Page 5 - Sleep Over.
It's been a rough week of school and all I wanted to do was sleep but I couldn't I had another nightmare and since I've just been staying up but I doze off every now and then but I try to stay awake im to scared to sleep I don't want to see that picture again.
" You sure you don't want to go home Evan you look so tired" Tyler said placing a hand on my shoulder but I lightly shook my head and he nodded.
We got out and walked to the front door where Blue was waiting " Hey guys, oh Evan hun you look tired" she said placing a hand under my chin and looked at my face " I'm fine just haven't been able to sleep well" I said and she gave me sad eyes.
She let us inside and we sat on the couch this was the first time we have came over and were going to hang out.
" Aw there's my boyfriend, guys this is Luke, Luke this is the new kids" Blue said standing and walking over to a buff man with a beard and a mohawk, he had crystal copper eyes but a warm smile " Hello" he said as the two walked over and sat down he looked tired.
" So you work at a shop" Tyler asked seeing Luke's eyes light up " I used to work on cars with my dad what's the best thing you have seen come through here" Tyler asked and I swear to god if we sit here just talking about cars for hours since Tyler will never shut up I'm going to sleep in the truck.
I groaned and noticed Blue gave me a sad look " I'm going to cook" she said kissing Luke's cheek and motioned for me to go with her I sheepishly followed her, I sat on a stool by the table while she moved around boiling something in water.
" Here" she said and I opened my eyes not noticing I dozed off, there was a cup that smelled like nothing I've ever had it was a lime green color " It's tea it will help wake you up and trick your body into thinking you slept so you don't look like a zombie" she said with a chuckle and I gave a warm smile taking a sip it hit me like a brick wall but a good one.
The more I drank the better I started to feel, I watched as she walked around cooking a small dinner of chicken and mixed vegtables " So how has school been" she asked looking at me while they heat up " Um not to bad it's pretty easy" I said with a shrug and a big stretch as I felt my whole body tense.
" Did you make any friends" she said turning around and cooking the food and I must say for only being a year older than me she sure acts like she's 40 or something " Um well kinda there's one kid I talk to a lot his names Jack" I said remembering how much trouble we got in, he throw a pencil at me and I threw it back but he ducked and it hit the teacher which she wasn't too happy about.
" He dating Mark or um rather does he have green hair" she asked turning the stove down " Yeah that's him" I said and she chuckled " That little guy is like a small rabbit on drugs I swear he has enough energy to power the world" she said and we both shared a laugh.
" BLUE" we heard Tyler yell and she looked over towards the kitchen door with a raised brow " YOUR BOYFRIENDS TRYING TO SHOW ME HIS NUTS" Tyler yelled then I saw Blue giggle " ACTUALLY I TRYING TO SHOW HIM MY HARD METAL RIMS" Luke yelled and we burst into laughter " CONDOMS ARE UPSTAIRS" Blue yelled back shaking her head.
" Oh gosh what have you done" I chuckled out " Hey if Luke wants to play with his socket I'm not going to stop him" she said and burst into laughter at herself making me laugh " Oh lord help me" I said placing my head in my arms trying to calm down.
After a few she set plates out and put food on them giving me a smile " Want more tea" she asked and I nodded my head " BOYS DINNERS READY OR DID YOU GET SOME ALREADY" she yelled " FOCK YEW" I heard Tyler yell as I chuckled and she giggled.
" I'm glad your not freaked out by those jokes" I said and she gave a soft smile " Oh trust me ive heard worse over the years that's nothing" she said with a smile pouring me more tea " I can only imagine but have fun if you want Tyler around more" I said and she sat beside me " I wouldn't mind it gets lonely sometimes" she said looking at her cup swirling her drink.
" Yeah I can imagine" I said taking a drink " Yeah I mean I love Luke but I miss my friends most of them moved away" she said giving me a small smile " But hey we can't always stay together we have our own lives" she said as the guys walked through the door.
" Well so far I don't mind it here" I said and Luke laughed " Boy don't make me make you LOVE it here" he winked at me and I rolled my eyes " Not another Tyler one of him is enough" I said and I heard them both laugh.
" So Evan want to go for a drive later Luke was going to show us the town" Tyler asked, me and Blue shared a look " Sure why not" I said and she smiled " Good I hope your not to tired we are going to be out till late" Luke said as we all ate.
I woke up because I had to pee and I noticed we were in Blues house I was covered with a blanket and Tyler was covered as well but asleep on the other couch.
I rubbed my eyes the last thing I remember was driving around looking at how bright the sky was and I guess I must have passed out and she let us stay.
I walked around remembering where she told me the bathroom was, I turned the light on and felt numb for a second I shook it off and dropped my pants, I took a deep breath I must have really had to pee.
Once I was done I flushed and turned the light out, I walked down stairs not feeling to tired anymore so I decided to walk outside I felt the cold nights air and it felt good so I took my shirt off and sat on the porch stairs staring at the sky it was beautiful here and I never really went outside well I've only been here for about a week.
I thought I felt eyes on me and I looked around but saw no one then I looked down seeing goosebumps across my chest I was defined because I used to work out and I guess I never lost them, girls used to love seeing me shirtless they turned into a pack of horney dogs.
I chuckled at my thought and started looking at the sky getting lost in thought the world seems so calm right now and it's a nice change.
" Wonderful view isn't it" I heard a sweet voice say as I hummed " I remember the first time I moved here and say the sky I didn't think it could ever look that beautiful" she said placing a blanket on my shoulders then sat beside me " Its cold and I don't want you getting sick" she said.
" Thanks and yeah back home it was polluted so the sky was never this clear" I said laying back on the hardwood " It's sad but one person can't stop the harm to this planet you know I think the world would be better if everyone was as calm as the wind" she said turning her head towards me and laughing.
I raised a brow " You look cold or a girl when she's turned on" she said and I looked down blushing " Really" I said with a chuckle " Hey the guys arnt awake so someone has to pick on you" she said standing up " Come on I want some tea" she said walking towards the door.
I picked my shirt up but kept the blanket around me as I followed her and she turned dim lights on in the kitchen " So why are you awake" I asked and she shrugged " One of those nights I just don't feel tired I would rather sit in silence and enjoy the peace but talking isn't bad since I have someone to talk to it's been a while" she said looking down.
" Yeah if I'm awake I don't have anyone to talk to I never really did other than my mom" I said she gave a sad look as if she knew what I meant " Well my friend used to stay up with me and talk but he's a boy and wants to be grown up" she said and I nodded my head " Yeah we do that sometimes" I said with a small smile seeing her cheer up a bit.
We stayed up all night just talking and drinking tea outside we talked about anything we thought of and it was nice having a listening ear I mean Tyler is there but Blue acts more like a mom and I don't mind it, makes me feel not so alone.
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