Page 11 - Mana The Fluffy Dog.
It was late at night again but the good thing is that it the weekend and I don't plan on going home till the sun comes up, I had music playing while I had my sunglasses on, a with t-shirt under my famous red jacket, some black pants and red shoes.
I was deep in thought since I ran into Luke earlier it was weird.
I was walking when I saw something move in the woods, stood still and watched as Luke stumbled out o the woods " Luke you ok" I asked worried and when he saw me his eyes were glowing or so I thought they were, I shook it off and looked back at him his hands were behind his back.
" Yeah I'm fine there was a dead animal so I moved it into the woods" he said bluntly making me raise a brow, I watched him quickly shove his hands in his pockets before I could see them but why " I don't want to walk around and see a dead exploded deer on the road" he said in an angry voice.
I raised my hands " Didn't mean to upset you" I said and he took a deep breath " Sorry I just hate that stuff anyways I better get home it's late and I got work see yeah Evan" he said and walked off leaving me there confused.
I looked in the woods after I was sure we was gone and I didn't see anything but a tree scratched up it made me raise more questions or hell maybe its just me he could have took it in deeper but I didn't feel like looking I wanted to walk.
I was thinking more onto it and I was thinking about going back to look through the woods but I didn't want to seem weird or anything but that was strange, I shurgged and kept walking with music blaring in my ears.
The night was cold with leaves falling off the trees Halloween is next week and luckily this school gives us a few days off so all I have to do is turn my stuff I Monday and I have off till Halloween on Friday which made me upset I like my late night walks but with that going on I'm sure people will be all over the place.
I sighed and sat down on the side of the street, I rested my elbows on my knees and stared at the middle of the road it was weird not many cars were out tonight but hell I'm not complaining someone might see me and stop which would disturb my peace and quiet.
I closed my eyes and leaned my head forward but that was surely disrupted when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look up, I saw Mana sitting beside me pointing at her ears and I knew what she meant.
I pulled my phone out pausing my music and taking my headphones out to listen to her " Why are you in the middle of nowhere" she asked me and I chuckled " Could ask you the same thing" I said and she shook her head.
" Evan you haven't talked to anyone lately im friends with Dailly I hear about you like every damn day so what's wrong with you why are you acting like this" she said with her arms crossed, I groaned tilting my head back " Sass me again and I'll give you a reason to lay your head back" she threatened to hit me.
I leaned forward onto my knees again " I just don't feel myself I prefer to just be alone and it's peaceful at night" I said shrugging my shoulders see she grew mad " E.v.a.n" she stressed my name as I rolled my eyes " Ok I don't know alright I don't feel like myself and I don't care to be around anyone so I don't I just go off alone and at night is the only time I'm not bothered by people till now" I said looking at here in the corner of my eyes.
" I swear if your glaring at me I'll bust your teeth" she warned and I shook my head " When did this all start" she asked and I shrugged " I have no idea I didn't really pay attention" I said because honestly I don't... oh it was after that fight I started being like this.
" Well have you talked to Jon lately" she asked in a more calm tone, I took a deep breath looking down as I shook my head " No we don't talk I tried but he just he wouldn't say anything" I said then looked away from her.
She hummed and stood up " Come on it's late and I'm not leaving you alone there are wild animals out" she said with her hand down, I took it and stood up " Do I have to I'll be fine I do this every night" I said kicking a rock " Every night" she said sounding shocked.
I looked over at her she was shocked but in thought about something " You can't be doing that what if a bear came out of the woods" she said in a harsh tone " Well I would hug it or maybe throw a stick ya that will work they like sticks don't they" I said in a sarcastic tone with a smirk on my face.
" Maybe I should let you get mauled to death" she said exhaling " Your like a bipolar child you know this right" she said looking over at me and I chuckled " Yep but you keep coming back" I said throwing an arm around her shoulders.
" Evan if you don't remove your arm" she growled out and I laughed " Oh look I think I found a bear" I said turning my head towards her smirking " I swear I'm going to kill you I promise you that I will stab you" she said in a harsh tone but I laughed as we kept walking I knew she wasn't going to hurt me and hell seeing her a little frustrated helped me feel better because she's cute when she's like this, she's like a little fluffy dog try to bite you but can't because you have shoes on and it's not big enough to bite your ankle.
Soon enough we made it to my house right as the sun could be seen about to rise " Get in your house and go to bed if I see you outside at all today I will knock you out" she said squirming from under my arm and walked off.
I took a deep breath entering the house knowing Tyler is still asleep so I slowly made my way upstairs and into my bed just staring at the ceiling " Might as well sleep" I mumbled sitting up to strip my clothes off before laying back down to try and sleep.
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