It's Woven In My Soul
Sterope nods. I look up to him and listen very carefully to what he has to say next, in case he tells where I could find the spiders. "Well, you can find these two spiders, Spindel, and Create in the Cave Of Deflection. Now this cave is not like the Cave Of Reflection, this cave is the opposite. This cave is very dangerous, so, be careful." Sterope says. "Okay. Thank you, for so much of your help." I say to Sterope, before trotting off.
I went to the northern right direction, from Sterope's tree. I wandered, having no idea where I was going. I just went where the path took me, just like the flow of the wind, or the cycle of water. I stumbled across something, it was a cave, the cave entrance looked ratchet.
I looked around the cave, observing it. I then decided, this must be the Cave Of Deflection. I was pondering whether or not to go into the spooky cave, but for the better good of my creation, I decided to.
I walked in, and everything was musty, blurry, and gloomy. I looked around, and my vision was still the same from when I walked in. To must ponies, this place would be dark and they would trip and fall over- Well.. I will still trip and fall over due to my clumsiness.
I saw a fork in the path of the cave, and trotted over to it. I decided to take the right part of the fork in the road. I trotted into the entrance of the right path, and began trotting through it. I felt like I had confidence for once, everything was quiet, and there were no creatures, at least that I knew of yet.
I felt myself become engulfed with silkiness, and stickiness. I was stuck. I felt something crawling on my head. I looked up. It wasn't just someTHING, it was someONE.
"Girly, you got yourself into a STICKY situation. Here, let me get you out of there." A female voice says. I began to see the body ob my head. It was a spider. Now, I may be afraid of spiders, but at least they are better than those ponies and humans. This spider had a pure white head, with pinchers for a mouth, she had one left big purple eye, a closed big right eye, three small closed eyes above the right eye, and four small open purple eyes, below the two big eyes. The she spider had a green middle part of the body, and the lower part of the body was ringed with green, and in the middle it was white with green stripes forming a W, and a stripe through that W. All of her eight legs were green, and then she had a tiny tail with a red bow at the end.
"Oh, my name is Spindle by the way, and what's yours, young filly?" She asked. Why does everyone keep calling me filly!? I stuttered while answering the spider. "M-My name, i-is, Sh-Shadow. I'm so sorry for ruining your web." I say quietly. "Shadow, huh? Webtastic! And it's no problem, darling." Spindle says with a cherry tone. She was still working on untangling her web from my body.
She finished untangling her web from my body, and I was free. I shook like a dog, trying to get the stickiness feeling off. "Thank you, Spindle." I say to the spider looking at her, now on her web.
"No problem, darling! Now why is a filly like you, down here in the Cave Of Deflection? It is very dangerous down here. Good thing you took the spider path because, in the northern path they say that there is a endless pit, and in the left rode, well, no one has come out from there. Ever." She says. I gasped, "Wow. Good thing, I guess. And the reason I am down here is because, well, I actually came here to ask to use your silk!" I say now remembering my quest.
"Oh. Darling, that might be a bit of a problem. But it's okay. I can spare some of my web." She says. "Before I ask you for you're web, I have to ask you a question." I say to her. "Ask away~" Spindle says in a sing-song voice. "Why are three of your eyes closed, or shut?" I ask her. "Well, that is a very good question, actually. The humans-" She begins, but then looks like she gets a flashback.
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