Chapter Six
Murtagh was on his feet in an instant. "Eragon!"
As the Rider grabbed another object from his desk and brought his arm back, his half-brother dodged and grabbed him tightly from behind, pinning his arms to his sides.
Murtagh began to speak quietly to Eragon, and Addiane turned away to give them some privacy. She walked over to the other side of the room, expecting to have to clean up the mess from the vase, but it was sitting upright on the floor, the small box Eragon had thrown after it sitting on the ground next to it.
The box was cracked down the center, and as Addiane picked it up, the pieces of the lid fell aside to reveal a small bed of silk that had a ring nestled inside it. A brilliant blue gemstone sparkled in the top of it.
Addiane replaced the pieces of the lid carefully and picked up the vase as well, carrying both over to the desk and setting them down.
"Easy, Bromsson," Murtagh was saying softly. Eragon clung to him, shaking. Clearly the injury his cousin had suffered was affecting him seriously.
Addiane nodded to the Red Rider and silently let herself out of the room, walking quietly back to her quarters. That was not something she needed to intrude on, the brothers would help each other deal with the alarming nature of what they had just seen.
She dodged Samblar and Seirye as they walked down the hall, ignoring the she-elf's scathing comment as they passed each other. A moment later she heard footsteps following her quickly and slowed, expecting an annoying barb of some sort.
"Are you alright?" Samblar asked softly, falling in step with her. When Addiane looked up at him he was frowning, watching her closely.
She shook her head. "I just... saw something I didn't want to. I'll be okay, I'm just a little shaken up."
Samblar nodded slowly. "Well if you need anything, you now I'll get it for you, right Firelight?"
Addiane had to smile. "Yes, I do. Thank you, Sam."
"Of course. Just let me know and I will be there in a heartbeat."
"Oh go on, I know you and Seirye were planning on doing some sibling bonding. I'll be fine, I promise. And I will get ahold of you somehow if I change my mind."
Sam smiled and gave her a quick, one armed hug before running back down the hall to re-join his irritated looking sister.
Addiane continued on her way back to her room, falling back into her thoughts. When she opened the door to her quarters, she tossed her sheathed sword and sword-belt onto the bed, pulled off her armor, and climbed out the window onto the catwalks stretching between the rooms and the caves.
Nyriem was asleep when she snuck quietly through the cave opening. Addiane walked over to him, gently trailing her fingertips over the crest above his eye.
He snorted and shifted, but didn't wake up. She carefully crawled underneath his wing and tucked herself into a comfortable position.
For some reason, she felt most safe when she slept beside Nyriem. Maybe it was his rhythmic breathing and heartbeat, maybe it was the idea that he would sense danger long before she did. She wasn't sure.
"Poor Eragon." Addiane murmured to herself before closing her eyes.
When Addiane woke up, Nyriem's snout was inches from her face. She jumped, startled, then laughed and shoved him away.
"What do you want, you great oaf?"
"I should be asking you that, you were the one to sneak in here while I was napping." Nyriem complained teasingly, flicking his tail in false agitation. "I could have set you on fire out of surprise!"
"You didn't even move when I crawled under your wing, on some level you knew it was me." Addiane stood slowly and stretched, yawning.
Her dragon puffed out a breath and turned around, flopping his tail out over the cave ledge.
Addiane darted over and carefully used his tail spikes as a ladder, climbing down to the cave beneath Nyriem's.
She was surprised to find the cave had taken on a strange red glow, and moments later she realized it was because it wasn't empty.
"Hello, Addiane. Is there something I can do for you?" Murtagh stepped out from behind the huge pile of red scales that Addiane knew was his dragon.
"No, sorry, this cave is usually empty." She smiled sheepishly. "I like to sit in here when I need a moment to myself."
"My apologies..." Murtagh chuckled. "No need to worry, I'll be out of your way soon, don't worry."
Addiane frowned. "What do you mean?"
He glanced at the big red dragon, who lifted it's head and stared at Addiane. She reached her hand out carefully and let it sniff her.
"Be nice Thorn." Murtagh admonished. He was on the other side of the cave now, and Addiane realized that he was packing up a saddlebag.
"He's being perfectly cordial to the complete stranger who just randomly showed up in the cave he's been sleeping in." She smiled as Thorn allowed her to pat his snout gently before tucking himself back into a ball. "You're leaving?"
Murtagh stopped for a moment as Addiane looked over at him. Then he closed the saddlebag and went over to Thorn to attach it to the saddle. "Yes, I'm leaving."
"Where are you going?"
"Eragon and I are going to Carvahall."
Addiane raised her eyebrows. "Really?"
The Red Rider sighed and held his hands up. "He's worried about Roran. I am too, I suppose he's my cousin as well... and he's a good man."
"So the two of you are just leaving? Without anyone else?"
"Well of course we're telling the spellcasters. And obviously you know."
Addiane frowned, watching as Murtagh attached the saddlebag to Thorn's side.
"I know what you're thinking."
"No you don't-"
"You want to come with." Murtagh turned around, leaning against Thorn's side.
She opened her mouth to protest, then huffed sharply and crossed her arms. "Well why shouldn't I? I saw what happened too. Those archers are particularly tricky, you can't out-shoot all three of them. And Eragon's bow skills are moderate at best. I can fight, I'm smart, I know what happened before-"
Murtagh held up a hand. "Hey. It's not my call."
"Well then who do I have to talk to- Eragon. Of course." Addiane turned promptly on her heel.
She stopped and glanced back at him.
"Just for the record," Murtagh shifted a bag over his shoulder. "I'd like for you to come with too. Tell Eragon that."
Addiane nodded slowly. "Thank you."
She walked out of his cave and darted along the rickety web of wooden bridges stretching between ledges. Outside the Shadeslayer's cave, she paused.
Just as Addiane was wondering how she'd announce her presence, because she could see Saphira's scales casting a blue glow on the walls inside, a voice called out to her. "Can I help you, Addiane?"
She startled, but stepped into the cave entrance. "Apologies, Shadeslayer. I didn't mean to intrude-"
Eragon waved her off. He and an elven spellcaster - it looked like Thislue, but she couldn't be sure in the cave - were moving around and methodically attaching saddlebags to Saphira as she napped. After he attached the last bag at his feet, Eragon took a step back and stretched.
Addiane eyed him quietly. It was clear he was very worried and wanted to leave as soon as possible. She shifted and frowned, watching as he turned to face her.
Eragon watched her silently for a moment, then turned and began to walk towards the back of the cave. "No."
Addiane scrambled after him. "I could be useful!"
"Eragon, please! I want to come-" She cringed internally, hearing a whine in her voice that would most certainly not help her case.
Addiane crossed her arms angrily. "Why not? I'm capable, I'm fast, and I know what happened already-"
"Addiane. No." Eragon turned around. "You're an apprentice-"
"An apprentice who outfought Murtagh yesterday!" Addiane pointed out hotly.
"That was a fluke."
"Shadeslayer, this is what I have been training for. I can handle myself. I'm capable with magic and with my sword. And I know how to deal with those archers!"
Eragon sat down on a stone bench carved out of the back wall of the cave. Addiane watched him, waiting silently for an answer.
"Murtagh thinks I should come along." She finally said.
He sighed loudly and shifted over on the bench. Addiane frowned a little, then hesitantly sat down next to him.
Eragon dragged his hands over his face, then mumbled something into his palms.
Addiane glanced at him. "Sorry?"
He looked up at her tiredly, twisting the ring on his finger. Addiane realized that it was the same one she'd found in the box earlier.
"I said to go pack your saddlebags."
Addiane sprang to her feet. "Thank you!"
Eragon grunted and sat back. Addiane darted out of the cave and back along the pathway to Murtagh's cave. She scrambled up Nyriem's tail and ran over to his tack station, grabbing the empty saddlebags.
Her dragon lazily lifted his head to watch her bustling around, then huffed.
"I suppose that means I have to fly somewhere ridiculous?"
"You might as well sleep while you can, that's what Saphira and Thorn are doing." Addiane responded, running back out onto the wooden bridges and climbing in through her bedroom window.
"You're moving quickly."
Addiane flinched and threw one of the saddlebags on instinct, going for her sword. Samblar made a strange sound as the leather bag hit him in the face.
She huffed in annoyance and put the sword down again. "You and your sister have got to stop doing that."
Samblar shrugged, tossing the saddlebag back. Addiane opened it and began to pack things.
"Are you going somewhere?"
Addiane nodded, grabbing things at random and piling them on her bed so she could pack them.
"Where?" He leaned against the wall.
"I don't know if I'm supposed to say." Addiane shrugged.
Samblar grunted. "Alright. Be that way then."
"Come on, Sam, I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later."
"Well, once you feel like telling me you can find me." He wandered out of the room.
"Why did you even come in here?" Addiane muttered to herself, continuing to pack.
Once she'd gotten everything she thought she needed into her bags, She stacked them up and carefully shifted them out the window. Then she picked them up and scampered across the wooden bridge to Nyriem's cave.
Murtagh was inside, helping Nyriem get his saddle on. Addiane quickly set down the bags and ran over to help him.
"Your dragon doesn't like me." Murtagh chuckled.
"It's because you called him vain the other day." Addiane shook her head. "He takes offense to the truth."
Nyriem flicked her with his tail and she laughed.
"Good to see you two are getting along at least." Eragon walked into the cave.
"Shadeslayer." Murtagh repeated in a slightly teasing tone.
He eyed them both for a moment before running a hand through his hair. "I'll have you know that when I say my sword's name it sets itself on fire."
"I'm sure that's a wonderful party trick."
Addiane jumped in before Eragon and Murtagh could keep going. "Where did you get that ring?"
Eragon glanced down at his hand. "Aren?"
She shrugged. "If that is what it's called."
"You left the box on my desk. I had refused to wear it for a while, and I figured that breaking the lid of the box meant that I should start wearing it again." Eragon shrugged.
"Whose was it?"
"My..." he paused and looked down at his hand. "It was my father's."
Addiane nodded slowly.
"Alright, lets get these saddlebags on." Murtagh said easily, diffusing the silence.
Nyriem wriggled under the saddle and Addiane snickered.
"Don't even try it. I'm sure Murtagh caught onto your tricks."
Murtagh nodded, which made both Eragon and Addiane chuckle.
They quickly divided up Addiane's saddlebags to attach to either side of Nyriem's saddle. He shifted once more and closed his eyes, going back to sleep.
"It's at least a five day ride to Carvahall." Eragon explained to them as they worked. "We'll have to stop when we see clearings, and avoid flying at night. If it's necessary, Addiane will land first with Nyriem and clear an area for us. Any questions?"
"Are you going to be this formal for the entire trip?" Murtagh asked.
Eragon flicked a strap on the saddle so it smacked his half-brother's arm sharply.
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