Page 55 - Jon's Full Story.
I felt something cold being placed on my head " Hes waking" I heard someone say I couldn’t open my eyes I didn’t have the strength to yet until I felt a hand in mine then they started to lightly open up as everything was so bright around me it hurt.
" That’s it baby come on" my moms voice said as I opened my eyes looking down at her she was next to the queen who had water and a rag lightly dabbing my forhead with scared eyes, my mother lifted me into her arms as she cradled me close to her " Mom" I questioned hearing her soft sobs.
" You almost died Evan your mother saved you from the shadows but you got lost in that happiness your body started shutting down you were in the light Evan and seconds from dying fully" she spoke out as I gasp and hugged my mother.
" Im so sorry mom I really am" I whispered as she just held my head to her chest " I couldn’t lose you" she said sobbing as the queen placed a hand on my mom " You did good by saving him he just got lost in the moment he is here now" she said comforting my mom.
" But we must talk" the queen said my mom let go wiping her face and standing " I will be around" she said leaving us alone I missed my mom and felt my heart pounding " She will be here but we must talk about you" she said sitting on my bed looking out the doors to the outside world.
" What attacked you in the woods is the thing making you stronger but also killing you" she said as I tilted my head " What" I asked and she huffed " Let me speak before you ask question I'm going to explain everything" she said cupping her hands by her knees and leaning forwards.
" When the witches cursed this land they needed a way to drag and bring souls here so they cursed the blackest of hearts, some of them became like the horsemen of the apocalypse going around trying to break the strongest of hearts while one and only one was able to be reborn again in each lifetime.
That shadow you are seeing is called the Shadow Man he is a spirit who had the blackest heart of the world he wonders the world till he sees fit of a body to take he follows this child around breaking down its life and hope.
This thing will cause the boys heart to be torn till the age of maturity where he leads the child away and steals the soul becoming stronger as its needed for him to live once the body dies he steals this child's life, memories... everything, killing it so he may have full control over the body.
Now he then goes out finding the people... the men in cloaks weakend so he can 'build' them back up leading them to this place where he will sacrafice them over and over till the body eventually is far too old and starts to rot at that point he will leave and search for a new one.
As to how this applies to you well, Jon is the Shadow Man or well he calls him Delirious since he was able to talk with this Shadow that has never been seen before in all the years the child never knew but something about this boy was different.
Well the angels knew the time was coming so they granted the purest of souls to be born in hopes if the darkness gets out the children would be enough to fight it off and save the world but in those woods something changed this word.
Jonathan refused to die once the spirit broke him down was when Jon fully let his soul out fighting it off he knew what death felt like and after his life his mind fought the Shadow Man with great power forcing it from his body.
Now the Shadow was still able to steal Jon's emotions and memories causing him to be left as a helpless body at small times he would feel again but very rarely that’s how his friends came to be they knew what has happened to him because he was able to speak out and tell them before he grew weak once again since the Shadow Man was still partly inside of him.
When you came here looking for my mother the world was sent into chaos because the more you were around Jon the more he started to feel again he started taking control over this Shadow he was proving his strength only with your help because your energy helped restore Jon's and give him power to fight it off.
The Shadow saw this so he started sending souls at you trying to break you which he did and that is how you were able to see him he came in the form of Jons innocence leading you towards it so he could get a touch and tap into your powers stealing them as if he took yours the dark land would grow more powerful and he would be able to overcome Jon's will power taking the body he so desperately wants to claim.
When you came here it got extremely upset ignoring Jon and focusing on you he took over Ohms or as he is really called Ryan's body forcing him to do as told so he could drag you here in hopes you will be away from Jon long enough he can attack you without anyone stopping him.
Your mother used all her power to fight him from your body she killed Ohm as well so he couldn’t cause you anymore pain or harm as she then weakened the Shadow but you got stuck in the world she made for you so that your body and soul could heal, you got so into it your body started giving up as you accepted death wanting a place your heart desires the most.
If you would have died Evan then Jon would lose hope allowing the Shadow Man to take control you are the only thing keeping him alive and the darkness from over taking the world as they are so close to having enough power to reincarnate themselves.
The love you and Jon share with each other gives you power but is also your weakness as you would give anything for him including your life what you must do is fight for him fight to live and bring him peace as if you return you’re the only thing strong enough to bring back that young boy you saw in that world it was his life in a time lapse of how the Shadow Man saw it" she took a deep breath staring at me as my eyes grew wide.
I walked back inside sitting on my bed holding my head in my hands " Evan I know that was a lot to take in but it's not over yet" she said resting a hand on my back I felt my body cracking " We need to move on the witches, to weaken them we have to stop this war and I need you alive" she said as I tensed my jaw standing to my feet.
" It's going to end" I said grabbing my coat walking outside the room as my body started to burn and glow wildly people looked at me in fear with high hopes as they saw me walking by my mother was silently giving me the best approving eyes yet as we walked.
I was going to end this I was going to get that happy ending and nothing will stop me I'm pissed that thing took such an innocent boy away one im seeing pieces of because I feel in love with and if you know me then you know nothing touches those I love.
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