeted when we went on our journey, ironically to the Land of Snow, but we could handle it. I knew the enemies and I knew I could prepare us for them.
I trusted in our ability. So what if we didn't have Kakashi? We could do it.
Damn it. I could do it.
As Canon, Naruto and Yukie got off to a rough start—despite his initial idolization of her from her movies—and her absolute apathy was irritating.
However, everything eventually got to moving and we finally boarded the rather large vessel, and our journey began.
(Third Person POV – No One)
"I don't like this... I have a bad feeling about this mission, but... Anyway, I have sent Team Miwako to guard this woman..."
"What? I—I mean... You sent... You sent them out on a B-Rank this early?"
"Calm yourself. It's why I called you here. I want you to go out and head as their back up. That's the mission I am assigning you. Do you accept?"
"Of course."
"Then move out."
"We'll be facing, probably, other mercenaries," I said to Sasuke and Naruto on the boat. The three of us were in quarters, sitting on the floor, sprawled out. "My bet is Snow shinobi, so they will most likely use snow-armor as well. And I think...I think I can bet which ones we'll be facing."
"How do you know?" Sasuke inquired.
"... Kurama and I talked about it briefly," I began slowly. "We looked through the Bingo book and I had an inquiry on the situation at Snow. They have four main shinobi in the Bingo book, all of which are employed by a... not so nice man. If anyone is going to attack our client, it would be this guy. Here's what information I was able to gather on them..."
The voyage had been a pleasant one. It was a while before we reached the iceberg and during the trip, the three of us had bounced off plans of various scenarios. Some of the scenarios were so outrageously impossible, but so insanely fun to dream up. One of them involved Yukie being a long lost descent of ice dragons and upon seeing the first iceberg, her dragon form would burst from her body and attempt to kill everyone in sight and we would, heroically, save everyone and slay the apathetic monster.
And that wasn't even our weirdest one.
Yeah. We were strange.
Half way through the scene, the top part of the iceberg exploded.
"There!" Sasuke shouted, his eyes narrowing.
"Everyone! Return to the ship. Naruto, send out clones to make sure everyone gets there. The real you and Sasuke, let's go! Protect Yukie at all costs!" I shouted, sprinting towards the explosion. The leader of the group, the one that Kakashi had originally taken on, Nadare. The girl enemy, Fubuki, caught Sasuke's attention as she flickered towards him. Naruto, after dispatching his massive army of clones to assist everyone else in their return to the ship, was soon engaged with the third and final enemy.
We could do this! We could do this! I thought vehemently. We don't need... I don't need...!
That's right, Kurama purred. You don't need him. You don't need anyone.
"You're mine!" I snarled, lurching myself towards Nadare. The man laughed, dodging me with ease and twisting his body. His right arm came out and I blocked his fists, ducking under him and swinging. Nadara bent backwards, dodging my attack and the two of us disengaged. Our eyes locked—his with cool mockery and mine with stubborn anger—and soon the two of us were running side by side, reaching into our packs for kunai.
We reengaged in taijutsu and as the fight progressed, so did my frustration.
He could it! He could do it, so why can't I? I didn't need him. I didn't... I don't need him! I don't want him! I'll forget him. I'll forget everything about him and then I won't feel like shit anymore.
We can take him. We can do anything.
No! This is my fight. I can do it! Damn it, I can do it.
My punch landed into a wall of ice, and it shattered before me. I snarled in frustration, looking up to see Nadare laugh as he climbed higher up on the iceberg. Gnashing out my teeth, I lunged up, racing up the wall. My heart was pounding and I could feel the adrenaline kicking in. Anger fueled me and with every ounce of frustration I felt, I slammed my fist into the wall again. Nadare looked back, surprise coloring his features as the ice wall cracked and shattered completely and we were forced to leap away. I leapt onto a falling chunk of ice, using it to propel myself towards Nadare.
Nadare used the same tactics and soon we were engaged in combat once again. My leg whirled around to kick him in the side, but he blocked my attack last minute, choosing instead to attempt to land one of his own. It was a blurry of punches and kicks, most of it occurring so quickly and reflexively, I couldn't recall each one. We were forced to disengage once again, landing on opposite walls parallel to each other.
"You're getting to be a real annoyance," Nadare snapped. "I don't have time for you."
"I should be saying the same thing to you," I snarled.
Nadare sneered, pulling out a white ball.
He threw it up into the air and instinctively my eyes followed it.
It flashed brightly and white light enveloped me, so brightly and blinding my eyes burned. I cried out, my hands flying up to my face.
No! Brat!
It was too late. Sheer pain rocketed through the back of my head, followed by a prin-pick sensation.
The next thing I knew I was hurtling through the air, my vision significantly blurred and my entire body going numb.
Poison? I don't recall him using poison before... or that bomb...
His voice... everything was distant, jumbled. I couldn't remember, couldn't process anything. Who was talking...? His voice... was getting distant... softer.
St... awa... don.... leep! Miw...
Dizzy, disoriented, I was...
I was...
My eyes closed just as I felt two warm arms wrap around me. They were so familiar. So big and warm. There was silver... a silver blur poking through my vision, but I couldn't...
I wasn't falling anymore. I was safe. I was... where was I...?
The arms... they were shaking... Why...? What...?
Oh. Oh, oh no... I knew this feeling...
Please... don't...
My arm was weak, but it was always weak. My body was a weak thing, I remembered. I remembered when these arms held me and he shook, because... no... no... it was okay...
I placed my hand over the silver blur. "Shh... it's okay... don't cry, Papa... it'll be okay..."
I knew I was sick. I knew I was going to die. I was going to miss you, Papa, but it was okay. I was okay. So please, don't cry anymore. I hated to see you so sad, Papa, Momma, Sissy. Please, don't. Because I cry when you cry, and I didn't have enough time for that.
It was okay...
"Shhh... I promise... it's okay, I'm sorry, Papa..."
"No..." the blur—Papa—said. "No..."
I felt my vision fading and familiar tugging sensation.
It was okay, everyone. Really, I was okay.
I knew I was going to die.
But, really, I was okay.
So, please... please don't cry anymore.
It was warm and soft.
I opened my eyes, wincing at the sharp pain I felt in the back of the head. I was disorientated and cringing, I sat up slowly. It took me a while to reprocess everything and sort through my jumbled thoughts. By the time I was done, Kurama was alerted to my conscious state.
I've already wiped out the poison in your system and healed all physical injuries, Kurama said.
What... That wasn't... that couldn't have been Papa...?
It wasn't. Kurama's voice was flat. Annoyed.
Who...? Jiraiya...?
Guess again.
I stilled.
No... Kakashi? Why...? Why would he... he was... he was crying... wasn't he? He was, at the very least, sad... and he saved me... that makes no sense! He... He abandoned me, he left me to deal with a homicidal, pathological, sadistic maniac without an inch of worry or help on his part. And he... Why would he...? That makes no sense! I don't... I don't understand!
Who cares why? It was probably for his own self-interest. He only rescued you to ease his guilt. Nothing more. He doesn't care. You don't need him, Kurama insisted, his voice bordering on frustration and anger.
But... but then... I don't... I don't... But... if he's sorry... if he... regrets it... Then does that mean... he cares?
He doesn't care! He doesn't. He never cared.
You don't need him!
I shook my head, unable to think clearly. ... I want... I want to question him, myself... I want...
I looked up as—speak of the devil—Kakashi entered the room. He was a little worse for wear, but there was obvious relief in his eyes when he looked at me. He cleared his throat a couple times before finally saying, "We need to talk. After this mission... we need to talk."
I blinked at this, ignoring Kurama's quiet mutterings.
"Okay," I managed. "I... I think we do."
(Third Person POV – Kakashi)
Kakashi knew he screwed up.
He'd like to say Miwako overreacted, but really, she didn't.
Her entire life had been about people sniding and looking down at her. She hadn't relied on anyone, but herself. She refused to trust anyone, except Naruto and the Hokage and then Kakashi had waltzed into her life. He didn't mean to hurt her. He wanted to change. He wanted that desperately. He wanted to be that person that Obito thought he was. The person that deserved his eye.
It was hard. Painfully so, at first. She was just a screaming echo of his past, and with every encounter it felt like the first day of grieving all over again, but it got easier. Slowly. Kakashi began to differentiate her and them. Miwako was Miwako, not Minato or Kushina. Not Rin or Obito. Just... Miwako.
But he could only handle her in small doses, you see. He wasn't a masochist and didn't enjoy the emotional struggle he had face every time he saw her or Naruto. When he was saddled with her on a team, he thought he could take it. Take handling her and Naruto full time.
He was wrong.
He needed the break, because training with her for a handful of hours every other week was vastly different than training with them every day or camping out with them for days on end. It was also equally hard watching them get hurt. Watching Naruto face off against Haku, seeing Miwako break down after her first kill, and Naruto mourn over his, as well... it was so hard.
He couldn't comfort him. He didn't know how, not to mention that it would have been out of place. What was he to them? Sure, Miwako had concluded who their parents were, but Naruto was still supposed to remain oblivious for a while longer. He couldn't... he wouldn't...
When the exam came, he needed a reprieve. Desperately. At first, he meant to only keep away for a week. After all, she would forgive him for that much. Miwako always forgave him whenever Kakashi was either too short with her, or too distant. She always came back, just eager to be around him.
Kakashi felt guilty he was taking advantage over her openly biased opinion of him, but not enough to stop him.
He never really considered teaching Miwako the Chidori. Whenever he thought of Naruto or Miwako, it was always with Minato's jutsus. They were his kids, not Kakashi's. So Kakashi thought that Sasuke would do just fine to learn his jutsu.
He didn't... It was so obvious... At the time he didn't quite put it together.
Passing down jutsus was something two kinds of people did. Teachers passed down their prized jutsus to their prized students. Parents or family passed down prized jutsus to their heirs or heiresses.
He knew Miwako was fond of him, knew she adored him as family. He just didn't bother to think of how far that affection ran.
Of how very much like a father-figure he was to her.
He didn't mean for that to happen. Oh, no. He did not. He wasn't quite sure what he felt about it still, either.
Not only did she view him as a father, but as her prized teacher. The one she had first. The one she was taught by first.
When Kakashi taught Sasuke the Chidori, it showed her that a.) she wasn't his daughter in the slightest and b.) she wasn't his prized student, in the slightest.
That she wasn't worth being taught his jutsus.
Anyway, he knew she could handle Gaara. Kakashi knew it like he knew the exact place Obito's engraving was on the stone. She was strong, and he trained her and in some ways, raised her. He was confident in her abilities. He knew Naruto wasn't in danger, and he also knew Jiraiya was in town at that the old sage would definitely want to train the twins. All that left was Sasuke.
So Kakashi trained Sasuke for that month, believing it for the best.
When Miwako began studiously avoiding him, he just thought she was a little sore, nothing big.
When Naruto and Sasuke started avoiding him as well, he was a little curious.
When Jiraiya came up to him, punched him across the jaw hard enough to leave Kakashi dizzy for a bit, did he finally understand what had happened.
And he didn't have a clue what to do about it.
(First POV – Miwako)
The mission went off without a hitch afterwards—well, okay, there were quite a few hitches, but seriously... everything turned out alright in the end, and soon, we were on our way back to Konoha. The trio of us had still been studiously avoiding Kakashi, but there was no annoyed intent behind it. I was confused on what to do and wanted to avoid any awkward conversations and Naruto wanted to keep me company and Sasuke just went along with it.
When we arrived back in the Land of Fire, Kakashi ordered Sasuke and Naruto ahead, thus leaving the two of us alone to travel at a more sedate pace.
Kurama was... different. He was irritated and constantly told me to not trust Kakashi, so much to the point it was getting annoying that I threatened to take off the communication seal. He had been sulking in silence ever since.
I stopped walking in the forest, my stomach churning. Behind me, Kakashi stopped as well. I turned around to face him. My hands were balled up into fists.
"Why did you rescue me?" I asked right away.
"You're my student."
"You left me to die."
"I knew you could do it."
"I didn't. I needed you."
"I know."
"Do you hate me?"
"No; never."
"Do you care?"
"Why didn't you say something, even though it was so obvious I was mad at you?"
"Why didn't you?"
"I was so angry at you. I thought you didn't actually care about me. That you were using me to assuage your own guilt."
"You're wrong."
"Am I?"
"Why did you save me?"
"You're my student."
"You hurt me. Really badly."
"Can you forgive me?"
"I don't want to. No, I do. But I don't. I don't want to have to forgive you."
"I won't make you."
"I know. You're not the type."
"Will you forgive me?"
My eyes trailed down, I tucked my hands behind me. "I dunno."
Kakashi took a tentative step forward. He was closer now. I could reach out to touch him, if I wanted to.
"Why did you save me?"
"You're my student."
"Why did you give me the summoning contract?"
"Because I knew you wanted them, I knew you would treat them well and I wanted you to have them."
"Why did you save me?"
"Because you're my student. Why did you bring Tsunade to me?"
"Because I hate you. Hated. Whatever."
"I'm sorry."
"Why did you save me?"
I looked up.
Kakashi hesitated.
"Because you're my student."
I nodded, looking back down. "I hate you."
"I know."
"I wanted to prove that I didn't need you. I ended up needing you anyway."
"I know."
"You're selfish."
"So are you."
"I know."
"You're childish, too."
"You're stubborn and you cling to the past too much."
"You're spiteful."
"With good reason."
"I'm sorry."
"I know."
"I wish I could change it."
"I do, too."
We lapsed into silence. I was the first to break it.
"We're broken, aren't we?"
"Okay. Why did you save me?"
Kakashi didn't answer for a long time.
"Because you're my comrade, my precious person."
"Not this time."
I shook my head, anger rising up in me. "Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. I trusted you before. I don't... I don't understand...! You're... You're...!"
My fist shot out and I landed a solid punch across his jaw. He didn't bother evading it.
"Don't just take it!" I shrieked. "I'm not—I'm not some worthless little girl! Take me seriously!"
White hot anger was racing through my veins and all of a sudden I saw red and a familiar chakra was coursing through me without my prompting or consent, but at that moment I was just so angry I didn't care. I wanted to hurthurthurt him the same way he hurthurthurt me because it stungstungstung so bad.
It wasn't fairfairfair. He did evade me through my next barrage, but either I was determined or he was feeling masochistic.
I landed a clawed punch into his gut, sending his spiraling away from me.
"I hate you! I hate you! You're a coward! I hate you, so much. You idiot! You idiot," I howled, sprinting towards him. He stood up, evading my punches and kicks again. I was growing more and more angry at each time he dodged and I hatedhatedhated how he didn't show any emotion.
Thunder rolled above us, but I just didn't care and it was raining, but I just didn'tcareanymore, because caring caused pain and I was so tired of being in pain.
I landed—he let me land—another punch and he was flying through the air. I flung myself after him, landing a vicious kick and sending him crashing into the ground. He went backwards a bit, finally coming to a halt and I was shaking and—and—
I looked at him. I looked at his bloodied, beaten form and—and—
I was moving towards him, shaking my head and when I reached him I landed a hit on his chest, but it was a weak hit because it barely made a sound. I was shaking and I wasn't seeing red anymore. My vision was blurred and my knees were like jelly. I thumped my fist against his chest again, shaking.
"I hate you. You're so stupid... I hate you, I hate you..."
I collapsed, but it was okay because his arms were around me and he fell with me. It was getting dark, and the rain was cold, but I didn't care because I was sobbing because I just couldn't take it. I couldn't stand to be angry anymore because it didn't do me any good and I never wanted to hurt him, because he was still my precious person.
I was shaking, but not from anger.
"Y-You're an idiot. You're a-an idiot. W-Why did you let me...? You sh-should h-have just... just kn-knocked me..."
"I'm sorry."
"You're sorry!" I cried out. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! You're an idiot! But I'm sorry!"
He patted my head, and I shook my head, burying my head into his chest and balling up my hands into fists.
My throat was tight and my eyes were stinging. My stomach was clenching and my heart was constricting. I felt so silly and small at that moment, wondering how I could have ever thought that he didn't care. How I ever could have mistaken his soft gaze for that one of someone uncaring.
I swallowed roughly. "I h-hate my life sometimes, y-you know, bayo? I h-hate how they treat us. I hate it, really badly. I thought... I thought you were good, you know? I thought y-you were family, y-you know? And I-I-I thought you didn't care anymore. Or that you never did, you know, bayo?"
I hiccupped. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I'm sorry I was so selfish. I'm sorry I ran away. I'm sorry I didn't understand. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
I hiccupped again, and I was crying and clinging to him. My hands were balled up into fists and I sobbed because somehow it just seemed like the right thing to do and it felt so damn good.
And there was a tremor going through his body, so slightly and he was still petting my hair and I was still crying and saying I was sorry, only this time I wasn't the only one saying the words.
Somehow, by some odd way, I knew we would be okay.
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