Two Justice
"The humans laughed, but I didn't care about that.. What I cared about, was the magical force that looked like smoke, which was coming straight to me.. This looked dangerous, and I was frightened, yes, feared.. And that is when I decided.. I no longer liked humans.. I hated them. They would pay for what they have done..
The poison reached me, and broke into my mouth. I felt faint, and I blacked out.. I never knew what happened after that.. I got transported to my mind, which only had a screen of what my body was doing without my control.
I watched that screen closely, and with every movement my uncontrolled body made, I was horrified.
I slashed out on the humans, I bit, clawed, and just unmercifully attacked them.. But.. The humans stood their ground, and they put a sleeping spell on me.. You might be wondering: "How did they get a sleeping spell? Their humans." And to that, I can answer. The humans were given the spells from Princess Celestia..
Basically, I was asleep, but I was still in my mind. My mind tricked me into thinking that my mind was real life, until you came and reawakened me..
And, that's my story." Ended Nebulas. I gained more information than every before..
I never knew that humans could wield poison... Did Celestia give them that, too? I wondered.
I nodded, accepting the story that Nebulas told.
"That's quite the story, Nebulas.." Muttered a voice from behind.. Echo!
I looked behind me, and Echo and Lucy were sitting there, also listening to the story..
I must've been so captivated by the story, that I wasn't aware of my surroundings.. Usually, unlike most ponies, I could hear from miles away. And so, I should have heard Lucy and Echo coming.. But I didn't...
The more important thing was, Nebulas was back. Nebulas could return to her job, too.
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