Page 52 - Jon's Life.
I gasp out opening my eyes as my body jerked up I looked around and watched as an image started coming to my view it was a family there was a lovely woman standing there with her husband they shared a look of love in their eyes as they soon faded showing a baby in a crib.
I watched as this child tossed in his sleep before his eyes flashed open they were black at first before forming into a bright blue as his eyes looked all over at everything around him smiling and laughing at his parents who picked him up.
" Oh Jonathan" the mother said nudging her nose against his forehead while he reached up trying to touch her but it came out as little smacks which made them laugh at their son, I was on my knees frozen in this imagery I wasn’t sure what was happening but I knew it was my Jon I could feel it.
It then showed him outside in the yard playing catch with his dad " Come on son I know you can throw harder" the dad called out but my eyes were stuck on the young boy he was a more innocent looking Jon and I smiled thinking to how things would be if I would have known him at that point in our life.
They stayed like that for a while till his mother called them for dinner as his father ruffled his hair pulling him to his side as they walked inside and sat down at the dinner table where they shared stories of work and how school was going.
Jon kept staring at something but when I looked over I saw nothing " Hunny what did we tell you about staring" his mother said causing both of us to look back over at her she had a frown on her face excusing her and his father out of the room.
He sat there looking so sad I wanted to hug him but I just couldn’t I felt trapped where I was as if a knife was to my throat, I looked over at his parents seeing their very concerned looks but I couldn’t hear what they said due to there being no noise other then Jons soft heart beat.
They were at Thanksgiving with his grandparents Jon was around 14 now I think and he was outside by himself while everyone inside went about their business as if he didn’t exist it made me feel sad while I watched him get up and walk through the woods hands in his pockets.
He stood still in front of a lake staring out over it I was looking at him shiver lightly when I saw that shadow creep from the woods I started to panic as I watched its black figure walk over somehow I knew it was smirking at me.
I started getting extremely nervous wanting to scream but I couldn’t I watched it look at Jon dragging a finger over his body before looking back at me screeching so loudly I had to close my eyes tightly listening to the sound get louder.
Once it stopped I opened my eyes frantically looking around as Jon he was walking through the hallway so many people tried talking to him yet he wouldn’t speak it hurt my heart to see him like that it was if he was broken.
He was now in his bedroom laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling he looked as if he was in a trans his mouth moved speaking in gibberish but I couldn’t make out even the topic he was on other than the cold feeling I got while looking at him.
His head slowly turned towards me and the back ground turned to blood while his eyes grew wide with fear I gasp out as a sharp pain looking down seeing blood I looked back up to see Jon staring at his mother who was stabbed by men in black cloaks.
They were holding him back so he couldn’t get to her as they fought his father who was putting up a big fight he wouldn’t go down easy till three men jumped on him and stabbed him over and over as they walked to Jon stabbing him in the stomach letting him drop to the ground.
Tears rolled down my face as I screamed out to him shutting my eyes to blink the tears away but once I looked up I saw Jon staring out the window that was covered by that black figure he was in a plain white uniform in a dull room only occupied by a bed.
The door opened and a doctor walked in over to Jon who wouldn’t move as they examined him and placed pills in his mouth which he swallowed willingly I wanted to reach out for him but anytime I tired my lungs would start burning and I got a sharp pain through my throat.
He let a single tear fall down his face as he looked over at me and the world flashed to where I was looking back at a building it was a mental hospital and there was an elderly lady walking Jon out to a car where he got in looking so dead inside.
" J-J" I weakly struggled to speak as time sped up through the sights only slowing once it came into town " This place will be better for you" she spoke out and oh how I wanted to tell her she was greatly wrong.
It flashed yet again to him walking through the halls where I noticed a familiar face walk over to him " Hey bud how are you" Luke asked as Blue walked by her head hung low as she looked at them so scared for life.
He was now walking home it was dark and raining as his body still didn’t seem to move at all to the world around him but soon he came to a halt looking at his front door busted open he ran inside looking around till he felt to the ground holding his head.
That shadow was behind him laughing I just know it was as he got up running through the woods I watched in horror as he frantically looked around till he saw a glimpse of pink I wanted to look away but I just couldn’t my eyes were locked forward.
He walked slowly over to his gram barely identifiable as he laid butchered on the ground he screamed out in pain as a noise came we both looked seeing that figure like it was the first time I saw it so calm and welcoming.
" Who are you" Jon asked getting to his feet bawling his hands into fists " WHO ARE YOU" he screamed out as it screeched and turned to a spiky mist rushing him so fast his body fell straight to the ground unconscious the figure laid over him as I watched it erase any happy memories he held while slowly forming into his body becoming one as a golden mist leaked from his bloody body that only now became visible.
I was panicking as I watched him lay still before jerking away with a gasp he didn’t move he was stone still as his eyes faded from bright Blue to a dull settling there till he breathed again allowing them to turn that galaxy look they are now as he slowly got off the ground completely unaware of anything as he walked out of the woods almost like he was under mind control.
I wanted to scream until a loud bang overcame the silence causing me to jerk and fall back I felt like I was being choked and I couldn’t do anything as my body was forcibly being pinned to the ground a tear rolled down my face as I recalled all those images it was a small flash memory of points in his life.
I inhaled painfully letting a sob escape my lips as I felt so much sorrow for him the spirit took him did something to him and I only now found out... I found out just when im about to die I can feel it coming I know it's happening because I feel my body growing weak I can't feel my powers anymore everything just burned with coldness.
My eyes were just about shut when a bright light flashed blinding me as I felt my body violently shaking on the ground as if I was having a seizure while I was slowly fading out of consciousness a hand was placed on my chest.
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