I was in a beautiful forest, I was sitting down and there was a blanket, and it felt like someone else was supposed to sit on the other side of the blanket. It twas night time, a beautiful night at that. There was a stream near by, I could hear flowing with the breeze of the sky. The earth was in perfect sync with the soil and blades of grass, that would tickle at you're hooves while the breeze made them move back and forth. There were lunar lillies, and flowers, surrounding the place as well. No one was near, except me and the wildlife. Finally at peace. I then saw a alicorn come from the moon and fly down to meet me. "Filly, you are waking, thank you for admiring my night. We shall meet sometime." The mare said, and then I felt the dream vanishing away from me and blurring. I reached my hoof out to try and grasp the dream back.
My eyes fluttered open. Athena was on my head looking at my eyes. "Ah!" I quietly say. Athena had a big smile on her face. I sat up, causing Athena to flutter off of my head. I remembered my dream, but would not say anything. I would wait for the right time. Like she said. We would meet again, and fate would arrange that.
I then nuzzled Athena, and she chirped at me. I still needed to figure out what she was saying. Could it be important? What if she secretly hated me? Well, if I were her, I would hate me as well. Everyone else does. I decided to push that thought off into the lonely corner, and possibly come back to it.
I got up and remembered. I was looking for fabric! Athena got up and began hopping over to the Berlix wood table, she got there, and fluttered on up onto it. She then sat there, but then face planted and fell back asleep.
I trotted over to the door, swung it open, and the day hit me. I beckoned out into the Everfree, and shut the cabin door behind me. I was thinking to myself. 'How do I get fabric, from the wild? Surely I couldn't disturb the spiders and ask them for their web to make silk, and then silk, into fabric.' I thought. I've got it! I remembered reading about how to harvest moss into fabrics from my book when I was a filly.
I sat hiding in my closet, not to be seen but any pony but my book. I held it over my eyes so I could only focus on the book and nothing else. Of course my regular book 'The Prophecy Of The Wolf Mare' was sitting right next to me. I decided that I should reread 'Life In The Wild' for the 100th time, because if I ever needed an escape route or even escape plan by escaping into the wild, I knew how to do that. I was on an interesting page. It was page 15, and the pony who wrote the book wrote in cursive, for some ponies it was hard to understand, but for me, it was really easy and basic. The cover of the book was plain brown, no title, but the title on the sides, but no author. The same goes for 'The Prophecy Of The Wolf Mare' except the cover is black like midnight. The page I was on, was very interesting. It said, 'if ever needed fabric from the wild, thou shall use moss, moss at moonlight can turn into fabric if you keep it still long enough. For thou shall have result if moss is fully under the moon.'
I looked around for some moss, and was plainly hit with the tree that was right in front of me. It had moss growing on the bottom, to the middle of the tree. I trotted over to the moss, and thought of how I was going to get the moss off, and onto my hoof, but then also make sure the moss didn't move. Quite a problem. I looked back at the stick I used to harvest the bark off of the wood. I had an idea! I trotted over to the stick with the sharp point, and carefully, making sure the sharp point was on the other end, I picked up the stick with my mouth.
Now if you're wondering why I did that, it's because I have but only wings, for I am a pegasus not a unicorn. And so carrying on with my work, I went back to the mossified tree, and harvested the moss, while holding my right hoof out to catch the moss.
One, by one the moss started falling onto my hoof, like glistening snowflakes on a snowy day, or wondrous raindrops on a beautiful rainy day. I made sure only to get the moss I needed and to not damage the growing process or the environment from moss. Once I was finished, I had a hood full of moss and I dropped the stick.
I clenched the moss in my hoof tightly, for I was going to wait til night. Which I would enjoy doing.
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