On the other side of the leg, which was the left side, right at the edge of the top were two more black stripes in which looked like daggers. That leg lead up to the needle poking head, which popped out, anger filled and black acid still dropped from it's mouth..
Right away, I saw the large canine teeth that stood out from the closed mouth, which was basically a Saber toothed cat's teeth. Going up from the acid filled mouth, was the snout/muzzle. Close to the roof of the lips on the big cat, were black circles, which in this case were freckles. There were three on each side, in fact. Then upwards was the large nose of the one and only big cat. The nose insides were dark pink, but going farther inside of it, you could see nothing but black. Where the nose was, right above the freckles, was where the white fur stopped on the muzzle. Moving onto the eyes.. The eyes were exactly like a canines eye, which had the shape of a tear drop all in black surrounding the main eye. The eye color of the tiger was: Blades of grass green, and in the middle of the eye was a slit which looked like a knife itself. There was a small gleaming light in each eye, which meant we still had some hope of saving that creature.
Where the white ended, the bright orange started yet again. On the top of the head, there were three black stripes, but this time their pattern was swirling, almost like arms trying to take you away from your home. Moving onto the ears: both of the ears on the insides were plain white, and before the insides were the bright orange again.
Connecting to the body of the tiger, was another body in which was in shape of a big horned sheep, or some sort of pronghorn.. And that would be moving onto the next body.
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