Page 46 - Teddy Bear!
I woke up almost blinded by the sun shining through Jons window I felt his head buried against the back of my neck and shoulders why one around was under my neck holding my shoulder to his head and his other arm was wrapped around my hip holding my side firmly to his body.
I smiled at my self remembering what happened last night it sent a pain through my chest but a happy one so I slowly made way out of his arms sitting up watching him groan and burry his face into his pillow I smiled pushing hair out of his face watching him settle down.
I stood up only in boxer as I made my way over to his window taking in the sight of the cold grey world outside, I slowly shut his curtains looking back at him then around his room grabbing clothes since he didn’t mind me doing it last time I grabbed a pair of red jeans and a black shirt then I walked over grabbing his jacket from his chair.
After slipping my arms inside I walked over searching our clothes finding all the tickets we won last night since we never got a chance to turn them in I stood up smiling at him while I slipped out of his room making my way downstairs getting my shoes on fast and practically running out of his house down the street.
I burst through my door seeing Tyler jump in the kitchen " Fucking Christ Evan" he said staring at me before he burst out laughing while he walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder calming himself " Well at least I know where you were" he said tugging at my collar before letting it snap back into place.
" Can you take me to the carnival please" I asked seeing him raise a brow then nod his head grabbing a coat and keys I ran out excitedly watching him climb in " Someone's excited" he laughed starting the car up so I laid down placing my head in his lap playing with his bracelets as his hand rested on my stomach.
" So how was it" he asked focused on the road " Weird" I said watching him look down briefly and I laughed " Well ok you know I've done things before but my body started glowing with him" I said pushing his bracelets in circles around his wrist.
" I had that it's weird I know but also its kinda special" he said smiling out the window as he started taking turns " Is it good to hurt" I asked hearing him um " Your chest to look at someone and just hurt because you can't smile big enough" I said as his hand found its way to my hair ruffling it up lightly as he chuckled.
Soon the Truck stopped and he opened the door " Let's go" he said as I got up and followed him out of the Truck he shut and locked it up following as I took off into the place seeing few people here and Tyler walking casually behind me.
I ran straight for the ticket cash in and the girl smiled at me " Why hello there" she said as I looked around smiling embraced lightly " Hi" I said and she leaned on the counter " Anything specific" she asked looking around with me and soon my eyes caught a small teddy bear with angel wings and a halo holding a heart with bandages on it.
" That" I simply said pointing towards it watching her carefully get it down and hand it to me " Shes lucky" the girl said as I put the tickets on the counter " He and no I'm the lucky one" I said watching her eyes light up " Awe" she said going to hand the extra tickets back " No give them to a small child you feel deserves them" I said watching her nod and I turned around running to find Tyler.
I finally saw him just taking a piece of cotton candy and eating it " Ready" he said with his mouth half full and I nodded my head grabbing his hand and walking with him " You seem so happy" he said as we slowed out walk down " I am" I said pull his arm to my chest holding it while I set my head on his shoulder.
" Good" he whispered kissing the top of my head " I just hope he won't be mad at me" I said feeling slightly bad " For what" Tyler asked taking another bite " for leading him on so long" I said as he just looked down on me waiting for me to continue.
" Well at first we hardly talked then we did and went back to not talking then everything kept happening and life got crazy then we would have moments but I asked him to hold off, which he did but last night we did and just everything has just been crazy" I said hearing him laugh so I shot him a glare.
" Evan. You sound like a girl" he said which I pulled back and punched his arm watching him smile " But hey shit happens" he said pulling me back to his side as I stared at the people around us so many happy souls and laughter filling the air.
I opened his door watching as he shifted around and looked at me from his pillow soon smiling " You love my clothes don’t you" he said sitting up with a stretch smiling at me while rubbing his face and fixing his hair.
" Yep" I said bubbly sitting on his bed facing him " So what's that" he asked pointing towards my hands that were behind my back " Oh something" I said looking away from him soon being pushed into the bed as he gave be butterfly kisses all over my face causing me to laugh.
I pulled it out and held it to my chest watching him lean back and his eyes shot open " TEDDY BEAR" he scream grabbing it from me and holding it to his chest so I sat up " Like it" I asked as he quickly kissed me and leaned back " I will take that as a yes" I said chuckling at how adorable he looked right now.
" Movie day" he asked raising a brow at me " Sure" I said watching him pull me down to his side as he reached over grabbing the remote turning his TV on he placed the teddy bear in my arms and held both of us while flipping through movies.
" I love you" he whispered against my neck which made me smile but I didn’t think he meant for me to hear so I wasn’t going to say anything I just turned my head giving him a quick kiss before hiding my face that was blushing furiously at him.
Once finding a movie he laid down propping his head on with one arm while the other was holding me against his chest, his chin was rested on my head and he would give me a kiss here and there.
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