My right eye was only known by me, only shown to myself. Nopony should, or ever will know of my right. Forever, it should be hidden, and the stories beneath it should be burried.
Even if those stories were found, and brought up to the surface, they would be pulled down again. Nopony shall know...
I sighed, and I looked back at the ground. But instead of the fresh grass being met with my eyes, I was met with Athena's chalky eyes.
"Greetings, Athena." I spoke in a whisper to her, and I patted her with my right paw. Athena was truly, a brave creature.
I figured out why she had the marks and cuts on her body. It was from those dragons trying to hunt her down, and her trying to escape. She was lucky she was alive, and I was grateful that she was, indeed, alive.
If she didn't make it-
I couldn't bare the thought of being without her, without her flying by my side through these missions, it would be hard.
The claw mark that I know had on the side of my face, it was worth it. I would take that claw mark anytime, any day, for anyone of my friends or creatures. Their life was more important than mine. And, that would apply no matter the situation. Even if they hated me, their life would be more important.
"We must continue on with our missions." I said, in the same soft tone. I looked upward, and I saw Lucy and Echo coming towards us with their smirks still plastered on top of their faces.
'Wow, I sure do love these guys. I don't know what I would do without them.' I stated in my mind, and stared off into space.
"Hey! Shadow! Equestria to Shadow? Are you okay?" Asked Lucy, waving her paw in front of mine.
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