After the backpaws, you were met with the bottom half of the body, which was purely white.
Moving from there, was the chest, which was also the main tough of fur. This tough of fur stuck out, compared to the bottom half, which made it stick out... And, it also separated the bottom half from the top half of the body.
Sticking below the tough of fur, were two tiny, white paws. These paws didn't have claws, but that was okay. They could still kill you, for, they were not that soft enough.
After observing the body of the creature, you moved onto the head. Just like the tail, the head also stuck out from the tiny body of the creature.
The head was super fluffy, but you didn't notice that only because too many things popped at you at once.
The snout of the creature was short and dull, and had a small and sweet grin to it, no matter what. On the snout, there was a tiny, pink nose.
Moving from the snout, you were introduced with big, bulged, yet, simply adorable eyes!
The eyes were pure black, but had white pupils. There were two pupils in each eye, and each had it's unique shape.
The first white pupil, stood in one of the corners, and was super tiny. The next pupil was huge, and stood at the top, but the shape made it look like it was a dripping tear, or paint about to drip. It was very amazing, and adorable, once more.
After you took your gaze off of the beautiful eyes, you were met with a spike in the middle of the creatures forehead. This spike looked sharp, and pointy. You didn't dare touch it, unless you wanted to get stabbed.
After you seen that, you were met with the markings of the forehead.
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