History Where It Starts
I rubbed my head while getting up.. Did I fall asleep too? I thought. I couldn't remember a thing after carrying Winter inside. My eyes adjusted to the cabin.
I looked over to Winter, whom was now being inspected by Athena. Oh yeah.. I forgot.. Athena! I thought. Athena was illuminating purple flame light onto Winter, and Winter now looked like the northern lights in the arctic.
Retracing back to yesterday, I seriously needed to find out what happened with the snowy owls. The humans probably have something to do with it.. I thought.
I trotted over to Winter and Athena, my hooves were quiet, careful not to wake Winter.. Though the wood was loud, and there was literally a bright light shining into her face, Winter didn't wake up.
I sighed quietly in relief that she didn't wake up, and that Athena had moved on from her, looking for something else to do. Once I sighed, Winter's eyes popped open..
"Shadow!! Thanks a LOT for waking me up! I was trying to rest y'know.. After that horrible attack with the.. Oh.. Right.. Rock.. Heh.. Oh YEAH! I'm here." Winter said, now getting back her usual tone of voice. Winter sat up, looking around my cabin. She seemed excited about living in the Everfree, definitely more lively than back at the valley.
"Welp, this is my home. It's a cabin.. You don't have to stay here if you want.. You can go and get your own tree if you would like." I said, looking at Winter. She looked as if she was thinking about it for a few seconds, but then came to a decision.
"Shadow, you've done too much for me. I want you to have this cabin, also, I just really want to look for a tree, and hey! I could invite some other birds over, and have a roommate. I won't be lonely anymore. Plus, I don't think you're uh.. Um.. Light bird, over there, wouldn't like me sharing their home. And I get that, this is their territory." Winter said, spilling words out at a fast pace.
"Oh. Okay.. But you still have to tell me about what happened, if you still don't mind.." I say trailing off..
"Okay. Let's start. It all began, when I was traveling, I could hear two other owls gossiping.. But then.. The story came up.. " Winter began.
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