Chapter: 5
Rouge hops in between the two of you, and the conversation
Rouge: This is a party.... Shut the hell up and dance bitches.........
Shadow: Rogue are you drunk??
Rogue giggles
Rogue: Whatever I'm just gonna get another drin....
Rogue passes out
Shadow: I guess we should take her home..
You stare at Rogue seemingly lifeless body
You: Uuh.. Yeah....
You and Shadow pick up Rogue
You: Crap.. I came here in Jeanette's car....
Shadow: Its Ok Y/N, we can use mine....
You blush uncontrollably
You: U-uh Im G-gonna go and tell Jeanette that I'm leaving......
Shadow: Ok..
You walk up to were you last saw Jeanette but all you see is Espios
You: Uuh sir, Do you know where Jeanette went?
Espios: She left with Silver.
You: Oh Ok Thanks....
If you weren't getting a ride from Shadow you'd Be screwed
You walk back towards Shadow trying to balance Rogue on his Shoulder. You laugh....
You: Ummmmm I don't think we have to worry about her waiting for me...
Shadow: A little help??
You: Sorry.
-Tem Skip To The Carrrrr-
When you get to his car you plop Rogue into the back seat, then you get in the front
Maybe there's clues about him in his car? Some people seem to hide stuff in there all the time....
You look around, it's a nice car, it just looks a bit trashy
Shadow: Sorry about the mess.....
You: It's Ok Really....
-Five Minutes Of Complete Silence Later-
It's too quiet....
Shadow: Y'know you look adorable when you blush....
You blush again
You: Uuuhhh
You Panick.... Nobodies called you adorable before
Shadow: If you're still mad at me I get it..
You: I'm not mad.... Just curious....
Shadow: About what?? Why would someone want to know about me?? I'm not special....
You: I-Im not mad at you.........I-I think you're Spec-
Before you could finish he leans in and......
CLIFFHANGER!!!! Sorry if this chapter sucked.... I'll post the other chapter when I at least get five stars....
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