Page 41 - Brock!
I felt a cold arm around me as my eyes fluttered open and I looked around seeing I was in Jon's room and that’s when I remembered our date we could have had sex but it wasn’t the right time so I held off and I'm so thankful for Jon respecting my wishes.
I wiggled from under his arm and stretched seeing I was only in boxers which made me blush I know he felt my um excitement through my jeans but this is less fabric so hopefully he didn’t think badly of my body.
I looked around and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and his blue hoodie which I didn’t think he would mind, I was extremely warm and just wanted to cool off so I made my way outside feeling the chill in the air it was time to snow but who knows when since I don’t check the weather.
I wasn’t sure why but I started walking down the street something in me made me do it and I wasn’t fighting it since I wanted to think anyways because today was perfect and I wish everyday coming up will be the same yet I have this feeling deep down I can't help him and it hurts for some reason.
I took a deep breath as I looked around finding myself at the entrance of the woods remembering the last time I came here Ohm told me something I forgot about till now but the forest felt off it was denser and colder with wind whipping around through the trees.
I don’t know what made me do it but I started walking inside with curiosity taking over, the grounds were darker and something felt horribly off as I started to run deeper inside passing all the shadows.
That’s when I heard a cry so I ran to it not caring as the wind blew my hair around, my feet drew to a rough stop " BROCK" I screamed out watching him hurt on the ground with shadows closing in on him.
I took off running as my hands started glowing I grabbed Brock ripping him into my chest as light burst from my body and while I looked I saw the figures hiss and run while others evaporated into the air " Brock" I said shaking him but his eyes were slowly turning white.
I heard more commotion behind me so I turned around to see Mark and Jack fighting a few off with other people around them, Jack noticed me and ran closer placing a hand on my arm " Why are you here" he asked searching my eyes while I tried to clear my mind.
" I don’t know" I said holding Brock's unconscious body " Take him home please ill talk to you tomorrow" he said pushing me away from him " What about you" I asked fearing for my new friends " I'm fine trust me" he said giving me a small smile forcing me away.
I was dearly hoping he was right on that and the bigger question was where do I take Brock I don’t know where he lives and deciding quickly I took him straight to my house as I ran with his limp bloody body in my arms.
Once I was home I burst the door open seeing no one was here and I thanked the gods it was empty, Brocks body was getting colder as I rushed him up the stairs and into my bed where I set him down pacing my room unsure of what to do.
An idea quickly hit me so I pulled my phone out listening to the rings before a voice picked up " Blue I need you at my house now" I said and heard shuffling " What's wrong" she asked sounding as if I just woke her up.
" Brock he's... he is hurt please" I begged and heard her huff " Ok ill be right there cover him up do what needs to be done" she said and hung up so I put the phone down looking around before I remembered medical stuff in the bathroom so I ran out and towards it throwing things around till I found them.
I walked back in my room " I'm sorry" I whispered lifting his body and stripping his shirt off seeing bite marks all over him which sent shivers down my spine they were emitting black lines from each wound so I grabbed water to get rid of the blood and I can see better.
After doing that my door burst open " Why do you, never mind" she said walking over to me and looking Brock over " Oh no" she whispered which made me more scared " What" I asked as she put a hand on my shoulder " I know where he lives I need a few things keep him from dying" she said leaving me speechless as she ran out of my room.
I kneeled beside him looking his body over " Brock please" I begged feeling tears stinging at my eyes while I placed a hand on him feeling his body growing colder " No" I said sternly as I scanned his body and the longer Blue was away the worse he got and each time it increased.
I placed my hands on his chest not sure what to do but I had to try something " BROCK" I yelled feeling more upset, I felt so useless and I just wanted to help that’s when I noticed my hands starting to glow.
" Hang in there" I whispered scared to death for what I'm about to try, I focused on Brocks energy and all the good times we have had and how he was right now... I focused on helping him and pushing out this pain.
I felt a strong burn through my hands as they started bursting with light send my head back while my hands glued to his body, I was screaming in pain while I felt myself growing weaker with each breath I took.
The door burst open and I looked over seeing Blue's eyes widen and her mouth opened screaming something but I couldn’t hear here I just felt the tears rolling down my face as everything flashed white and I was greeted with a hard surface.
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