Page 42 - Wanting To Help.
I felt a cold cloth on my face so my eyes opened pained by the light at first and I felt a hand on my forehead that’s when I blinked a few times seeing Dailly sitting next to me " Hey" I whispered glad to see her.
" Hey dare devil" she whispered accepting my outstretched arms " Hungry at all" she asked leaning back and placing a hand on my arm once again " Not really" I said trying to sit up but feeling pain through my body and quickly her hand was on my back and she pushed helping me sit up and scoot my back against the wall.
I noticed I wasn’t in my room I was in Tyler’s " So is Brock still here" I asked and she gave me a small smile " Yeah he's doing really good thanks to you" she said looking around the room " How long was I out" I asked and her attention returned back to me " Not even a day we all thought it would be longer" she said.
I placed a hand on her shoulder seeing her smile and try to hide it " How is Tyler treating you" I asked in a teasing tone see her blush " Shouldn't we worry on your health" she asked me with a small smirk and I shook my head getting an exhale from her.
" He has been nothing but good to me, he is always so nice taking me out places but he also worries about you a lot" she said looking up at me " I know he does it's been me and him since birth but I can't love him like you" I said watching as her eyes lite up and her smile crept onto her face.
" Want to see Brock I think we can keep it a secret" she said standing with her hand out making me giggle as I took her hand and she helped my weak body from the bed till my feet tried to balance themselves out.
We made our way very slowly down the hall to my room when she opened it revealing Brock who was shirtless with small red marks were bites used to be, he was eating slowly staring out my window at the world.
" Hey" I said as it came out shaky from my body, his head snapped towards me and he carefully got to his feet " What are you doing out of bed" he asked me taking my other side helping me to the bed as they both set me down on it.
" Being a rebel" I simply said with a chuckle and he smiled " I see that a lot from you" he said giving my shoulder a pat " Want some" he asked holding out a piece of cantaloupe for me that I took lightly " Ill let you two talk" Dailly said as we both smiled at her and she left.
" How are you" I asked then took a bite humming as it was just right in ripeness " Shouldn’t I ask you that" he said making me look at him which caused us to laugh " Ok enough of this tension talk to me" I said turning myself carefully to face him.
" Well do you know the story behind the woods" he asked me as I nodded my head watching him search for words " The shadows are gaining more strength and it's coming fast that the war in the spirits will be lost letting the reincarnation happen" he said taking a quick drink and just by the smell I knew it was Blue so I smiled at how kind she is.
" How do you stop them" I asked wanting to help which I think he noticed " I have been working with Jack he got a group of people together to try and help kill off the shadows before they claim more people or grow strong enough to leave the forest" he said and I took a harsh breath " Brock what can I do" I asked seeing him shake his head.
" Your still young and figuring yourself out Evan I don’t want you getting hurt or worse" he said placing a hand on my shoulder " But I saved you I emit light that kills them I think, they kind of evaporated into air when hit by it" I said watching him nod.
" Yes that means their dead but Evan this isn’t a war for you please stay from those woods id hate to see what would happen if the shadows" he paused looking at me weakly and I just nodded " How are you" I asked trying to break from that conversation.
" Better thanks to you I didn’t think you knew how to heal yet or that I meant anything to you for it to trigger that" he said looking away and back to eating " Well I felt so bad you were hurt and I just want to help people" I said rubbing my hands together in my lap " I know I can see it in you its something I don’t want you to lose you can go help so many people only if you accept yourself" he said giving me a look out of the corner of his eyes.
" Well I'm going to rest I'm feeling tired" I said getting up off the bed and holding a hand up saying i can do it myself " Take care of yourself" he said in a low worried voice " You to" I said shutting the door heading back to my room.
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