Please. Just Paradise.
I didn't notice but I was back in human form. That's how they reconized me. "Leave me alone." I said quietly.
???: "No. Because thats what you are, a push over."
"Leave her alone!" He hugged me tighter. I could sence anger in his tone. "Their right.." I whispered. "No their not Shadow! You stood up to me.. a demon only 1% of people can do that." He said looking down at me. I still avoided his glance. "Hang on. Why are you even up here? On this mountain. In the forest?" I asked looking up. "Because. I am not one of your fellow classmates, its Lethal." Lethal said revealing her true figure. "Shadow we need to get out of here!" He said. "Alright." I said and then transformed into my wolf and my wings spread out ready to take to the sky, but I was alreay flying. I saw something. And blacked out. I was falling.
Natemare caught me in his arms and then teleported back to the tree. "Shadow!? What happend. Oh gosh.." He started whispering very fast like. I woke up. I sat up and hugged him and he fell backwards as he was suprised. He caught me while falling backwards.
"Well this is akward." I said a little quiet. I got up and sat down by the tree and he got up and did the same. "What happend?" He asked me. I couldn't actually tell him what happend. "I-I don't know." I said loud enough for him to hear. "N-Nate mare, I have to go to school its morning." I pointed to the sky. "Okay." He said. I walked away getting my backpack out, from behind the tree and started walking, then jogging, and then running.
It was class 2: Computers and Technology. The music started playing and I held my ears. "Looks like Shadow doesn't like my music!" The teacher said to me which made everyone laugh. I sat across from a kid, named Nathan or Nate. He wasn't Natewantstobattle or Natemare, it was just a quicidence. "No I don't! You humans are trying to brainwash me!" A song I actually liked that didn't brainwash me came on. It was my Immortal by Evaneces. "I am so tired of being here!" I sang along and stood up and went to the middle of the classroom. Everyone was looking at me at that point. "Suppressed by all of my childish feers.." I sang. The kids started laughing again. I had tears in my eyes. I ran out of the classroom, but I noticed someone was chasing me on my tail.
"I'll go after her Mrs, (teachers name)." Nate said. "Go do that." She said sternly. He ran out of the classroom and began to chase me.
"SHADOW WAIT!" His footsteps began to get closer, but I was faster. Even if I didn't take track and field like him. The halls were empty, so were the classrooms. I felt like I was running down a endless hallway. I then saw a turn and sharply turned it. "Shadow! Shadow! I have to talk to you!!" He said still running. I didn't really know him, nor did he know me. I was backed into a corner. I tried to back up but wall was all that surrounded me.
He then walked and stopped keeping a distance from me. "Nate! Why are you chasing me! No one likes me in this school! All of my actual friends got out of this prison long ago." I said holding up my arms in an X position as if he were trying to hurt me. "Shadow.. Are you being bullied?" He asked. "Just leave. No one cares. And guess what, your no different." I said looking him in the eye. "I am different. Even though I don't know you that well, and you probably just think I am one of the popular kids I really am not. I do care. I just never said anything. You have to come back with me to the class Shadow." He said. "I-I can't face you, human." I tried to run past him but he grabbed my shirt and tackled me to the ground. "I am just a human to you? Wow. I might as well just punch you." He said and I was really shocked. "Nate! Snap out of it!! I never would of thought you were like this." I said looking up at him. "Well I am. So deal with it!" He said. I then got out of his grasp and swiftly backed away from him. He then swiftly held out a hand and tried to punch me but before he could I yelled. "NATEMARE!!! HELLPPP! I CAN'T FACE THE HUMAN!" And then he appeared in front of me grabbed me and teleported out to the tree.
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