Page 32 - Sleeping Beauty.
I felt a hand on my arm as my eyes fluttered open not used to the bright lights, once they adjusted I looked around my room seeing Jon resting his head in his folded arm beside me while one hand held on to my for arm.
" You're cute" I whispered watching his head lift slightly blinking towards me as a smile crept over his face " Morning sleeping beauty" he said in a husky voice sending a shiver down my spine "How long was I asleep" I asked sitting up in bed feeling all my muscles were tense.
" About three days" he said making my eyes grow wide, he crawled into the bed next to me while I sifted over allowing him to join me, once on the bed I turned towards him resting my head against his chest with one arm slung over his stomach.
" Brock said you used so much power you almost killed yourself" he whispered letting one hand explore my hair " Shit" I whispered low enough I didn't think he heard me " Well did I win" I asked gaining his chuckle along side mine.
" No I would say you lost" he said taking his other hand and intertwining our fingers as our hands rested on his stomach while I felt his defined stomach tensing then relaxing with each breath " Rematch" I said looking up into his eyes.
" Only if you don't go try hard again" Tyler said making my head snap towards my door where he stood arms folded and a light smile on his face " You knocked yourself out pretty good and didn't I warn you, using powers for the first time can mess with you" he said pushing off the door and joining us on the bed where he sat on the bottom legs crossed staring at us.
" Well it was fun" I said seeing him shake his head smiling at me " To much fun" he answered me leaning forward to place a hand on my knee " Hungry I was going to get something" he asked sending a warm feeling through my veins.
" Just a salad or something" I said giving a heartfelt smile towards him " Your regular ok" he said removing his hand and shifting to get up " You want anything" Tyler said looking back at us and I felt Jons hand remove from mine waving Tyler off " Alright your lose" Tyler said exiting the room where Jons hand returned to mine.
" You need to learn how to control yourself" he said once we were finally alone in my room making me groan but I was happy that they weren't screaming at me " Brock can't teach me" I said looking down at our hands while I rubbed a thumb over his pointer finger.
" He said I already have a teacher but no one is telling or helping me with anything" I said in a sad confused tone making him shift on my bed to face me, my mind went blank as I stared into his eyes wondering many things.
" You may ask" he said with a small smile on his face making me look away before remembering he can read minds " Jon how does it work" I asked looking at his confused face " How do you read minds" I asked watching his face soften up.
" Well you have to be calm and let me inside there's things you can train like a secret if you focus on hiding it enough I can't see it but for normal thoughts your not really worried about I can read since you let me so close to you" he said and I raised a brow.
" So if I wasn't close to you and I was a bully then could you" I asked seeing him chuckled " Yes, I can see your normal thoughts like a movie playing through your eyes it's like I'm watching you talk to yourself" he said and looked down folding my legs and playing with my socks.
" So can I do that" I asked not knowing how much he knows " You could and it's extremely hard for me to explain but I know what everyone is like I can see their supernatural form and since my brain works how it does I can see your powers and weakness's" he said taking a deep breath to stretch.
I chuckled placing both hands on his pecs while he looked down at me so questioningly " What I like you boobs" I said feeling a little playful plus just wanting to touch him it's weird, he laughed and shook his head " You grab my ass next and I'll slap you" he said giving me a sly smirk.
" Tempting but I'm still tired" I said letting my hands fall down into his " Can you teach me how to read minds" I asked seeing him pause for a second " Maybe after your all better" he said as my eyes light up " I said maybe" he finished giving me that little curl in the corner of his mouth he always does.
" So what are you" I asked feeling the lump in my throat form as I looked down feeling his body tense up " Evan" he whispered my name making me take a deep burning breath " I'm sorry" I whispered feeling bad only to have his arms wrap around me " I don't want to talk about that" he said and I felt his body colder than normal and I knew it was a touchy subject.
" At the right time how about that" he said leaning back and lifting my face to look at him while I smiled " Promise" I said coming out more as a whimper " Promise" he said sternly not breaking eye contact with me.
" FOOD" Tyler yelled from downstairs, I watched Jon push himself off the bed " Come on let's go eat" he said grabbing my hand pulling me to him as I crawled off the side of the bed feeling my legs weak while Jon put an arm around my waist helping support me.
" Thanks" I whispered kissing his cheek briefly feeling my face flush red and even after that heated moment the other night that could have lead to more but seeing how respectful he is about me is something that gets the tingling running over my stomach and my heart race in my chest each time I'm around him it's like the first because I never get old seeing him.
I felt Jon's heart speed up as we walked out the door and I lightly looked up seeing the small blush over his face as I smirked lightly, your cute I thought in my head waiting then seeing him breath with a chuckle and that's when I knew he heard my thoughts which I didn't mind but I was slightly embarrassed.
We made it downstairs where Tyler was sat on the chair eating a burger " I would have pushed him down the stairs" Tyler said now looking up at us with a smirk so I flicked my middle finger in the air at him getting a chuckle from Jon.
" Oh and I got you food as well, you have been here watching over him and not eating so your going to" Tyler said staring Jon down as a father would who Jon stood there trying to not give in but eventually he did and we sat down.
I didn't realize how hungry I was till I found myself digging into my food mouth watering as I heard Tyler chuckle but I didn't care I was starved and with each bite I felt more energy return to me " I got you extra figuring you were going to be hungry" Tyler said and I nodded my head thinking about it as I continued to eat.
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