Five sunrises later, Shadowclaw was allowed to move back into the warrior's den. She wasn't allowed on patrol yet, but would be soon.
"Oh hi, Shadowclaw! Moved back into the warrior's den I see,"Softheart purred.
"Uh-huh,"she agreed and irritably collected some mouse-bile from Wildfern. Since she had stayed in camp, she had to do apprentice duties, like checking the elders for ticks. As she stomped over to the elder's den,Wildfern called out to her, "Hey, Shadowclaw! Redstar and I have spoken, and we think that you're ready to patrol again!"
"Really? That's great!"Shadowclaw purred. Finally! If I get another tick off a pelt, I'm gonna throw up!
"In fact,"Berrythorn declared,"I want you for one now. Take four other cats to patrol the ShadowClan border, and make sure that they aren't taking advantage and taking more,"
She nodded in agreement and went off to round up some cats. A few heartbeats later, she had a fit patrol of Whiteface, Sootpaw, Sunpaw and Muddyleaf. The five set off towards the ShadowClan border, and Shadowclaw felt a growl rising in her throat. There were no hunters were ThunderClan had lost, just a few elders basking in the sunlight, accompanied by only one warrior.
Oh, so they didn't want to hunt, they just wanted satisfied elders!
She snorted. The newleaf sun was setting, so those elders wouldn't even be warm!
The five marked along the border, and headed back to camp. They all retreated to their nests, and Shadowclaw dreamed.
"What did I tell you?"Ashwing snapped.
"Uh...kill the rogue?"
"So why aren't you doing it?"she demanded.
Although the spirit's expectations angered her, Shadowclaw forced herself to keep her temper,"I've only just recovered from my battle wounds, Ashwing. I can't go yet,"
"Yes, you can, because what he will do draws nearer, and it's only a matter of time until he attacks,"she meowed the last words softly, before fading away, like the dream it's self.
Shadowclaw knew that she had to go.
How about... I set out in two sunrises? Yeah, that's fair.
Hopefully, Ashwing wouldn't nag her to do it now that she'd proposed a deal. Shadowclaw padded over to Berrythorn,"Hi, Berrythorn. Got any leads?"
"Actually, I do. I'd like someone to watch Whiteface and Sootpaw's battle training,"his voice dropped so that no-one else could hear,"I saw them purring together lately. I want to make sure that they're alright in training,"
Shadowclaw agreed, and went to find Whiteface. She found her sharing a vole with Sootpaw, obviously giving him the bigger side.
"Hi, Whiteface. Berrythorn asked me to watch your battle training,"she explained.
"Did he?"Whiteface seemed alarmed but after a few breaths, relaxed, "Okay then. Why?"
As Shadowclaw searched for a reason, Poppyheart padded over.
"Hey, sis!" Whiteface was her sister, part of Shadowclaw's sister's litter, "Guess what? Me and Berrythorn are having kits!"
Shadowclaw was relieved as well as happy. Her perfect timing had saved her from having to accuse Amberfeather's daughter of flirting with her apprentice.
"That'a great!"she purred,"When?"
"Probably in two moons,"
After wishing her good luck, the trio moved towards the training area. Alright, Whiteface. Let's what you've been teaching this apprentice.
The next day went by very slowly. At the same time as shaking with nerve, excitement wracked through her body. Shadowclaw wanted to tell someone about what she was doing, but didn't know if Ashwing would approve.
She was gulping down a sparrow when a patrol limped into camp. Saltflight, Larksong, Greyleg and Pinepelt were all injured, and one of Greyleg's eyes were sealed shut.
"What happened?"Redstar demanded.
Saltflight replied in a rasping voice"A rogue attacked us. It caught us by surprise, and while we were stunned it did...this,"he flicked his tail towards his ragged companions.
"Wait. What do you mean it?"Redstar asked, as Wildfern tended to the warriors.
Larksong answered this question,"It moved so fast that we couldn't see it's gender or it's colour,"
A thought came over Shadowclaw. Could this be who I have to kill? He's already struck!
She glanced at the wounded cats.
I can't take any chances.
And with that decision, Shadowclaw sprinted out of camp.
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