-Chapter 2-
My knee bounced impatiently as the minutes passed by. I was anxious to get this so-called meeting over with. Whatever job proposal he had for me, I knew it wouldn't end well for me, yet I hadn't to go anyways because I'd rather not face the consequences of denying him. My eyes glanced over at my digital clock and saw the time read eleven thirty one. Not wanting to wait another second, I stood up and grabbed my signature mask, hastily, and stepped outside.
The smell of wet grass hit my nose causing me to cringe at the memory of the pouring rain. Overall, the smell made me disgusted but I kept moving nonetheless. Since a man walking around with a mask on at eleven thirty at night is extremely suspicious, I decided to maneuver in the shadows like I normally do. My steps were quiet and my breathing was low so I would be completely hidden in darkness.
Halfway to my destination I heard a rustling coming from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and got lower to the ground. I searched around for a rabbit or other small animal that could've caused the noise, but saw nothing. Nothing but a small figure moving in my general direction in the distance.
Out of habit I moved depper into the surrounding shadows and moved a bit faster. As the library came into view I turned around and noticed the person who was once behind me was now gone. A skeptical feeling crept up my spine but I ignored it, knowing I was just overthinking like I usually do.
Before I moved to the back of the library I pulled out my phone and clicked the power button. The bright screen lit up showing me it would be midnight in seven minutes. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the lock screen I had set. I forgot I set the picture of him and I as my lock screen, since I didn't use my phone much. A shaky breath left my mouth as I clicked the power button again, turning my phone off.
I need to see him again sometime.
Without another thought I went behind the library. It was dark and still. No one was here yet so I had time to search around for any sort of weapon. A few bricks layed about seven feet away from where I was and a rusty pipe layed only about five feet away from me. Knowing I had some sort of defense around was always a good thing since anything could go wrong in this situation.
Just then I heard footsteps approaching. I could hear the rhythmic pattern of two feet moving in my direction, meaning he was alone. That lifted some weight of my shoulders but I knew people could be watching for above or he could be wearing a wire. The footsteps were closer now and I shifted my body towards the direction they were coming from. My eyes widened in confusion as an Asian man appeared from around the corner.
"Delirious," he spoke.
I realized by his voice that it was Vanoss, the one who wanted me here, but I was now confused as to why he showed me his face.
"I can tell you're confused as to why I'm not wearing my mask. Well if you really want to know, it's because I want to establish trust with you."
I knew that wasn't the whole reason so I called him out, "What's the other reason?"
He smirked, "Ah, there's the wise man I know," Vanoss moved toward me. "I also wanted you to see my face because now you can't say no to my offer. I'm not going to let someone see my face and not work with me."
I chuckled, "Well, I gotta admit, that's a smart move."
He smiled and changed the topic, "So now on to business. Well, I do have a this long explanation and plan for you, but I'll keep it short. I want you to join my gang."
I raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn't see it, "And why's that?"
"Like I wrote on the note, I've been watching and learned a lot about your skill set. I think with your experience, you'd be a perfect member."
"I work alone and don't socialize," I stated bitterly.
"Yes, I know, but you don't have to interact with anyone. You can stay at our base, have your own separate space, and we won't bother you unless we need you for a mission. It's as simple as that," he spoke confidently.
I was going to be forced to join anyway, so I tried to get more out of the deal, "Hm, interesting offer but it'll take more than that for me to join."
Vanoss was now only a few inches away from me, "Depends. What do you want?"
The sudden change in his voice and glimmer in his eyes made me shiver, "I want access to all information you have available and for only you to have access to my room."
"Oh, so you want me in your room?" he smirked.
I blushed slightly, "No, I don't want anyone else invading my privacy." Vanoss now had a triumphant smirk plastered to his face but I ignored it.
"Alright, it's a deal."
He reached his hand out and I shook it. His grip was firm and strong. What the fuck I had gotten into, I wasn't sure, but it was gonna be one hell of a ride.
The next day was different from my normal routine. Last night when I had returned home, I started packing up my things. Vanoss requested, more so demanded, that I move into his base as quickly as possible. I really didn't have much and I didn't need to take any of my furniture, so all I packed was a large suitcase full of items. I also had a small bag with my books and sketch pads in it since they didn't fit with the rest of my things.
I looked around the now bare space and was slightly regretting my decision. Sure, it was good to have a change of pace but I didn't want to work with a whole bunch of maniacal strangers. There was no going back now so I slowly accepted my decision and rubbed my face out of frustration.
As my hands dropped to my sides, a car honked outside. I peeked through my blinds and saw Vanoss outside standing by his car, waiting for me. The windows were tinted so I couldn't tell if there were more people in the vehicle. Just to be safe I put on my mask and then grabbed my things.
I grabbed the cold doorknob and pushed the door open and the quickly shut it behind me. I quickly made my way to Vanoss who smiled at me instead of greeting me. He took my suitcase and went to reach for my smaller bag but I pulled it away slightly. His eyebrow raised at my refusal to hand over my bag but he didn't say anything about it.
He opened the door to the back seats and set my suitcase across the seat. Once it was in the car, he shut the door and a bead of sweat dropped down his forehead.
"How are you not hot in that?" he asked gesturing to my blue hoodie.
"I'm just not."
Vanoss huffed, "It's, what, ninety five degrees out here and you're not hot in a hoodie and jeans?"
I was getting impatient, "Yeah, now can we go?"
He shook is head in disbelief and moved over to the other side of the car. I opened the door to the passenger seat and sat on the black leather seats. Vanoss mumbled something about how hot the car is while starting the car up. I turned my head to him slightly as he blasted warm air through the vents.
"It'll get cold in a minute," he explained, reassuringly.
I simply nodded as he put the car into drive and went down the road. The familiar houses zoomed by in a blur as we drove past them. He was obviously going over the speed limit but not by too much.
"How long is the drive?" I asked.
"Uh, only about ten minutes. It's really not too far," he replied.
I hummed as a response but decided to ask another question, "So I take it you've seen my face from stalking me for so long."
"I think of it as observing," I could hear the smirk in his voice. "But to answer your question, yes, I have."
I fumbled with my hands for a moment, debating whether or not I should take off my mask. It wouldn't be too big of a deal but I worried that he had a camera or something in his car. The thought was foolish, really, but I learned the hard way to be cautious.
"There's no cameras or anything in here, right?"
He genuinely laughed, "Of course not! Imagine if one of my enemies got ahold of my car and found footage of my face. That'd end in a shit storm."
I relaxed slightly and took off my mask. My field of vision widened and I saw Vanoss glance at me for a split second. I turned my head toward my window and watched as the world flew past me. In the moment I felt free, like nothing bad was going to happen and I was actually okay. It was a surreal feeling that I wanted to hold onto, but it slipped out of my fingertips before I could try and keep it.
After sitting in complete, comfortable silence I saw a mansion-sized house come into view. I looked around at the surrounding houses that were slightly smaller, and seemingly empty, in shock. I'd never seen big, luxury houses up close before, and they were mesmerizing to say the least.
"The house you've been eyeing is our base, in case you didn't realize it."
I turned to him in disbelief, "This is your so-called secret base?! It's fucking huge!"
He pulled into the driveway and turned to me causing our gazes to connect for a second, "Exactly. No one would expect it."
I combed my hair back with my fingers and put my mask back on, "You got that right."
Vanoss smiled like a proud kid and got out of the car. My nerves slowly built up in my chest but I pushed them back down. I can't let these people think I'm vulnerable and weak. So I grabbed my small bag and exited the car. Once the car door was shut I turned and noticed Vanoss already with my suitcase.
"Ready?" he asked.
I simply nodded and followed him to the front door. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a keychain. After a moment of fumbling to get the one, he found it and opened the door. I expected it to be completely silent but instead heard many male voices talking quite loudly.
Without hesitation Vanoss walked in and motioned me to follow him with his free hand. The people seemed to be oblivious to the fact that Vanoss and I had just walked into their home. I wondered if they saw his car outside or something but I just really didn't know. The security here was already starting to worry me.
We walked a tiny bit farther into the house and I saw a reasonably big group of people talking in what seemed to be the living room. All the heads in the room turned to us and I straightened my posture out of habit.
"Who the hell is this and why didn't you tell us someone was coming?" a very tall male spoke.
"Calm down, Tyler, he's joining our gang," Vanoss spoke very defensively.
"Seriously? How do you trust him that much already to let him see our faces and know our real names, Evan?!"
The anger in the room was rising but for some reason I could only focus on the fact that Vanoss' real name is Evan.
"Because I know him," his voice lowered slightly.
"Well we don't, so why doesn't he take off that little mask and share who is with us."
The room went deadly silent and all eyes were on me now. I couldn't take off the mask even though a part of me told me I had to. The other, louder, part of me was reminding me of why I couldn't. I hate that part of me.
"He's not doing anything so he obviously isn't trustworthy. Why would you allow him to join our gang?" Tyler remarked and I already didn't like him.
"Listen, why don't we just do introductions, okay? And Tyler," his voice got stricter, "don't you ever, question me again."
The room was quiet again before someone spoke up, "Well if we're doing introductions, then hi. I'm Craig aka Mini," I turned and saw a guy with brown eyes and glasses, who was taller than most of the guys which made his name very ironic.
Everyone else introduced themselves and their code names which were fairly easily to remember. Knowing and remembering names was one of the special talents I had but wasn't sure as to why. Evan told the guys my code name only which I knew got on Tyler's nerves, but he didn't speak up.
"Where's Lui?" Evan asked after the introductions.
"Upstairs pulling his hair out tryin' to get more facts on the drug deal," David spoke.
"Seriously does that kid ever quit? Well will you go get him real quick?"
He nodded and headed up the staircase that was behind me. Everyone stared at me once more, trying to figure me out like a puzzle. Instead of shying away and nervously fidgeting, I stared them all straight back in the eyes. The fear that quickly struck their body was humorous and made me smirk.
"Yo, David told me there's a new guy." A familiar voice came from behind me.
I turned around and saw the same man I had met at the library. Pure dread pounded in my brain. I knew I'd have to say something to him privately before he heard my voice and blurted out that he had met me before to everyone.
"Oh, so there really is. I honestly thought he was lyin' to my face," Lui smiled excitedly. "I'm Lui, and you are?"
Evan spoke for me, "This is Delirious."
"He doesn't talk much, does he?" David blurted out.
"He talks to me a lot. Even takes off his mask in front of me."
"Wait seriously?! You've seen his face, know his real name, have heard him speak and yet we don't get to?" Brian complained.
"Yeah," Evan replied.
"That's some bullshit," Marcel added.
"Guys, Delirious will warm up to us eventually. Give him space," Brock reassured everyone and I knew that he was trustworthy.
"Okay, now that that's all settled let's bring your stuff to your new room Delirious," Evan picked up the suitcase and walked up the stairs.
I followed him close behind and felt the stares on the back of my head. Low whispers filled the room as we got further up the stairs. It wasn't until I reached the top of the staircase that I knew one thing for certain. It wouldn't feel peaceful here for awhile.
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