The creature drifted off of me, and the creature seemed happier. The creature whisped around with the flick of their tail. When you thought you seen them, you were wrong, because they would be vanished by the time you could actually think about it.
"I have a question, and I'm not trying to get into your business or anything, but, how did you get here?" I asked, looking directly at the creature.
The creature stopped in mid air, and just hovered. The creature looked like they lost all of their new found happiness, and their returned past sadness washed up onto them. Again.
The creature sighed, and looked down.
"I knew I would have to say this sooner or later... My past, it's not one to hide itself when mentioned." The creature said with a sad tone.
A vision crossed my mind: I had a quill in my mouth, and I was writing a letter to somepony. I felt like I was writing this to the same pony from the previous visions, and it torn me apart that I didn't, and couldn't know this pony yet. I had an old letter type of paper in front of me, and the quill was sharp.
The pony wanted to know why I wasn't happy anymore, why I suddenly had this depression come upon me, they wanted to help, yet I didn't open up. We needed to talk about it, but not on paper.
My words were, "I knew I would have to talk about this sooner or later..." And, I went on with writing my letter.
The vision stopped, and again, I was faced with the same pony from my visions. Whom was that? I questioned.
I wanted to know, and I needed to know.
I looked back to the creature, and stared at them.
For the story was about to begin.
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