Page 40 - Just One Day.
" Coming" Jon asked as I looked around at the ice rink in front of us with a smile on my face, I let go of his hand and got out taking in the place I used to do this all the time and I loved it " Well let's go" Jon said giggling as I took his hand and rushed inside.
The place had few people inside and I watched as Jon paid the lady at the front desk then walked back over to me taking my hand in his as we walked out and sat on the benches just outside the rink Jon handed me my skates and I raised a brow " Tyler told me your size" he said scratching the back of his neck.
I quickly kissed his cheek watching his face light up red and he was staring at me taking in this moment, I started to tie my skates up as I stood seeing Jon still sitting there " Coming" I asked raising an eyebrow " Um yeah" he said grabbing his skates looking them over like he was unsure.
I sat back down and showed him how to lace them properly and I watched as he listened to every word I told him once done we got up and I took his hand leading the way over as I watched his legs shake below him.
I stepped onto the ice and felt my skates cutting in slightly as my eyes looked around to the people having fun around me there was a few little kids and some adults but this place had dim lighting and soft music playing in the background it was surely amazing to me.
I looked back seeing Jon at the entrance so I stuck my hand out and he looked nervous " I've never done this before" he said nervously as I smiled brighter and went in front of him " Take my hands" I said and slowly started pulling him towards me against his will.
I watched as his legs threatened to give out so I pulled him forward against my body just letting us glide slowly " It's easy don’t worry what's below you, take small steps and push forward like your young and playing on a hardwood floor in socks" I said distancing us again but holding his hands still.
I watched him about to look down so I pulled him to me again seeing him raise a brow " I told you not to focus on it" I said leaning forward about to kiss him and once I felt his lips right there I pulled my head back smirking while he looked playfully mad.
" Oh did you want a kiss" I said teasing him as I let his hands go and watched him focusing on me " Come get one" I said skating backwards with ease no matter how long its beem for me since I was on the ice it felt so normal to me still.
He got a stare that said 'Fine I will' so I smiled watching his glide towards me wobbly but there was a corner and that’s when I saw him starting to panic so I went towards him and right when he tried turning he felt so I pulled him on top of me.
My back hit the ice and his body hit my chest I started to chuckle as he looked me over " Are you ok" he asked and I kissed his nose instantly shutting him up as he leaned in to kiss my lips, I placed a finger over his lips and smiled as I leaned next to his ear and whispered " Earn it".
I felt his body shiver as we got to our feet again and he started all over on his balance but this time he wasn’t as bad, some people were smiling at us and a few kids were whispering to their partents cherring us on but Jon didn’t notice the audience like I did of corse I was taking everything in while Jon was taking just me.
Some time had passed and I saw him getting more comfortable he started to skate more comfortably and soon enough he was catching up to me so I started picking my pace up.
I watched him lean forward with a smirk on his face and my eyes widened as he started runing towards me " No" I laughed out turning and taking off with him trailing behind me, the people started clapping and a few kids came skating by or between us making Jon laugh at how confident they were but his eyes were sealed on me.
I was about to turn my head and look at him when I felt a hand on my shoulder turning my body, once I was turning around Jon's left leg went to the outside on my right and his other leg went between my legs so we wouldn’t catch each other and fall.
His body was right up against mine as I felt both of us grow goosebumps, His minty breath ghosted across my face while our eyes scanned each others face but I didn’t know we were leaning in till I felt his lips brush mine and that’s when his eyes searched mine, I shut mine and soon felt him lean in connecting our lips fully which made me smile against him.
He pulled back and I opened my eyes seeing his sparkle " Hungry" he said so quietly it came out so deep making my goosebumps even worse while I nodded my head in acceptance as he took my hand and we left towards the entrance.
Once we were seated and taking out skates off I heard someone say " Mom will I ever be happy like that" I looked up to see a little boy pointing at us and his mother smiling as she kneeled down to his level cradling his face " Baby anything can happen so yes I'm positive you will find love" she said and he raised a brow " What's love" he asked.
I was lost in their interaction thinking back to my mother as I felt tears threatening my face " Want me to take them off for you" I heard Jon say so I looked back over at him and if I was crazy I would say he was glowing to me as I smiled and reached down taking my skates off myself.
As we were walking out I looked back to the mother and for a moment I saw my mom standing there smiling at me with such acceptance it warmed my heart and made time slow as I took in her ghostly beauty.
We pulled into a fancy restaurant and I was taking in the sight of the lights when my door opened and he held his hand out for me which I gladly took with a smile letting him lead me inside were we approached a desk and the guy looked up nodding his head.
We were escorted past tables and booths to double doors that he pushed open a crack enough for us to go through and that’s when I saw lights hanging all around with candles set up not lit yet since it's still light out but soon to be dark.
We were seated at the table and I stared watching Jon look around before he met my eyes " Like what you see" he whispered grabbing my hands ontop of the table " What if I do" I asked blushing slightly watching him smile.
He stayed quite staring into my eyes till a waiter came over and took our drink Evan ordered me hot chocolate and himself a vanilla mint milkshake " So classy" I chuckled out seeing him smirk " Well we can dress up but in the end were the same people" he said picking my hand up and kissing it before he checked his phone that was ringing.
He excused himself from the table and walked over to the ledge leaning agaisnt it in a way that made his clothes hug his body since he ditched the hoodie and wore a tight dark blue and black flannel I had now taken in.
The waiter came back and gave us our drinks " I will be back shortly" he said walking away after seeing Jon on the phone so I picked my drink up sipping it slowly so I wouldn’t burn my mouth on it while my eyes were fixed on the male trapped in their sight.
Dinner was amazing and I knew Tyler gave him pointers because he did everything I wanted on a date and now we were sitting on the hood of his Jeep staring out at a lake hidden in the woods no one knew was here.
The water was a dark crystal blue with small specks of the stars reflection in it getting distorted by the waves that slowly climbed the shore only to sink away and try again.
Jon had his arm around me pressed to the Jeep for support since his other one was beside him holding his body at an angle but giving support from falling while I was cuddled into the side of him with his flannel around me arms and head rested on his shoulder.
I leaned up and touched my hand across his arm feeling the skin covered with ink as he turned his head and smiled " Why is it like this" I asked looking closer at all the tattoos inside one large sleeve " It's a mix of everything I like or well liked since not much catches my eye anymore" he said looking at me from his head that was tilted down lightly.
" So where am I" I asked with a chuckle and he kept that calm look " You already have a special place" he whispered making my heart jump and my breath race but I cant give in yet so I jumped slide off the hood turning my head over my shoulder to look at him.
" Where are you going" he asked sitting up straight now " For a walk" I responded with a shrug and started walking off " Evan you don’t know these woods" he said " But you do" I called back taking off into the woods laughing as I heard him playfully chasing after me.
I couldn’t hear him anymore so I started to look around and I saw a tree starting to bleed so with fixed eyes on it I walked over touching the blood with my hand feelign its coldness so I pulled my hand away looking down at it hearing soft crys to which I looked around.
My eyes landed on that dark figure from before " Who are you" I asked and it walked closer sticking his hand out towards me with fingers spread I didn’t feel threatened I felt sad and curious so I went to reach for it.
I jumped once I felt arms around my stomach and lips on my neck, I looked back up seeing everything was back to normal so I turned around being greeted with Jons lips on mine making me snake my arms around his neck.
He picked me up and carried me towards the Jeep while my teeth nipped at his neck with soft groans escaping Jons lips sending shivers over my body.
He opened the door and placed me on the back seat as I scooted away giving him room to which he crawled in holding so many emotions in his eyes I've never seen and that pulled at my heart, his foot shut the door and he crawled over my body grabbing my hip and laying me down with him on top of me giving ghost kisses all down my jaw to my neck and back.
He pulled away and I started to stare into his eyes seeing them sparkle again so I grabbed his face pulling it back down to my lips as we started to heat up and get lost I could feel his body getting more into the movements I slightly made under him.
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