Oh, Alright
I threw myself towards the nearest enemy, who was Tayuya - snarling and clawing all the way there. Her lips curled in distaste and she reached for her flute.
Like fuck I'm going to let you grab your flute, bitch.
I flickered, charging up to her before my clawed hand latched on her arm. She hissed in pain from the demonic chakra that stung on her skin. My lips curled back and she scowled at me.
"Fuck you," Tayuya spat, and I growled, anger flaring through me. Tayuya substituted away and I howled in frustration, inhaling the air around me and quickly finding her scent. She was a little ways from me, slowly lifting up her flute. I channeled chakra into my voice and roared, throwing her body back and unable to complete her genjutsu.
I sprinted towards her, appearing before her in a second before swinging my clawed hand at her face. Her hands flew up to her now bleeding face and she kicked out at me. Her kicks stung and my body ached at the places she hit, but I ignored the pain. I was too furious, too mad to care. She was trying to kill Grandfather. She was trying to take Grandfather away from me. She was going to ruin everything. She was the enemy and she was my prey.
And prey doesn't deserve to live after angering the predator.
I snarled quietly, hovering over her as she kicked out again. I ignored her kick as she tried to scramble away from me. I watched her, quietly (sadistically) pleased at how she struggled. Good. She was badbadbad. She deserved the pain. I knew that demonic chakra was lethal to the system, and I had scraped her fully on the face with the stuff. Even if it was only a watered down version of Kurama's chakra, it was still painful.
She stood up, shakily, going straight into the second stage of her Curse Mark. Her hand was still holding up her face, but she slowly withdrew it, sneering at me.
I wanted to laugh. I wanted to giggle. She actually thought I would let her live? She actually thought she would live? She actually thought that she would win? I wasn't going to let her win. I definitely wasn't going to let her live. She was badbadbad and she would suffersuffersuffer and I would killkillkillripriprip because, because—
Silver flashed before my eyes and I felt the bubbling frustrations of betrayal wash over me. I felt an overwhelming sense of pain and betrayal stab through my chest; I had to fight against crying out. I was so angry because of that. I didn't want that. I didn't want to think of That Man because it hurttoomuch and because of That Man I already lost someone I cared about and now—now—now I could lose another one and I hatedhatedhated it.
I was burning. I was so furious and bitter, I felt as if I was on fire with my emotion. I needed an outlet. I wanted someone else to have this pain. I wanted—I wanted—Ineeded—
She is your prey.
She was badbadbad so she was going to be in painpainpain because somehow it was allherfault and I was going to make her paypaypay.
"Scream," I purred, smiling at her before I hurtled myself towards her.
She screamed beautifully.
I withdrew my redredred claw from her chest, clutching a red clump in my hand. I eyed it another moment before I squished it and dropped it. I turned back to find that the ANBU had immobilized Jirōbō, and more than likely killed the other two, but since I didn't see the other two, I could only assume.
My heart was pounding and I ran towards the barrier. Grandfather—Grandfather—
The ANBU met me there and the four of us stood before the barrier, unable to peer inside past the summoned trees.
"Jiji," I whispered softly, worry and dull anger burning through me. I was angry that I couldn't be in there to protect him. I was furious at myself for not considering this scenario. It was Grandfather; I should have made plans for everything.
"Do not worry, Miwako-chan," ANBU Captain said quietly. I recognized him. He was one of my bodyguards for so long ago, I didn't mind him being familiar. In fact, I was used to it. I turned to him, my eyes widening. "... Hokage-sama can take care of himself."
"That does not stop me from worrying," I whispered, my eyes trailing down.
The ANBU Captain—Kitsune (fox) masked, flickered in front of me. He placed a black gloved hand on my head, a gesture he had only ever given me once.
Once upon a time ago there was a little girl who curled up and cried, bruises covering her frame and harsh words echoing through her mind. One upon a time ago an ANBU Captain sat next to the little girl and patted her on the head; a gesture the little girl would always find comfort in since then, thanks to that man.
The familiar gesture had me pausing, my mind blanking out.
Suddenly, my anger was gone; extinguished. At that moment it seemed so pointless to get angry; it was a waste of energy. I had worried far too much. Kurama's chakra slipped away from me as my anger drained away.
And then... the barrier was gone.
Before any of us reacted, two flickered shadows raced in past us and I recognized them as the remaining members of Sound Four. I ignored them, inhaling deeply before finding Grandfather's scent and sprinting towards him.
What I found stopped my heart.
It was exactly like cannon.
"Jiji!" I gave a strangled cry, ignoring the last remaining Sound Four take Orochimaru away. I gave another strangled cry as I ran towards him, falling on my knees. My arms reached out and I grabbed hold of the familiar man. A dry sobbed tore through my throat as I realized that he was getting colder.
"Jiji!" I wailed again, clinging on to him as my body shook. Nonononono! This wasn't fair! This wasn't fucking fair!
Why? Why the Hell was I always so fucking screwed over? This wasn't fair. This wasn't fair! Fuck you! Fuck you all! Why did I have cancer? Why did I have to die so early? Why did you tear me away from a family that loved me and hurl me into this God awful world? Why did you make me an orphan? Why did you make everyone hate us? Why did you take away what little family I had left?
It's not fair! It's not fair! Give him back! Give him back, please, please. I'll do anything. Please, oh God, please give me back my Grandfather!
I gave another wail, half scream, despair weighing down on me. Why didn't I do something? Why couldn't I have been a seal-master? If I was, I could have taken down that barrier! Why wasn't I fast enough to get to him? Whywhywhywhywhy?!
My eyes stung and I felt a loss of environment. It didn't matter anymore. Grandfather was deaddeaddead and I was alonealonealone.
Tears fell down and I still didn't care. I didn't care if it was improper of me to cling to his body and cry out. I didn't care because—Grandfather! Grandfather why didn't you listen? You just had to stall! You just had to stall! You stupid, stupid man!
It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. Why me? Why me?
I held on tightly to Grandfather, shaking and crying and sobbing. It wasn't fair. Bring him back! Bring him back!
I hand fell on my back, a warm hand. It was familiar.
"Miwako-chan... you need to let go now..."
"No!" I cried out, clinging to him. "That son of a bitch wasn't supposed to die! Damn it! Jiji, you asshole!"
"It's not f-f-fair!"
Arms wrapped around me, and I was just too exhausted to care. My vision blurred and I grabbed on to the warm body that held me and I sobbed. "I-I-It's not f-f-f-fair!"
Exhaustion pressed down on me as I continued to sob. The person carrying me continued to carry me away, holding tightly. I didn't know how long I clung to that person until my hiccups faded down and my body sagged. My bottom lip quivered and my head pounded. My heart was constricting and I chanced a look up.
His face was grim, solemn, as he continued to carry me away.
I hiccupped again in my godfather's arms before I placed my head against his chest, and closed my eyes.
Go to sleep, little one.
I sniffled again, but listened to the surprisingly gentle voice.
Oblivion took me, and I welcomed it with open arms.
When I awoke, I was in a hospital room. Someone had stuck an IV in my arm, and I could see right away that Naruto was in another bed next to mine. Bandages covered his body, but he was resting peacefully. I looked around the room before my eyes settled, surprised, on a sleeping form.
Ino was sitting next to my bed, her head lying in her arms that rested in my bed. I gave a rough swallow before I moved forward, gently patting her head. Ino blinked her eyes open before she gave me a bright smile.
"Good morning," Ino said cheerily.
I gave her a small smile, ignoring the pain in chest.
"I'm glad you're up. Ah... what time is it? Oh? Lunch time. The nurses already said that you were free to discharge any time you want. Want to grab something to eat?
"Yes, please," I said quietly, gently pulling the IV out of my arm.
"Good," Ino declared, giving me another smile. "Your brother should wake up in a few hours, so we can come back here afterwards."
"Thank you."
"It's not an issue," Ino assured me. "Now, come on."
The funeral was held the very next day. Everyone was covered in black, and I held Naruto's—and Sasuke's—hands tightly. Naruto held mine just as tightly. I could tell Sasuke didn't want to hold my hand, but I suppose something in my eyes convinced him to allow it just for the funeral. Which was all I wanted.
It was hard. It was painfully hard to not start crying along with Konohamaru. I was shaking, subtly, and I was clinging desperately to my last two family members. I needed them more than ever to stay sane.
I felt ashamed. At the anger I had given into. At what I had done, but didn't regret it, because I knew that I needed to direct that anger.
I could see why Naruto had to master 'his dark side' before he could have control of Kurama's chakra. Without a clear mind, the chakra latched on to the strongest emotion and overhauled it. It took my anger and frustration to a whole new level, a level I didn't even know I had in me.
It was shameful, but I didn't regret it; I learned from it.
Besides, what was the point in regretting someone who was badbadbad's death... when I could spend that time regretting Grandfather's?
When the funeral was over, I released my grip of Sasuke's hand and clung fully to Naruto. Naruto allowed it and the two of us walked back to our tiny apartment. Sasuke followed behind us, and entered our apartment as well.
We stayed in the apartment for the rest of the day, varying between doing nothing, watching movies and eating.
I gave a sort of yawn the following morning, when there was a quiet knock at our door. Naruto was already in the shower and I was fixing up some breakfast for us. When I opened the door, I blinked in surprise.
I recognized the purple-haired ANBU woman. I had seen her scarcely a few times as a bodyguard for Naruto and myself.
"Is something wrong?" I inquired.
Yūgao smiled serenely at me. "Hello, Miwako-san. I'm Uzuki Yūgao and I would like to offer you my thanks."
"... What?"
"Hayate," Yūgao said, and my eyes widened with realization.
That's right... she and Hayate were lovers. In Canon, Baki killed Hayate, but I... prevented that. In Canon, Yūgao was so stricken by grief she gave up on...
"I take it he's alright?" I ventured.
"Yes," Yūgao said, still smiling. "The staff informed me it was you who had carried him there, and had it not been for you... well, I would just like to thank you and to say that if you need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask."
I opened my mouth, gaping, before closing it. I flushed. "I—I—thank you. Thank you, I will."
"Good. Have a pleasant day, Miwako-san," Yūgao replied.
"Miwako-chan," I interrupted. "I—um—if you don't mind, that is."
She beamed. "Not at all, you can just call me Yūgao, if you would like."
"H-Hai. Have a nice day."
I rubbed my forehead as Naruto and I sat at Ichiraku. I gave another yawn before moving my hands to rub my eyes. It was difficult for me to sleep at night, but thankfully, I had Naruto and thankfully, Naruto had me. Neither of us was able to sleep through the night completely since Grandfather.
"There you two are."
My head snapped around and I found Jiraiya entering the ramen stand. "Come on, you two. I'm taking you on a mission."
"No thanks," Naruto snorted.
"Come on, I'll teach two a new, extra special jutsu," Jiraiya said, wriggling his eyebrows. I had to giggle at the display, and at my giggle, Jiraiya's grin widened.
"I-I wouldn't mind," I said shyly, looking over towards Naruto. Naruto snorted, but shrugged.
"Fine, whatever."
"Excellent, the two of you meet me at the west entrance of the village in one hour!"
"We will," I assured Jiraiya. "Come on, Aniki, let's go find Sasukenii-chan and let him know."
"Oh, alright."
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