Page 28 - The Kiss.
Just to warn you guys this story may be paced fast since it's coming to an end and I don't want to give you chapters that drag on or are not interesting so please bare with me and I will try my best to make it all worth it.
We walked into the park and Jon was looking around before he nudged me to follow him and as I looked I saw Brock sitting by a tree with a bird sitting on his finger " Brock" Jon said sitting down on the table across for him where I joined next to him.
" So Evan I heard you have questions" he said giving me a soft smile and I scratched the back of my next nervously " Yes and no" I said nervously I wasn't sure where to start or even what to say " Well I'm sure you know by now but I'm a wise or so they say" he said watching as the bird jumped around the table.
" Well how many supernatural are in this town" I asked picking at my nails seeing him look at Jon for a moment before back to me " About 95% of us are supernatural others may be normal humans passed down from hunters" he said and I hummed " So how many hunters are around anymore" I asked worried for my safety and my friends.
" Hm about 20 or so some know the ways incase a war breaks out and others still believe supernatural can't be trusted" he said making my heart grow heavy " Do you know what I am" I asked nervous seeing his soft smile " Yes they don't call us Wise for nothing and Evan I will keep your secret I know you just found out and if you need help I will give you all advice I can" he said making me feel slightly better.
" Um Jon can I ask him something privatly" I said looking over seeing his blue eyes confused but understanding as he got up from the bench and started to walk around a path " Should I be scared of him" I asked Brock hoping for a good answer.
He chuckled " No or well deeper well depends he is very powerful but from my knowledge of him you have nothing to fear but others yes" he said petting the birds head lightly and I watched it cuddle up to his hand making the male chuckle lightly.
" I suppose you can't tell me what he is can you" I asked looking down at my hands " No that I can't unless your in danger but I can tell you when he is ready he will tell you" Brock said watching the bird fly off to peck at some seeds a kid threw on the ground.
" I can tell you that he is not a Wise but he knows far more then you think he does" Brock said making me look at him nervous " What all does he know" I asked seeing him giggle " You have some interest in him don't you" he asked meeting my gaze with a sly smile.
My face flushed pink and I started looking down " Do you know Blue she said a Wise helped her" I said seeing a bright smile on his face " Yes I do and she is very facinating every vampire known to man has drank blood to fill their powers but her she has a heart of gold and that is something new to the books" he said giving a look that said he's playing memories through his mind.
" Well how many people do you talk to" I asked seeing him lean back relaxing some " Well lots of people some who already know everything, others who are just learning about it like yourself and well I try to bring people with no clue into the light everyone deserves to know what they are and not be scared yes they hide due to the witches but ive meet so many beautiful people I don't feel they should hide that's why we made this school" he said placing a hand on mine filling me with a tingling feeling as I got flashes of some of his memories meeting good people.
" How did you" I aked looking down at my hand once he removed it " Evan you have more Angel in you then you know and you are full of so many powers already and you opened them all by yourself but be careful they may get overwhelming but for how I did that I opened my mind to you and with how curios you are you dont relise you could look into my memories" he said making my eyes grow wide.
" So yes to sum it up, when you focus on questions and finding answers if the person is relaxed and open you can look into their mind since you don't know how to fully use it yet soon youll be able to see anyones memories or mind but you need practice" he said watchign the leaves fall fro mthe trees above us.
" How can I train" I asked with enthusiasm in my voice making him laugh " Well you already have a teacher and I can't take you in to train you since your claimed" he said makign me raisea brow " Who" I asked seeing his eyes light up.
I jumped at the feeling of arms around me " Can I come back now" Jon whispered in my ear making my heart race at his cold touch " Yeah" I said feeling the energy pulse off him as he sat down beside me " So Brock when is Mana going to learn how to handle her anger" he said making both chuckle.
" Oh overtime she's experiencing more of her powers so till she learns to handle them she will be very moody" he said and I laighed " Should I get her ice cream" I askes seeing Jon give me are you kidding look " If you want her to punch you then go for it" Brock said checking his phone.
" Well boys I hope that little talk helped I have to go help others now, here's my number Evan" BRock said standing up and handing me a piece of paper with his number on it.
" So what now" I asked Jon who stood up and looked around shrugging " Adventure" he asked and I shrugged following as we walked down paths that lead all throughout the woods which brought more questions.
" Can I ask you something" I said seeing Jons eyes search the forest " Sure" he whispered and I smiled " So why exactly can others go in those woods but I cant" I asked feeling the tension now in the air " Because like they said people die in those woods" he said bluntly " So I can handle myself so why cant I" I asked again more upset.
" You don't need to" he answered again " So what if their dangerous why are you stopping me" I said mentally smirking just counting the time down.
" I don't want you getting hurt again it was bad enough already" he said and I smirked walking up to him seeing his face turned confused and nervous " Awe looks who's staring at me this time" I said getting just in front of his face cupping his chin.
I didn't realize it at first but both our hearts were racing and I just saw how cocky I was being but why this sudden burst of confidence.
I watched as his eyes softened up and he looked at my grabbing my hand and holding it to his chest, he leaned forward where I could feel his breath glide over my face " Your staring too" he whispered with a soft smile on his face and I swear for a moment the whole world went silent.
My free hand reached up removing my sunglasses I was scared but once I met his eyes again I watched his mind go blank and our faces slowly leaned in it was making my heart race and I felt ace and I felt his start beating faster, all I thought was please just dot it.
In a second I felt his cold lips on mine and it felt so amazing I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck while his found their way around my waist and it was perfect I felt tears running down my face while I started deepening our kiss.
Soon enough we pulled away and I just buried my head to the crook of his neck while I let his arms warp into his world and all he is.
Going from almost dying, to seeing everything happening and me using powers I never knew I had, to finding out about everything, and now here I am melting into a mans world that has been so up and down.
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