Page 16 - Halloween Night Fright.
We were walking around for who knows how long, I was tagging along in the back we saw tons of people out in the streets but we were just out enjoying the night dressed up having fun we didn't need candy like the younger ones did.
Jon would look back at me every now and then or when we would stop he would stare at me, Blue would come back and talk to me every now and then about random things or old conversations, Tyler and Luke would joke around and act like a couple Luke even carried Tyler in his arms for a little while, Mana was mainly talking to Dailly I couldn't really hear their conversation, Dailly would come back and check up on me and make sure I was ok and having fun.
It's almost midnight now " Tyler" I said getting his attention as he walked back to me since I was a little away from the group as they stopped to talk " Yeah" he asked with a raised brow " Can I go for a walk your all having fun and im not really in on it" I said shyly " Evan you came with us your not leaving" he said bluntly.
" Tyler I don't want to be the third wheel" I said but got cut off " Really Evan were all talking to you were including you in this" he said and I could see he's getting angry " I'm not a child Tyler and I'm sorry I want to be alone get pissed all you want I don't care" I said walking away from him before he could say anything.
" EVAN" I heard him yell but I ignored it " JUST BE SAFE" was the last thing I heard him yell and he sounded upset, I sighed knowing I caused it but I didn't care I know I've been acting depressed but I just find it calming alone at night this has become a normal thing for me so I want to keep it that way it helps me relax and clear my head for however long I'm out.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked with my head down I pasted a few people and saw everyone was going inside but there was older kids walking around the streets like we were.
I sighed wanting more privacy so I turned down a dirt path and walked into the woods looking at all the leaves laying on the ground it looked pretty but the crunching kind of got annoying after a while of hearing it.
Once I was far enough away I couldn't hear drunks yelling or music blaring I sat down against a tree and looked up at the night sky shining there was a full moon out and I could feel the earth's pull it was amazing I always loved this feeling it was like a really tight hug.
" What are you doing out here" I heard someone say and I turned my head seeing Ohm " Oh hey I was just trying to get away from the noise" I said looking at the ground " Well you look good" he said and I chuckled " Thanks" I said looking over at him but then something hit me I had a bad feeling.
He was quiet then pulled his cloth up revealing his red eyes, I backed away and he raised a brow " What's wrong Evan" he said pushing me to the ground, his hands were on my shoulders holding me to the ground and once I saw his smirk I felt a pain in my head.
I remembered the bathroom and what actually happened, I remember the phone call and what he did to me.
My eyes shot open and my heart was racing " Evan" he said in a suspicious tone " Get off me" I said in a panic tone as his eyes widened " No" he hissed out and I started to struggle " OHM GET OFF ME" I screamed out struggling I didn't know what he was but I was terrified right now.
" Oh Evan just let it happen" he said staring down at me and for a moment I held my breath trying to think and I guess he took it as whatever he does to me worked because his grip loosened and I pushed him off me and took off " EVAN" he screamed out in an angered tone.
I took off running through the woods hoping to get away from him, I looked behind me then towards the road I entered in and I saw him standing there his eyes were bright red and he looked so mad " EVAN COME HERE" he screamed running at me again, I felt my heart pump hard and I turned taking off deeper into the woods which wasn't a good idea but I had to I don't know what he's going to do.
I kept running as my heart was about to burst through my chest and my lungs hurt to bad I wouldn't be surprised if I was breathing my own blood, I could feel him still behind me and with theses leaves its not going to be easy losing him.
I looked over my shoulder and saw he was still there but when I looked in front of me I tripped and heard his sick laughter echo through the woods, I stood up and felt a pain in my leg and I saw him walking slowly towards me he looked like a predator.
I heard a crack so I looked behind me and saw a blur so I dropped to the ground and when I looked up I saw an oversized wolf snarling at Ohm who hissed at it I was in shock how could all of this be possible how did he... use me how the hell did he blocked my memories I screamed inside my brain watching the two fight.
I saw Ohm thrown the wolf and walk towards me " IM going to make you PAY" he spoke out as I felt everything slow down till he fell on his face and the wolf was biting at Ohms neck, I took this chance and pushed myself to my feet and started running I didn't care where I went I just wanted to get away.
I stopped to catch my breath and check my phone but it was dead and that's when I noticed blood on my hands, I shoved my phone away and looked down seeing blood where Ohm held me down along with my hands, I touched my face and felt blood coming from my mouth and eyes, I looked around still feeling like someone was there so I took off again through the woods.
I wasn't watching where I was going till I hit something hard and I fell to the ground with my eyes shut, I felt my body shaking from fear and then I laid on my back and took a deep breath ready for what's going to happen next if I die then so be it.
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