Page 34 - Blood.
I woke up with a warm feeling and my body was relaxed indicating the best nights sleep I have had in a long time, I sat up stretching with a deep breath of fresh cool air.
I looked around seeing I was in a bed room but it wasn't any I'm used to that's when I noticed a note on top of clothes where my phone sat plugged in, I reached over taking the note reading it over.
-Markimoo and Jackaboy
Hope you slept well last night you feel asleep in the car so we brought you back and put you to bed now we would have got you ready for bed but Jack said he would play with your abs so we left you in clothes, got a comfy pair for you to change into and plugged your phone in for you hope you slept well<3!!!!
I smiled at the little note while shaking my head I got up grabbing the clothes and stripping mine off my body changing into the Black sweat pants that felt amazing next was a red shirt with tons of White lightning looking lines on it, I ran my hands through my messy hair and unplugged my phone turning it on then into my pocket.
I walked down stairs where I was greeted with Jack and Mark running around wrestling they ran into the couch or anything else in their way of each other, I laughed and they looked up at me " Morning" Mark yelled with a wave " Mornin'" Jack said wiggling from under Mark.
" So you too seem to be having fun" I said wishing I could be like that with someone but the man im in love with doesn't let his playful side out if he even has one " He messed with me tea" Jack said in a pouty face "Oh shush you love me" Mark said hugging him from behind nuzzling his nose into Jack's neck making the male giggle and swat him away.
" Want breakfast" Mark asked looking over at me from Jacks shoulder " Sure" I said then felt my phone vibrate they returned to what they were doing as I pulled it out staring at the caller ID madly it was Jon calling me but he wouldn't text me back at all yesterday.
" Hello" I said slightly mad which the guys heard as they looked over at me with raised brows " Where are you" he asked and I huffed " At a friends house if you would have texted me back last night you would know" I said looking away noticing Jack blowing me kisses with a sad face making me giggle a little.
" Well I came over last night and you weren't home so I got worried I'll pick you up where are you" he asked and I looked over at the guys " Um Marks place" I said in a question tone seeing him nod to my words " Be ready I'm on my way now" he said angrily hanging up the phone leaving me to stare at it.
" Ye ok" Jack asked placing a hand on my shoulder " No" I said sitting down on the couch with them on both sides " Talk about it" Mark asked and I took a deep breath " I like this guy well feel in love with him and well were not even dating and he can do whatever he wants in secret but when I do it he gets mad" I said placing my head in my hands.
Jack put an arm around me and pulled me to his chest " Hey I was like that at first but if this male loves you back he will change just don't let him don't let him keep doing this trust me I thought Mark was going to kill me one night" he said with a chuckle rubbing my back.
I heard a car pull in a little too fast and I raised my head seeing it was only a few minutes when it should have been at least ten or fifteen, I got up groaning as I walked to the door seeing Jon exiting the jeep staring with cold eyes.
" Shit" I heard Jack whisper making me look at them, Mark was standing in front of Jack who looked really angry making me raise a brow " Another time" Jack whispered noticing my expression " Go to the car" Jon said harshly once he reached me.
I crossed my arms " No" I said sternly seeing his expression worsen " I said the car don't make me force you" he said with eyes going black " Id like to see you try" I said feeling my blood flowing through my veins worse " Ev not here" Jack whispered.
" Don't talk to him" Jon said clenching his fists " I'm not your property" I almost yelled walking away from him fuming in anger, as I made it to the street I watched Mark shielding Jack who was giving me yes while Jon turned around getting in his Jeep racing down to me.
" Evan get in" he said still pissed off " Why should I were not dating JONATHAN" I said exaggerating his name seeing him grow more pissed off as I saw him losing control " EVAN" he warned strictly with a dark voice.
" No Jon im tired of I can't do anything but your always" my sentence was cut off as the world flashed bloody and I dropped to my knees grabbing my head holding in my screams, I soon felt arms around me lifting me from the ground placing me on a soft cold seat.
I heard a soft voice calling my name as I watched the world turning black and bloody " Evan" the voice said again as I looked around seeing a glimpse of Blue " Please" I said desperately feeling a hand on my back and a cold metal to my lips as water I think hit my mouth but what I was saw blood pouring at my mouth.
Everything hurt as I felt pressure opening my mouth as the blood poured in once I swallowed I screamed out closing my eyes tight " Evan its ok" I heard Blue say and I opened my eyes to see her holding me with Luke and Jon talking of the side with worried looks while Tyler was in front of me holding a cup in his hand.
I lunged forward into his arms while he held me firmly " Thank the gods" Blue exhaled " I wanna go home" I whispered and felt Tyler nod " Thank you so much Blue I'm going to take him home" Tyler said lifting me into his arms " Call me if anything happens please" she said and I felt Tyler nod his head.
It didn't take long to get home but I just clung to Tyler not wanting to let go " Evan let me in" he said and I felt a warmth coming over my body which made me tense more " Its ok Evan I'm going to help please" he said and I took a deep breath.
In that breath I flung my head back in pain feeling a warm breeze come through my body, next thing I saw was golden light around me flowing calmly fighting off every bad thought that showed itself, I started to calm down embracing the glow.
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