Page 25 - Don't Touch Him.
" You can run Evan but I will find you" Those words are echoing through my head I've been running for hours now Ohm said he wanted a chase and he's been messing with me if I wouldn't have been so comfertable earlier I wouldn't care but I let go of the pain and now its back I'm not numb to it anymore.
I was losing my vision as my lungs burned for air, I collapsed onto the ground looking around seeing I was in a foggy part of the woods, this place felt familiar and I couldn't figure out why.
I saw movement and looked towards it but saw nothing, I turned around and screamed as I saw Ohm in my face he grabbed my throat and threw me across the ground, I groaned in pain hearing voices screaming and yellign in my ears.
" I warned you" Ohm said and I looked up at him " I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE" I screamed at him seeing him shake his head " Your so stupid" he said.
I stumbled to my feet staring him down " FUCK YOU" I screamed and ran at him but he moved and I felt a sharp cold pain in my stomach as I fell to the ground, I looked down seeing blood rush out of my stomach.
" Your sick" I said turning my head to look up at him with an evil smirk on his face " You have no idea" he said walking towards me, my heart started slowing down I was preparing myself for what was to happen next.
" OHM" I heard a blood curdling scream, we both looked to see Luke standing on the path " L-LUKE GO AWAY" I said with voice cracking and tears rolling down my face " SHUT UP" Ohm yelled at me and went to swing but Luke grabbed his wrist.
I was staring at him shocked he was a good 30 yards away how did he... my eyes widened as I saw fur growing on his hands " You stupid mutt" Ohm said swinging his arm and I watched Luke he... turned into a wolf the same one from the other night.
Ohm ran at Luke only to be flung through a tree snapping it in half and BLUE!? Was standing there fangs in her mouth hissing at Ohm " LEAVE THEM ALONE" she screamed at him with glowing eyes, I was shocked at everything going on.
I was quickly picked off the ground with claws to my neck and tears streaming slowly down my face as I saw Blue in horror and Luke in anger " Don't fight go away please" I said with a broken voice " I would. Not. Do that" I heard a familiar voice say.
I looked over seeing Jon standing there his eyes were glowing while he stood ready to fight but pitch black smoke was coming out of his body like a mist " Oh look the one who got you into this" Ohm said with a laugh.
I was dropped to the ground quickly so I looked to see Luke charge Ohm only to have his arm cut open " NO" Blue yelled running over to help Luke, I couldn't watch this everything was terrifying I didn't care what the hell I was seeing or what they were all I cared about was my friends people close to me getting hurt because of me.
" OHM" I screamed standing up watching him look over at me with a smirk then charged me, I closed my eyes ready for the blow but I was shoved out of the way.
I rubbed my head looking up seeing Jon was bleeding from his mouth and the smoke was fading along with the light in his eyes *CRACK*.
I felt my heart break and no not like the other times I felt it shatter in my chest along with my world, everything was slow, Blue was holding Luke who was puking, Jon was on his knees hurt and me I was sitting there.
The world moved so slow then I heard a voice in the distance, I looked hearing it become more audible... it was my mothers she was singing a song... the song she would always sing me to sleep.
" We stand face-to-face
With our unhuman race
We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay
Our tainted history, it's playing on repeat
But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead
When I was younger, I was named
A generation unafraid
(For years to come, be brave)
And meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword, your shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine"
I stood up tall as her vice kept playing in my head I felt stronger and I watched all the marks on my body disappear in a golden light, my skin was alive with waves of golden color, the world was still frozen around me.
I felt something change in my body, I felt strong, I felt like I had to protect everyone and I knew I could " OHM" I screamed out.
Time went back to normal and his hand stopped as he turned around with wide eyes " Don't you fucking dare touch him" I said in a harsh tone as I tensed up " You want me so come here" I said rushing towards him.
Before he could dodge I jumped grabbing his shoulders flipping us over Jon kneeling on the ground, I let go slamming him into the ground as I stood tall, my eyes started burning so I ripped my glasses off and threw them to the side " E-Evan" Jon whispered.
I looked over seeing Blue and Luke staring at me with wide eyes in shock while Jon he looked hurt and scared making my body burn more.
I looked down at Ohm and picked him up by his throat into the air, I watched his body bubble and sizzle as he screamed out with all his might, he was in pain but I didn't care they were hurt and im not standing by watching this anymore.
I tossed him to the ground as he laid there melting LITERALLY " I wanted your power" he said with a pain filled voice " I wanted that but you wouldn't open it up no matter how hard I- I pushed" he said coughing up blood.
His body fell still as he melted into the ground, I felt my world spinning and I couldn't breath " EVAN" I heard Jons voice faintly scream out, when I looked over he was getting taller because my body was falling to the ground while he rushed to me.
Everything went blurry and I could see Jon's mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything he was saying the world was growing darker, he picked me up and I stared at his neck I could see how hard his heart was pounding, I smiled then closed my eyes I was tired.
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