NightDreams, And Hopes
Athena chirped happily, looking at me with gratefulness. She was definitely better, and healed because she was more excited and she looked less tired.
"I will be right back, Athena!" I say, trotting out the door to go find something to cover her wing until it gets better.
I looked outside, and I saw this giant leaf. It would be perfect! Good sheltering, and more healing powers would be in that leaf. I padded over to the leaf, and picked it up. I then padded back to the door to go inside.
I shut the door softly behind me. I went over to Athena, and presented the leaf. She chirped in approval. I wrapped the leaf around her left wing, and it luckily stuck to her wing by itself.
The leaf looked stylish on her, in my opinion. Then again.. I knew nothing about fashion. But really, could anyone know anything about fashion? They are just opinions after all.
Athena got up from the Berlix wood table, and fluttered off of the table. Surprisingly when she did flutter off, the leaf did not fall off.
I was happy with the work I had done.
The Golden Wolf's Prophecy:
I have been keeping out of sight from Shadow. I was seriously risking being seen during the battle. I knew that she was going into the Cave Of Deflection, and I tried my hardest to stop myself, and luckily I did. I fear that the humans will come into place soon.. I thought. I watched from behind one big tree, close enough to see her window. "Shadow.. Be careful." I say in a whisper. Then, closely, I heard footsteps. I ran off, I should not be seen, by anyone, or any pony.
I told Athena that I was going away for a little while. I knew that she could take care of herself, she slept most of the time I was gone anyway.
I think it was about time that I have some independent time, sort of like the loner I used to be, before running away. I had no idea where I was going, I just left from my cabin, but I guess, where ever the road takes me, besides any pony filled cities, I would follow.
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