This art was created by TransformiceGurl on deviantART. Once again, my friend, thank you for the lovely fanart.
The rest of the mission passed on without much note. I found myself oddly subdued and contemplative for the rest of the mission, and unusually clingy to Naruto as well. Naruto didn't seem to mind, and if I didn't know any better, I would've said he was just as clingy—going so far as to stand guard when I had to use the bathroom, even though Kakashi had assured us that the area was safe multiple times.
When we came back to Konoha, we went straight to the Hokage's office, gave our debriefs, took our forms to fill out our mission report, grabbed our A-Rank pay, and went our separate ways. Kakashi only told us to meet together again for the usual routine.
Naruto and I headed straight home to tend to our plants (even though Grandfather assured us that he had taken care of them, we liked being cautious). After a while, though, we acknowledged our need for groceries, so I opted to head out, casting a small henge over myself to buy them.
After I had my groceries—six full bags worth—I released my henge, and continued on my way.
I paused, my spine involuntarily stiffening from the familiar voice.
Slowly, I turned around and found myself staring at Sakura, with Ino as well. The two girls' appearances had changed little; the only exception being found in Ino's hitai-ate, a hitai-ate that Sakura no longer wore.
That's right, I thought softly. I... I stole her place, didn't I?
I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Part of me didn't care—so long as I was with my brother, it didn't matter whose team I ended up on. Another part of me felt a little bad; she was one of the original main protagonists. Even if she wasn't my favorite, I didn't dislike her either.
I liked her at some point in Shippuden, in fact. And a tiny, tiny part of me felt a little satisfied. Not that I had stolen her place, but in the fact that she failed where I succeeded. I didn't like how she had behaved in the academy. How she treated my brother, and how she treated me.
But it was a small part that was largely ignored.
"Sakura-san, Ino-san," I greeted, my voice guarded. "I wasn't aware of you two being on speaking terms again."
To her credit, Sakura gave a sheepish smile, blushing brightly. "We... I... I failed my final Genin exam and was really down in the dumps... Ino bumped into me and..."
"I could see that Forehead needed my help," Ino picked up. "Even if... Even if we haven't been the greatest of friends the past while, she's still my friend and I do care about her."
"I see," was all I said.
"I'm actually in the medical-corps now," Sakura said shyly. "My sensei noticed my superb chakra control, and suggested that I either specialize in medical-ninjutsu or genjutsu. But I would have to go back to the academy another year if I wanted to specialize in genjutsu, where if I entered the medical-corps, I could start directly training there, and work at the hospital right away."
I stared at her. "Good for you."
Sakura and Ino exchanged glances, both a little disappointed.
Sakura stepped forward, clearing her throat. "I know... we haven't been on the best of terms at the academy. But talking with Ino... being friends with Ino again made me reopen my eyes a bit. I was... mean to you. I'm sorry."
Surprise colored my features before I quickly schooled them, suspicion and disbelief creeping over instead.
What does she want? I thought. What could I possibly have that she would want...?
My mind rummaged through all the materialistic possessions I owned, dismissing them just as quickly as I thought of them. I then considered that perhaps she was hoping to use me as a tutor, but disregarded that thought instantly. It didn't take long before I found something that would spark her interest... something that she and Ino might view me of 'having.' Inwardly, my eyes widened with realization.
Of fucking course.
My eyes narrowed. "Your point?"
"We want to make it up to you," Ino said, taking a few steps forward.
"Do you?" I drawled. "Or would you rather make it up to Sasuke-san?"
Shock took over their faces, genuine shock. Sincere enough that I actually thought for a moment that they weren't after Sasuke. But if that was the case, then what did they want from me?
Surely they wanted something. I couldn't really believe that all of a sudden they had a change of heart. They had years to make this kind of realization, and one silly little failed test was all it took? Did they really think I would believe that?
You don't need them, Kurama whispered. They hurt you before. They betrayed you. You don't need them. You don't need anyone.
My grip tightened on the bags.
"No," Ino said, her brow furrowed. "Look, I know that even though I never bullied you directly, that didn't mean I didn't hurt you. I'm sorry if I did, that wasn't my intention."
"I'm sorry, too," Sakura said quickly. "We just... want a chance to start over. You know?"
I didn't trust them. While Ino had never bullied me—in fact she scared off a handful of bullies—she didn't exactly go out of her way to be friendly. She ignored me. She didn't want to be seen talking with me—or hell being near me. While she defended me, I acknowledged that was because of who she was. She just didn't like bullies. That sure as hell didn't mean she liked me.
Sakura... Sakura didn't physically bully me. She didn't poke fun at my appearance. She had gone through that type of bullying once, and I suppose she viewed it as the only type of bullying.
She was wrong. She was snide. She was arrogant. Whenever she scored higher than me, she gloated. Then again, she gloated it to the entire class. She hit my brother—many times. She was the teacher's favorite while I was the hated one. I can openly admit that I was jealous of her in that regard. Jealous of how she got glowing praises when I did just as well, if not better, than she did; and yet all I got were criticisms and sneers. She knew it too, worst of all.
I think that the thing I hated most was the pitying looks she would give me when a teacher praised her instead of me.
I didn't like them. I didn't particularly dislike the two, either.
But I did not trust them.
Some part of me, some tiny, little part of me feared that if I took them up on their offer, it would only hurt me more.
I closed my eyes, feeling the swirl of emotions churning in my gut. Anger and resentment. Fear. Hurt. Sadness. Wary. Unsure. I opened my eyes while exhaling slowly.
"I understand where you're coming from, but I can't," I said. "I just can't trust either of you. Not now."
"I understand," Sakura said, her eyes trailing downcast. "I don't blame you, either. But..."
She and Ino exchanged glances.
"If you ever change your mind, you know where to find us," Ino said.
"Yes, I suppose I do," I answered softly.
But I doubt I'll ever take you up on your offer.
In the back of my mind, as I walked away, Kurama chuckled darkly.
Naruto was snoring quietly beside me, curled up in the blankets. I was sitting up in our bed—we would have to buy another one as we were getting a bit too big to share the same bed anymore—my mind churning furiously as I thought over our last mission.
I needed someone to turn to. I realized that and acknowledged it, but I had limited options.
My first choice was Naruto, but I quickly dismissed it. While I'm sure he would believe me... he wouldn't be of much use. As loathe as I was to admit it, Naruto wouldn't be of much use until he grew up a bit more.
I definitely wasn't going to rush my dearest brother into that, though. Some part of me didn't even want him to grow up—ever. That part of me wanted him to keep his childish innocence and warm, open heart. If I pushed this burden onto him, he wouldn't be able to do that anymore. At least, not really. And I couldn't bring myself to do that. I just loved him far too much.
My second option was Grandfather, but I was reluctant. While he was my Grandfather and I viewed him highly, he was first and foremost the Hokage of Konoha. He sacrificed his own relationship with his son for the better of Konoha—and it wasn't even that big of a betterment. A single mission. Yet that single mission ruined everything between the two. If I came to him with knowledge of the future...
Not to mention there was that high risk of Danzō finding out. Something that petrified me on the thought of that ever happening.
My third option was Kakashi. But... I doubted he would believe me. Even if he did believe me, I doubted even more so that he would be willing to keep this between us. Especially if the knowledge I held would endanger everyone he knew and loved. Or befriended. I wasn't sure if Kakashi really loved anyone at this point in time. Ultimately, he was out.
My fourth option being Jiraiya... But I had no way to contact him, and by the time I could contact him, it would be too late. I suppose I could go to Grandfather and demand to speak to him, but that would raise some uncomfortable questions that I wouldn't really know how to answer.
My last option being... the one I was seriously considering. My last option. Definitely an option that made me hesitate the most.I knew he wasn't a bad person. I knew he was, in a way, a good guy. He was just very, very unlucky, and that made him bitter. But I had seen how great of an ally he could be. I could sympathize with his current plight as well, which made me more lenient to choosing him. Not to mention he was intelligent. Witty. Cunning. Everything that I currently wasn't. He could help me and best of all, he couldn't blab.
It was just a matter of convincing him.
I had an idea. It was a small one that I first dismissed, as it was absolutely ludicrous, but as I sat in bed, mulling it over... it started to latch on. Growing.
It would be so ridiculously easy to convince him that way. But could I trust him enough? I knew he was bitter. I knew he didn't really like me... but I also thought he didn't really dislike me, either. I wanted to trust him. I really did. I admired him. He was one of the few people in this world that has never truly lied to me, and had always been there... even if he didn't really have a choice in that last one.
So it all came down to one question.
Could I trust Kurama?
Could I open myself so completely to him... and not be hurt? Could I go inside his cage and come out unscathed?
Did I really have a choice?
He was my last and only option left.
I needed him. I couldn't do this alone. I didn't want to do this alone.
With those last thoughts in my head, I closed my eyes and slipped off into a meditative trance.
When I opened my eyes again, I was standing before Kurama's cage.
"You've been a busy thinker lately," Kurama drawled. "Even I haven't been able to make out your thoughts."
"You will be," I said, feeling a little more than anxious, "able to, I mean."
"Is that so?" Kurama sneered.
"You can see my memories, right?" I asked, heading straight to the subject. "If I wanted to... I can show you any memory of mine, right?"
"That is the nature of the seal as you and I have discovered," Kurama said, his tone condescending. "But what's the point in bringing that up? I have been with you since the day you were born, brat. There is no memory of yours that I do not have already."
"That's where you're wrong," I whispered, inching closer to his cage. "And I want to show you. I want... I want to enter your cage and show you my... my mind."
Kurama's eyes narrowed, a contemplative and calculating glint in them. "You trust me enough to do so? What if I were to ravage your mind... leave you broken and inane?"
"You wouldn't," I said. "That wouldn't be helpful to you. While I think it would satisfy you for the moment... you wouldn't want that. You need Naruto's and my help to get out of your cage before we die... because if we die, we take you with us—forever. Naruto would never help you if you hurt me, and I wouldn't help you if I could not. So you wouldn't. Even if it would be advantageous to you, I would do it anyway."
"Why's that?" Kurama asked, skepticism lacing his voice.
"You'll see," I said quietly. "You'll understand. I know you're not bad. In this world... there really is no such thing as a bad person, you know? Everyone is just shades of gray... some a bit darker. You and I are no exception to this."
With that, I stepped into his cage and closed my eyes.
I felt his hot breath washing over me, burning me. It was uncomfortable, but doable. Feeling the link between us—by the seal—I grabbed hold of it and... opened... my... mind...
And Kurama watched.
Silent and unreadable through it all.
Silence descended into the cage when we finally withdrew from my mind, Kurama's eyes were wide as he stared at me in a new light. Whether that light was good or bad, I didn't know. Minutes passed by before Kurama's eyes relaxed—though they never left mine.
"I see," Kurama whispered quietly. "That is... most interesting. Madara and... Tobi... The Akatsuki... Naruto... heh... heheheh."
Kurama laughed, throwing his head back while his body shook. "What knowledge you possess, little one. Do you know what this means? What we could do?"
"Of course I do," I said. "That's why I've come to you because that mission... that mission..."
"I know why you've come to me—I've seen it in your mind, kit. Oh no wonder you were so hurt when those... 'Rookie Nine' rejected you. You idolized them and look what happened... what a disappointment they turned out to be! Ha! If anything, brat, that should have taught you that not everyone in this world would meet your expectations, yet you still came to me."
"You're not a bad person," I argued. "You—"
"I know what you think," Kurama interrupted. "I know your reasoning and how you idolize me as well. But do not mix me up with the one you have read about in the 'latest chapter'. He is not me. Not yet. Possibly not ever. But I have seen... the possibilities... the potential... I do not want to belong to the Akatsuki. Especially not to that man. I would rather work with you and your brother than be someone's slave. I will help you. But on one condition."
"What is it?"
"Give me your word that you will free me before you die," Kurama said, his red eyes glowing.
"I was going to do that anyway," I said with a frown.
"I know. But I want your word nonetheless," Kurama said.
"You have it," I swore. "I will find a way to free you from this cage, Kurama."
Kurama gave me a toothy grin. "I will aid you in changing the future for... our benefit. The sooner we can change things to our advantage, the worse off that man will be."
"He's not that bad, either," I said pointedly.
Kurama's eyes narrowed. "That is something else we will have to change."
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"No brat of mine is going to idolize that man."
"But Madara—"
"That man," hissed Kurama, his hackles raised up into a snarl.
"Madara," I emphasized, "isn't that bad either. He's just gray—"
"That man, you idiotic love-sick brat!" Kurama snarled. "He enslaved me... twice! While the second time was only through his stupid little puppet, it's the thought that fucking counts! I will not allow you to idolize him. That man will be thoroughly destroyed by me."
"I do not idolize him—"
"You had... eight posters, three chibi dolls, all of your phone wallpapers, your drawings; you even had custom-made pajamas and shirts!"
"I idolized you too," I pouted childishly. "And so what if I admired him a bit? The guy was going blind yet he was still kicking ass! I was going paralyzed yet I sucked ass. I admired his strength and perseverance. I admired Itachi on that as well... but I disliked Sasuke too much to really admire Itachi. I just couldn't understand what he saw in him. Why he saved him when there were others...? I guess I still kind of don't."
"The Uchiha brat is bearable to you now though," Kurama pointed out. "You don't dislike him anymore. But, that's not the point. I forbid you from idolizing that man."
"You can't do that," I retorted.
"Yes I can. I just did."
"You aren't my parent!"
"... No. But I still have authority over you."
"On what grounds?"
"The grounds on that I'm clearly superior to you and every other human in this world."
I stared incredulously at him. "Why do I get the feeling that you actually believe that?"
"Like you don't," Kurama sniffed, smiling slyly. "You had... what? Seven posters, eight chibi dolls, two custom hats and six custom pajamas of me?"
I flushed.
Kurama smirked. "Now then. What was the first crucial thing in this world? The Wave Arc? That's where the Uchiha brat gets his little demonic eyes. Considering the Chūnin Exams, it's probably crucial he gets them this time around as well... Now listen carefully, brat, here's the plan..."
Time passed on and we were left doing D-Ranks for another week before Kakashi deemed us ready to advance to C-Ranks.
Against all odds, we inevitably got the Wave Mission.
Kurama laughed at that, at how incredible it was that we still managed to snag it. I was a little amused by it too. I almost wanted to say it was Fate for us to have it, but I didn't. If Fate existed, then that would mean there were other things Fated for us as well. Things that I didn't want as Fated.
So, bright and early the next morning, we set out on the mission.
Just as Kurama and I discussed, I said nothing when the Demon Brothers attacked. I behaved accordingly—taking down one of the brothers with the help of Naruto—and as it was Sasuke's turn to lead when the ambush occurred, he chose to carry out. We carried on with our mission, arriving to the Wave.
Zabuza struck just as predicted. I hung back, staying close to Tazuna to allow Sasuke and Naruto to practice their teamwork. It went word-by-word, action-by-action as it did in the anime. Kurama snickered at how exact everything was, and even I was a bit amused.
After Haku took Zabuza away, we took Kakashi back to Tazuna's house. A few hours passed before Kakashi awoke and explained how Zabuza was still alive (much to Naruto's and Tazuna's surprise). Then he said that all three of us would start our own training.
With a crutch to his side, Kakashi leaned heavily on it. His only visible eye roamed over each of us.
"Today, we'll start the process of water-walking," Kakashi said.
"We already know how to do that," Sasuke replied immediately.
Kakashi blinked. "... Then we'll try stealth-walking."
"We've already got that one too," Naruto pointed out.
Kakashi was silent, staring at us incredulously. "Why am I just now finding out about this?"
"Because you never take the time to train us, and opt to just let us train on our own as a team?" Sasuke suggested.
"Because you're a lazy-ass sensei?" Naruto offered.
"Because you never asked?"
"... I'm not sure what else I can teach you in such a short amount of time," Kakashi finally admitted.
"Who says we have such a short amount of time?" I asked. "Why can't we just start training and we can finish it after this mission?"
"I guess we can do that," Kakashi allowed. "I don't suppose any of you know your chakra natures?"
"Lightning," Sasuke and I chorused.
"Wind," Naruto said.
"I have a second affinity for fire," Sasuke added.
"I think I have a second one for wind and maybe Naruto does for Lightning," I also added. "But we haven't checked for second affinities, yet."
Kakashi nodded thoughtfully. "I don't know any wind based jutsus, but my affinity is also for lightning..."
Seeing Naruto's crestfallen face, I was quick to suggest, "Maybe we shouldn't use our elemental affinities at all?"
Sasuke gave me a curious look while Kakashi openly eyed me.
"Well," I elaborated, "affinities just means that you'll have an easier time to get the hang of them, right? But you can use other elements too, right? So maybe we should try using a harder affinity...? I don't know, we'll have to get used to using other elements that aren't our affinities anyway, so why not practice now?"
"Because there's a reason why we start working with our affinities first," Kakashi explained patiently. "It's not only that it would be harder to use another element, but impossible. Chakra networks don't finish their development quite so soon."
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.
"When you begin as Genin, you'll only have begun using your chakra network and already have a selected affinity. You understand the process of how your chakra capacity can grow, correct?"
At Naruto's nod, Kakashi continued, "It's the same principal. There is a limit to what one can reach, to how far your chakra networks can humanly grow. By that time you would have acquired a second affinity, or rarely even a third affinity.
"But in the beginning of that growth process, you cannot move outside of your chosen affinity. It would go against the very nature of your network and cause more harm than good. By the time you're Chūnin level, or maybe even Jōnin level, your network will probably be stable enough to do so. But until then, you can only work with your affinity."
"So then what can we do?" Sasuke asked. "What can you train us in?"
Kakashi hummed thoughtfully. "I don't have wind-natured chakra, so I can't use jutsus that require wind-nature; my chakra network is already matured and I'm lucky enough as it is to be able to use so many natures. So... I may not know any wind jutsus to teach Naruto, but that doesn't mean I don't know of them."
Naruto perked up at this.
"This is only basic stuff," Kakashi was quick to add at both Naruto's and Sasuke's anxious looks. "I doubt you'll get it within a week. I doubt you'll get it within a month."
"Don't underestimate us," Sasuke told Kakashi, a smirk on his face.
I spared Sasuke a glance, noting how he had said us. I found myself... pleased at that. Even if Sasuke hadn't realized he said it himself, it was... nice. Strange, yes. Unexpected, most definitely. But... not unwanted.
It was nice...
I moved to stand beside Sasuke as well as Naruto, an uncharacteristic smirk on my face as well. "We can handle it."
Naruto's face took on a confident edge as well. "Damn straight! We're Team 7, we can handle anything!"
Kurama cackled at that.
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