....3 Months Later....
"Push a little more. You are close, ma'am." The doctor says.
After several attempts, "Congratulations, it's a boy." I smile, feeling very happy.
Now, don't get this wrong. I'm not the one going through the process of child bearing right now. It's Susan, Fabian's wife. I am just in the ward with them.
I literally had to beg despite Susan being cool with it before I could be allowed into the delivery ward.
"I'm a father. I love you, baby." Fabian says, kissing her.
"Congratulations." I squeal in excitement.
She lets out a small smile and mouths thank you to me.
"Are you happy now, baby?" My sexy boyfriend AKA André Dumont says as I walk to him.
"I'm hungry." I yawn in response.
"Always the foodie." He jokes and I smack his head.
"Ow! What was that for?" He states.
"For teasing a woman's appetite and for the record, yes I am happy." I say, huffing and pretending to be angry.
"I'm sorry, mama." He apologises.
"It's so sweet seeing a baby come to life." I cooed.
"How about we go make our own baby?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me in suggestion.
"Silly mister!" I shake my head.
"Silly for you, beautiful."
"Excuse me. I'm off to the ladies, we'll pick up something to eat when I return." I say to him and walk to the toilet while he goes back to the waiting area just in front of the private room Susan occupied.
"Love you, dear." I call out to him.
"Love you too, sweetheart." He says back.
"Stay still." I feel the presence of someone behind me, pointing a gun in my head. I freeze, it is finally happening. Just when I think my life is perfect. Why can I not just stay in bliss for a long time?
I look through the mirror by the taps where I'm currently washing my hands.
"Make any sound and I'll blow your brains out." He says, further increasing my fear.
"Move through this door." He points at an entry that reads 'emergency'. I have no choice but to follow, one wrong move and I'm shot. It's better to be alive and think than to be six feet under with no way to come back. We arrive outside and the street is bustling with life.
A part of my brain tells me to shout for help but the more sensible part tells me to just be quiet for now. I'm glad I have my phone with me.
We arrive at a van and I'm very quick to memorize the plate number. We climb inside and he closes the door to tie my hands, feet and tape my mouth.
Peeking at the tiny hole that gives him a view of the outside world, he checks to be sure nobody is watching before he gets down and takes the driver seat.
It's official! I have just been abducted. Glad that he tied my hands forward, I struggle to pick my phone from my jean pockets and send André a text.
He drives for hours and from the peep hole, we were already in bushes. Activities indicating civilisation comes up to my view and I'm in awe. It's possible we are in a different city right now.
He stops at a deserted area and comes to pick me up, blindfolding me in the process.
"We're here." He says into the phone.
"Bringing her now." I am taken across a path and into a building. I know this because I hear sound of doors and some voices. Plus, the floor beneath my legs feel different from when we just arrived.
I am tied to a chair and the blindfold taken off.
"Look who we have here." I hear someone say at the entrance. I lift my head up and I'm in shock.
"Halle." I voice out in distaste.
"Yeah. In flesh and blood." She gestures to herself and sashays to the chair.
"How fun it is to see you tied up to that chair with your 'boyfriend' not here to save you." She emphasizes on the boyfriend part.
"But I thought you left for good. You broke it off with him!" I say, raising my voice, earning me a hard slap from her.
"Quiet, bitch!" She gives me a sinister look.
"You see, I have never really liked you. You made my work with André difficult the moment your stupid ass showed up in his life." Huh? I don't understand what she is saying right now.
"And you will pay dearly for this." Another slap lands on my face.
"Does this feel familiar to you?" She says and pours the drink from her cup on me making my skin feel sticky.
"How I longed to do this to you." She snarles.
"Now that is alright, Felicia." A voice that brought freight to my very existence commands.
"I want to strangle her so bad, dad." She says to Trandon as he walks in, matching the vengeful look on her face. What? Dad?
"You two are related?" I ask in shock.
"There's alot you don't know and if I were you I would keep my mouth shut." He looks at me with venom.
"Now, let's start from the beginning. How the hell did you manage to escape?" He shoots a gun close to my feet and I shriek in terror. How can a day transit from happy to sad just like that.
Please, André. Come save me soon. This place is a hell hole already. I cry out in my head.
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