Page 17 - Halloween's Savior.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched " Evan" I heard a familiar voice say but I was to scared still to open my eyes " Evan" they said softer, I felt an arm go under my back so my eyes snapped open and I pushed away from them.
I was leaning on my hands looking at Jon he was bloody and his eyes looked blood shot, he reached forwards slowly and I closed my eyes looking away from him " It's ok" I heard him whisper then arms wrap around my chest, it was a painful cold at first but then my body adjusted.
Once I relaxed some he let go and I opened my eyes looking at him " We have to get you help" he said looking over my body " I-I don't want anyone knowing" I said and he looked at me for a moment before nodding his head " Ok but I'm not leaving you here" he said getting up and reaching a hand down to me.
I was pondering it and the longer I took the more hurt he looked so I slow and shakilly took his hand feeling him pull me off the ground and let go, I felt my head spinning and my balance going so I reached forward grabbing his shoulder, I felt an arm around my back and the place I had my hand lower till in a quick movement I was off the ground.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and hid my face in his chest listening to his heart beat at first I didn't hear it but the longer I sat there I could faintly hear it beating, I was scared when I didn't hear it but after everything I wouldn't be surprised if my hearts exploded and this is a dream.
I heard a noise that made me jump nd look towards it " It was just a bird see" Jon said as I saw a bird that had just landed on a tree branch with a worm in its mouth I looked up seeing Jon was giving me this look that just made my whole body melt, I closed my eyes and placed my head back on his chest.
I heard a door open and I looked up noticing we were in his room and I was shocked just literally a second ago we were in the woods, he set me on his bed and walked out.
He came back in with some medical stuff setting them on the night stand then walked over and grabbed spare clothes " I'm going to need your shirt off" he said looking at me nervously, he looked away and started taking his shirt off.
I couldn't look away I watched as he pulled his arms back and the button up shirt just fell of his body exposing his flexed muscles then I saw him shifting so I looked away and tried taking mine off but I hissed in pain and felt hands over mine " Ill do it" Jon said looking up at me.
He undid one button and looked up making sure I was ok once he did he went back and started undoing the rest " Here's the painful part" he said and pushed it back but as I tried moving my arms I felt the pain in my chest but I did and took a deep breath once my shirt was off.
" Ok this will hurt" he said and I opened my eyes looking at him and I can't believe I forgot that quickly he was shirtless, I watched him kneel in front of me with a wet cloth he placed it on my chest and I gasp at the pain " Im know... I know" he said in a whisper, once he removed it I looked down to see some pretty bad burn marks.
He did that for the other side the looked up at my face but his eyes had a yellow glow in them " I have to wipe your face" he said getting a clean cloth and wet it, he gently placed it on my cheek and I stared into his eyes feeling my heart speed up as he dragged it across my face and I felt it over my eyelids, WHAT.
I jumped back touching my face " Where are they" I said panicked looking around, I went to stand up but Jon was hovering in front of me and placed a hand in the middle of my chest " You didn't have them when I found you it's fine" he said and I started to tear up as I shut my eyes tightly.
" Evan I've seen them already and I didn't look at you differently did I" he said in a quiet tone but I felt a tear escape my shut eyes " I don't know why your so scared but I find nothing wrong with your eyes or face" he said, I felt him wiping my face more before he stopped and I heard him walk out.
I opened them looking around as the tears rolled down my face now I didn't see the clothes or anything then I heard him coming back in so I shut my eyes " I'm going to cover your burns" he said and I took a deep breath feeling a cold liquid and soft fabric over my chest followed by soft cloth wrapped around my chest holding them in place.
I didn't feel anything for a moment so I opened my eyes and saw he was still there kneeling in front of me staring at me " I will get you new sunglasses" he said standing up I knew he was going to leave but right now I don't know what to do I was terrified so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back towards me as I placed my head on his stomach and let the tears fall down my face.
He held me close and picked me then moved us around, I knew we were laying down and he had me on his chest which was still shirtless but we both were at this point, I closed my eyes embracing the cold touch of his skin against mine it was making me tired so I laid there embracing the feeling till I feel asleep.
I looked down at my beautiful son his skin was tan but just the perfect amount he was so fragile and I felt like I was holding the universe, my universe, his eyes opened and I smiled seeing those little golden eyes, I knew I was blessed to have him as my child I knew these years watching him grow up will be the greatest thing in my life.
I was nervously watching him play outside with my best friends son they both were blessed with beautiful eyes but for some reason my son never liked to look at himself he said he was a freak and how does a 4 year old even know what that word is.
" Mommy" he asked me one night, I woke to him sitting beside me " Yes baby" I asked and he looked at me with sad eyes " The kids at school say me and Tyler are weird" he said and I sat up " Baby that's normal just don't let their words make this hurt" I said poking at his chest where his heart was, he smiled and ran back to his room I know this was going to be hard but he's going to get through it.
The door burst open and he ran up to his room " Tyler what's wrong" I asked seeing his sad face " Kids at school are bullying us because of our eyes" he said and I felt my heart ache for my son and how cruel the world can be " Thank you" I said and walked upstairs into his room " Hey baby" I said running my fingers over his hair " Mom im a freak" he said between breaths and I felt bad so I hugged him and made him look at me " Baby there is nothing wrong with you ok" I said rubbing his cheek " Your eyes are special there are others like you but in your case I don't want to hear those negative words you are my little Angel your blessed baby and you should love yourself" I said as he cried harder into my chest.
I was watching TV when Evan came in and sat beside me I knew what was going " Mom why are people so complicated" he said leaning back into the couch Evan has been dating for a few years now and he's been having so much trouble " All these people just want to stare at my eyes like that's all I'm good for" he said and I put an arm around him " Well look at them their stunning and your very handsome" I said as he took a deep breath and laid his head on my shoulder.
I knew his life would be a challenge and I tried to keep him from finding these things but after watching him move here I knew it was a matter of time, he is being faced with things that will test his mind and body and I just hope my baby can handle it.
I looked down at him sleeping on this boys chest one I knew would end up helping or breaking my son.
" Mommy" my son said walking into my room he was young enough to talk and girls started being flirty " Yes baby" I asked as he sat next to me and looked at me with sad eyes " What's a soul mate" he said looking sad and I knew he felt bad about not understanding " Well" I said putting a hand on his shoulder " Well they are something amazing you only find once in your life, they are someone you want to be around and you hate when your not, everything they do good or bad you always find interesting, no matter how many times you cry you would never give them up because they take that pain away, a soul mate is someone who can complete you like a puzzle, where you fail they will help you and where they are weak you are strong with them and so much more" I said seeing his head tilted to the side " So a best friend" he asked and I smiled " No they are so much more you'll know when you find them trust me" I said kissing his forehead.
I looked down placing my hand on his shoulder I watched him twitch but move closer to my hand " You found it baby" I said knowing he couldn't hear me, I watching this male pull my son closer to him I've been watching my son since the day I had to leave I felt bad but I've been here trying to help my son I just wish I could tell him im proud or answer his questions when he's upset, I kissed his forehead seeing him smile before I left.
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