Guardian Angel... with a knife Chapter 2
I wait for the bus with my twin Stars it's cold. I look at Ryan eyes narrowed he's usually more talkative
"what gotten into you? did anything happen when I was asleep?" I ask him leaning closer
"um no no nothing happened just-just a normal morning..." he trailed off looking nervous
the bus arrives and I drop it. we both get in the bus and sit down in our seats mine next to a person by the window seat. I see them around often, on the bus, at school sometimes the bus stop they have big black raven wings and are beauti- I mean their very pretty... maybe I should talk to them
"hey." I say
their head turns towards me and looks me up and down then uses one of their hands to push back some of their bangs and I see totally black eyes.
"you shouldn't be able to see me."
"I see a lot, anyway are those contacts? can I touch your wings?" I ask
"sorry. so what are you my Guardian angel or something?" I ask jokingly
"well kinda but different."
"aces! okay I meant that as a joke but okay. okay. okay."
"are you o-"
"I'M FINE - I might be going crazy - BUT FINE!" I yell they turn their whole body towards me
"well if your crazy then I'm crazy and we can be crazy together." they reply
"wait wait wait does everyone have a Guardian angel?"
"then what makes you different? are you like a Guardian Demon or something?"
"well 'demon' is a tough word-" they starts
"oh God I was joking again" I mutter
"I prefer the term Guardian angel... with a knife." they finish like I never interrupted and pull out a cruel looking box knife flashing me a smile with large sharp teeth all over their mouth
"wow." I say
"what?" they ask
"your. teeth."
"may I?" I lift my hands
they open their mouth though they look at little awkward and I don't blame them honestly. I poke one of their teeth and my finger starts bleeding, very sharp indeed. I stick my finger in my mouth. (INDIRECT KISS BISH)
"I'm so sorry are you okay?" they ask obviously panicked
"nah your fine it was my fault." I respond "your teeth are very sharp... oh I'm stupid. What's your name mine's Keightlan."
"ummmmm uh it was -was uh Wally but- I kinda grew out of- yknow"
"no I don't know. hm... how about Shadow?" they look happier "oh and pronouns I don't want to be rude."
"he/him, t-t-thanks for -for the name I like it."
"my pleasure." something cold was sitting in my lap and I look down to see a skeleton cat purring in my lap and I laugh picking it up " is this yours? how is it purring? what's it's name? " I ask holding it up still purring.
"wow a million questions? she seems to like you, she's cap'n' skully. started to randomly follow me around last year, I still haven't figured out how she purrs though." He picked her up off my lap "what did I tell you about harassing random people?" she lightly batted at his bangs and he sighed putting her back in my lap.
"it's okay..." I can't hold it in anymore and Burst out laughing "you... named... yourcat... cap'n' skully???" I ask between laughs
"HEY!" he exclaims "it's a perfectly good name thank you very much" he says crossing his arms and pouting
"you big baby. stop whining, I love the name, it's funny, I love the name cap'n' skully." he shoots me at glare then pets cap'n' skully the head "stop sulking."
"fine" he unfolds his arms. I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same.
"are you two six?" asks my brother leaning over the seat then another face I don't recognize pops up.
"nah I think this is a tongue rolling competition." says the mysterious person
"don't-" my brother starts but is cut off by the the person reaching into his mouth, pulling out a tongue, and throwing it in between me and Shadow.
"that. is. disgusting." I say
"right." says Ryan. Shadow picks it up then drops it back down on seat with a slap and I gag.
"it has stuffing in it. why?" he asks looking at the person
"oh um uh well-" my brother is cut off by the person grabbing the tongue and shoving it back into their mouth.
"I'm his Teddy bear" they pause and point at me "you should know me, Teddy? That's me yeah he wished me to be alive and it happened so I'm a human... kinda I have stuffing instead of blood and I can do this" they take off their hand "without. hurting. myself. though it still does damage. so anyway here I am." they finish putting their hand back in their wrist and grabs thread & needle sewing it back on looking very unalarmed by this situation. yeah I know Teddy he's the Teddy bear that Ryan got when he was three, I think of all the times I've watched Ryan snuggle Teddy or tell Teddy he loved him. I almost laugh out loud.
"so so do you have all the memories, like every single one?" I ask he grins evilly at me and rests his head on his folded arms.
"every single one." he replies
"HEY!" says Ryan that's when I notice people are giving us weird looks so I tap Ryan's shoulder and we barely get time to look around at the stopped bus when the school bully stands up.
"so the twins and their new friend finally went insane, I hope you three have a terrible rest of your day." he says standing in front of us now. I sigh not this ag-HoLyShIt. nO. tEdDy No. I and the whole bus watches in horror as Teddy rips out his arm and starts hitting Sam with it.
"yOU THOUGHT THAT THAT WAS FUNNY HUH? HUH? 1. IT IS NOT FUNNY TO MAKE J O K E S ABOUT BEING INSANE AND 2. DON'T. MESS. WITH. MY. FRIENDS." he keeps yelling as Ryan drags him back, I grab Shadow, Teddy, and Ryan then scramble out of the bus so no one does anything else stupid.
"what.was.that." I ask no on in particular only to turn around and see that in the chaos cap'n' skully has curled up on Shadow's head and is sleeping soundly God I wish I was a cat sometimes.
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