Windling Stream
I finished collecting as much web as I needed, Spindle says something to me. "Before you go, I must warn you. When you chose this path, it was right, but once you go back out.. Well.. You will be faced with many challenges." Spindle says.
"Okay.. Well.. Thanks for your help, guys!" I say now holding the web, and exiting the route, by the path I came with. I trot out now just seeing that path as a blur again. I could hear them both saying their farewells to me.
I stopped in my tracks. I was now faced with not the same room I came in from before.
There was arrows that were more than likely poisoned, shooting from every direction. There were special plates you had to step through to get through, there were flying swords, and there was only one way to get out. This seemed like some sort of Daring Do adventure.
I looked observing every detail, finding a possible way out. I then looked at the platform I was standing on, and noticed that it was now just a floating island. I had limited time on my platform. I observed the plates on the other floating island, leading to the exit. They were animal marked. They weren't JUST animal marked, they were relics.
I read the relics as fast as I could. I noticed the timing of each arrow shooters, it was about 1.5 seconds before a new arrow shot out. I had to make this quick, like the speed of light.
I now had a plan, with no time to spare. I jumped off my floating island just in time, because when I jumped off, it fell sinking and falling into a pit of lava below it. I landed on a wolf animal relic plate. I had to jump on the canine relic plates. I then looked at the arrow shooter, and noticed an arrow was coming. I swiftly dodged it, by leaping onto the next canine plate, which was a Maned Wolf. Swiftly, I jumped onto a Dingo plate, then a Fox plate, and lastly a Dhole plate. I had one leap to do, and that was the leap to the big floating island, but what was blocking my path was a huge ravine.
An arrow was coming straight to my face, quickly I ducked, the arrow missed me, but deflected on a wall, and shot back toward me.
I now had to make a decision. I could leap over the ravine, and risk not leaping far enough and falling, another risk was on the other floating island there were flying swords. Or, I could get shot with a poison arrow, and potentially fall and find another way.
I chose leaping over to ravine, I leaped far fluttering my wings while jumping. It didn't look like I was going to make it, but finally I felt the hard ground.
I made it.
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