Page 1 - New Day, New School.
" EVAN GET UP" I heard someone yell waking me from my dreams well nightmare I should say, I pulled the blankets over my head but failed once I felt a body laying heavily on me " Get your sat ass off me" I groaned out annoyed.
" At least when I shake this fat ass all the boys come" he snickered out as I took a heavy breath " I swear I'm going to kill you" I warned hearing him laugh " Have to catch me first" he said and I heard him run out of my room.
I ripped the blankets off me and ran downstairs even if I was in only boxers " COME' ER BITCH" I yelled out as I heard him stop running, I soon found him sitting in the kitchen stuffing his face with food " Morning made food" he smiled at me then took a drink.
" Fuck you Tyler" I chuckled out sitting down to eat what he cooked this morning, normally im the one up early to cook but I was to tired from unpacking over the weekend.
It started sometime over a year ago when I was home alone Tyler was staying at my house for two weeks while my parents went away for a business trip it was to take no more than a week, one night after school I got a call when we were playing Gmod, it was the head of police he was a close friend he told me my parents have died but they could not find their bodies all they found was a lot of blood and their belongings.
I was broken and cried to Tyler all night soon after that his parents took me in and I lived with him till now, I wanted to come here in hopes of finding answers about my parents and luckily Tyler's parents agreed to it and to help us get started after our 18th birthday.
Today is the first day of school and I'm not excited about it but I have to finish school.
" Go get dressed unless you want to go looking like that" Tyler chuckled grabbing the truck keys and walking to the front door while I rushed upstairs to get dressed, as I was changing I heard Tyler singing outside with the music blaring.
God our neighbors are going to hate us.
" Click Click BOOM, Im comin' down on the stereo, hear me on the radio, Click Click Boom" Tyler yelled outside, I just shook my head he can go from the girlest shit to the that kinda of music in a matter of seconds I don't understand him sometimes.
I walked out the front door to see him standing with one foot on the truck and headbanging while playing air guitar, he looked over at me and smirked before dropping to his knees while bending backwards acting like he was at an actually show.
I got in the truck and soon the song ended and he got in " Tyler who's dick did you suck your knees are dirty" I said with a smirk as he looked over and winked at me I just chuckled and looked out the window watching the people pass.
Tyler was blaring music which I'm sure anyone could hear two blocks away, Limp bizkit was playing and everytime the car horn came on the song he honked as well, I looked over at him with a raised brow " Tell me what you're gonna do now" Tyler said in a weird voice making me smirk at him, he seems to be in one hell of a mood today.
Soon our gaming session was cut short by everyone in the school parking lot staring at the truck, Tyler turned the music down and looked over at me placing a hand on my shoulder " It's going to be ok you'll make it here" Tyler said handing me my sunglasses he knew my insecurities over my eyes and he helped me with it, he didn't force me to show anyone hell he almost got kicked out of school for trying to fight the principle over me wearing sunglasses.
As we got out of the truck people stared at us and started to whisper it made me nervous so I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked next to Tyler who just winked at anyone staring male or female he didn't care he's cocky I'll give him that but I am as well once I calm down, he just is more open with it.
We walked into the office and a smaller male turned around " Hello can I help you" the guy said his voice was very warm and comforting " Yes were new here first day actually" Tyler said leaning on the counter smirking.
" So you guys are the new kids there has been a lot of talk since this is a small town well large for outsiders but for us everyone knows everyone so it seems small" the guys chuckled to himself as he turned around and handed us our papers.
" You guys need someone to help you find each room" the guy asked with a raised brow, I gave Tyler a small head shake telling him not to do it but once I saw that small smile I knew I'm going to stab him to death when we get home " Yes we would please" Tyler said as the guy nodded and went to the phone.
Soon two guys walked in " Sup Brocky" the one guy teased with a smile " Tom will you show Evan around to his classes and Cody will you show Tyler around" Brock said pointing to each of us " No problem sweetheart" this Tom guy said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the office.
I gave Tyler a glare I knew he couldn't see but he knew " So Your Evan, im Tom lets see that schedule" he said with a chuckle and hand out to the side, I placed it in his hand and he scanned over it " Well you have two classes with me and hey in case your wondering yes you can wear hats, hoodies or in your case sunglasses I can see your nervous but don't worry about it" Tom said as he practically skipped down the hall with people staring.
At least I can keep them on.
I followed beside him as he took me to each room " Oh and before you freak out there are people in this school who have unnatural eye colors like your..." He paused looking at me to finish " Brother" I said in a low voice as he nodded.
" Ok well your brothers not the only one with unique eyes there are many of us who don't have normal traits" he said making me raise an eyebrow getting a chuckle " Well some people have eyes or hair or skin color I mean there are many different things here this one time there was a girl who would turn red when she was mad in this time it's not rare for people to have special genes but I know some places it's worse for those people since there's not a lot" Tom said as we walked past my last class.
I always heard of some unique people but not so many in one place maybe this school will be different.
Once we got done walking around the bell rang and I walked to my first class Tom said he would be waiting after it to show me to the next.
I walked in and saw Tyler sitting on the back so I walked over to him and sat beside him " Evan you don't have to wear those I've been getting compliments by so many people on my eyes I even seen a girl who looked like her eyes were on fire it was fucking awesome I wanted to touch them but I didn't want attacked by a preppy bitch" Tyler chuckled out looking to his other side at the guy named Cody.
" I want to keep them on" I said blankly staring at my desk playing with my pencil I heard Tyler and Cody talking they seemed to be getting along already it takes me more time to be that friendly, a bunch of people walked in and wouldn't you figure all the chicks were staring towards us and whispering.
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